Douluo: My Zanpakuto

Chapter 45 New occupation: wet nurse!

After a good day's rest, Yang Fan carefully studied Senbonzakura's swastika. There are three moves in Senbonzakura's swastika.

Look at the scene.All of Senbonzakura's hundreds of millions of blades are condensed into a ball, and after surrounding the enemy, they attack from all directions.

annihilate scene.A fighting method that abandons defense and only kills the enemy.Senbonzakura's true posture forms a thousand blades, and the array of thousands of blades will not attack the opponent all at once. This scene of annihilation must be seen by those who Yang Fan decides to kill with his own hands. The scene of annihilation can be seen. It is a move that condenses the scattered blades into the form of a sword and obtains explosive killing power.

Final scene.White Emperor Sword!The super gorgeous posture, pouring all the power into the sword, is the ultimate solution of Senbonzakura Kagegan.The appearance is somewhat like a bird with spread wings.This is when Senbonzakura releases her most powerful move.

Yang Fan had already used it, but unfortunately he didn't have enough spiritual power and could only last for more than three minutes. Can Jing might not be able to hold on for more than a few seconds. With his spiritual power, Zhong Jing could drain him even if he kept the Sakura Gathering.

The rules may be different in this world. Senbonzakura belongs to the soul ring skill, Senbonzakura Swastika, and thousands of huge blades turn into cherry blossoms. Even without the Swastika skill, the cherry blossoms attack at will and fall, and Yang Fan can only last 10 minutes.

But it's enough. Within 3 minutes, Hang Jing's attack power has reached the soul emperor level. If he persists, Liu Erlong may not be able to defeat Hang Jing even if he doesn't transform!

When he got up the next day, Yang Fan found Yin Shu. Yin Shu was the director of the college and rarely attended classes. He took Yang Fan to walk around Lanba College and finally led him to the building where the exam was used that day. Yang Fan I found that there were workers constructing and building houses here.

"Hey? Yin Shu, what are they doing? Is the college going to add a new building? It doesn't look big~" Yang Fan looked at the half-built building in front of him. It seemed to be a house, or a round house. , with a diameter of 50 meters, is not very big. It was blocked around, and a sign was erected that read, "Nurt Nurse Teaching Building."

"Wait! The nanny's teaching building!!!" Yang Fan's voice suddenly rose and he shouted towards the audio book.

"Haha, be happy! Yesterday, the dean personally told you to build a separate teaching building for you. This is unique in our college. I really envy you. You have received the attention of the dean when you first came!" Yin Shu patted enviously. He touched Yang Fan's shoulder and said, as if Yang Fan had received some huge benefit.

Generation gap!Absolute generation gap!This gap separates two universes!Yang Fan was speechless for a while, "You like it? How about we switch!" Yang Fan said dejectedly.

"That won't work. The dean has told you that from now on, this teaching building will only belong to you. Anyone who dares to take it will not be able to use it. It's okay. Don't feel pressure. Although the dean has not assigned you a teaching task, you will still be able to teach. I am quite experienced as a student, so if you don’t understand anything, you can ask me, haha.” The audiophile raised his eyebrows at Yang Fan as if he understood.


You are so strange!Yang Fan roared in his heart, do you know what a wet nurse is?You just want to teach me!Teacher Yin Shu, you are so filthy!

Yang Fan looked at the teacher's building under construction again, and his mind automatically added what it would look like when it was completed...

"Isn't this just a! Breast!" Yang Fan went berserk again, and the master's wife was really surprised that she dared to build such a perverted building. Isn't she afraid of teaching her little friend a bad lesson?I regret it, I really shouldn’t have said these two words!You shouldn't even have to explain it to her! 55555~

"Yes, it's the wet nurse's teaching building. What's wrong with you, Yang Fan?" Yin Shu looked curiously at Yang Fan, who kept changing his expression. Could this child be suffering from some disease? Could it be contagious?No, I have to retreat quickly.

"I'm leaving first, Teacher Yang Fan. The dean said that your clothes need to be made separately and will be delivered tomorrow. Your work will not be assigned to you until the nanny's teaching building is completed. Goodbye." After the message was finished, With a "swish", he disappeared from Yang Fan's eyes.


There was no other way, Yang Fan could only run to Liu Erlong's territory angrily, ready to fight with her.


Yang Fan quickly approached the forest, and before he reached the big tree with the words "The most important place of the academy, please enter unless you are invited", he heard a faint singing voice coming from the front.

The singing is euphemistic and beautiful, with lingering grievances, like weeping and complaining, which makes people feel sad.The melody turns back and forth, and it is extremely soft and beautiful.

"It's hard to fall asleep at night, what can be anesthetized.

There are too many emotions, how can I face them.

It's not that I don't want you to accompany me, there are some things you can't understand.

Let go of your defenses and follow alone.

I want a space of my own.

Can think about the tomorrow between us.

If love is not as sweet as we imagined.

Then let me recite all the most.

My mind is too messed up to have some blank space.

If you understand, let me leave temporarily.

My heart is too messed up to be greedy for more love.

I wanted to cry but I couldn't do it no matter how hard I cried. "


Isn’t this “my heart is too messed up”?Third Young Master, Third Young Master, I didn’t expect that I could hear the music of the 21st century in Douluo Continent!Old man!There was nothing wrong with you back then!

"Master's wife has a voice like no other! It's so beautiful!" Yang Fan sighed with emotion, then smiled and walked quickly inside, while using his spiritual power to slightly expand his voice, he sang.

"My heart is too confused and I need some blank space.

Did God forget to arrange for me.

My heart is too chaotic and afraid of love's betrayal.

I want to cry like a lost child.

Lost child~"

"Shua~" Liu Erlong appeared in front of Yang Fan.

"How can you sing this song!" Liu Erlong said in surprise. He immediately thought that Yang Fan was a deadbeat. His face changed and he said scolding: "Kid! Are you secretly observing me? I tell you, I'm old enough to be your mother, so put away your dirty thoughts!"

"Uh..." Yang Fan was choked and speechless.

"You have such strength, it is talent and luck. Don't think about it every day, and don't slack off, you know!" the dean taught again.

"……"who I am?where am I?What am I here to do?

Yang Fan shook his head, looked up at Liu Erlong's mature and attractive face and became angry, "Humph!" Yang Fan immediately remembered his purpose.

"What this and that! Dean! Why did you send someone to build a strange building for me! I told you I don't want to be a wet nurse! Do you understand! I don't want to be a wet nurse!" Yang Fan immediately became fierce when he remembered his purpose. He shouted back.

"Huh? Hahahahaha!" When Liu Erlong, who was educating Yang Fan, heard Yang Fan's words, he immediately forgot about the fact that Yang Fan seemed to be peeping at her, and laughed so hard that he burst into tears!

"Don't laugh! Don't laugh!" Liu Erlong ignored Yang Fan and laughed to himself. Yang Fan could only glare at Liu Erlong angrily.

1 minutes later...

"Hahaha! I just came up with this after thinking about it all night. The shape of this building is a perfect match for the wet nurse you mentioned! I have decided that from now on, it will be your exclusive office and teaching building. You only need to be responsible for the daily feeding. Compete in practical classes, compete with injured students, and do whatever you like the rest of the time. With this kind of treatment, there is no one else in my school except you, haha, no need to thank me!" Liu Erlong, who had laughed enough, said seriously, If Yang Fan hadn't seen the smile in the corner of Liu Erlong's eyes, he might have actually believed her!

"But my teaching skills are still very strong! Why do you want me to be a wet nurse!" Yang Fan said fiercely.

"Huh? The teaching level is very strong? You are talented. With such strength, you should not have time to learn these teaching knowledge that are useless to you. Have you ever been a teacher? Or is your teacher just very rich?" Liu Erlong seemed to I smelled something.

"..." You are awesome, but I won't answer your question.

"What's so difficult about teaching? Besides, can't I ask other teachers for advice? Are you thinking about it~" Yang Fan's momentum suddenly weakened.

"No! This position is more suitable for you. There is a shortage of quick-healing soul masters in the academy, so don't think about it anymore!" Liu Erlong glanced at Yang Fan disdainfully, wondering if he was Yu Xiaogang's disciple.Forget it, there will be plenty of opportunities for testing in the future.


"I won't accept refutation. Okay, you can go. I'm tired." Liu Erlong said as he was about to see the guest off.Yang Fan had no choice but to fight. She was still the master's wife in the future, and she had just helped him kill a ten thousand year soul beast.Hey~

"By the way, I will announce it. From now on, your professional title will be called wet nurse!" As he said this, Liu Erlong dodged and disappeared from Yang Fan's eyes. Liu Erlong's laughter could be heard in the distance.

"Hmph! Why don't you breastfeed!" Yang Fan angrily left Lanba Academy.See more!Prestige official account: hhxs665

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