I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 234: Wow, the red envelope is broken.

Just when Tian Boguang was about to learn the kite-flying tactics of Fire Cloud Evil God, Lu Yu casually silenced Fire Cloud Evil God.

I hate people who run away after showing off halfway. Just like at the starting point, when I saw the climax, the author ran into the palace and served Lafayette as a eunuch. The feeling cannot be described in words. .

So he was banned for three months as punishment. If Huoyun Evil God dared to show off and run away in the middle of showing off again, he would just find someone to kill him.

After punishing the Fire Cloud Evil God, Lu Yu was thinking about how to get Teacher Saitama out.

Group teleportation is a one-way ticket if no one responds. Just look at the King of Demons, Sun Wukong. He has been here for several months and has never been back home once.

If no one clicks on the red envelope after making yourself, it will be even worse. You will be locked in the red envelope and cannot get out. This is known by looking at the King of Demons, Sun Wukong.

"Qiyu, are you still there?" Lu Yu said in the group.

"I'm here."

"I have some sad news for you. Fire Cloud Evil God failed to show off and ran away. What are your plans?" Although Lu Yu said he was sad, there was no sadness on his face when he spoke. He even wanted to smile.

He has long had the idea of ​​dragging Saitama into the Marvel Universe. Although he doesn't know Saitama's strength, judging from the fact that no one in their universe can block Saitama's punch, it is at least a single universe level.

In the Marvel Universe, he should be able to fight with Dormammu and pull him over. Lu Yu wouldn't say he would dominate the Marvel Universe, but he would still have no problem learning how to move a crab.

Originally, Lu Yu was still thinking about how to trick Saitama into coming over, but now it's okay, there's no need to trick him anymore, he will come even if he doesn't come.

However, even though I was feeling excited, I still felt like I was being deceived. No, I still had to go through the proper process.

Saitama, who "planned" to stay in a small space, was stunned, "Can I go back?"

"Hello, I can't."

When Yue Buqun walked to the foot of Huashan Mountain and peeked at the screen, he heard these words. His sad mood disappeared immediately. Fortunately, he didn't turn himself into a red envelope and send it to him. Otherwise, he would be the person named Qiyu now. 's end.

Saitama, who was wearing a cloak, looked at the empty surroundings with a blank expression.

Can not

He can't go back

I will never be able to buy discounted food from the supermarket again. I will never be able to find a weirdo who can make me punch. I will never be able to sleep in a comfortable bed again.

Thinking of this, he punched the ground hard.


The next moment, people who were peeking at the screen in the Wanjie chat group found a clicking sound coming from the group, and then a scene that surprised them happened.

A small crack appeared in the red envelope in the group. The crack began to slowly expand until it expanded to the entire red envelope. Finally, with a bang, the red envelope shattered.


The red envelope was broken

Are you kidding me? This is a red envelope sent by the teleportation plug-in created by Big Big Wolf, one of the top three scientists in the infinite multiverse. It was actually smashed to pieces by your Saitama punch.

Lu Yu suddenly felt that the style of painting in this world was not in movies, but in painting.

Otherwise, why would the transmission plug-in be like this?

It is said that the products produced by Big Big Wolf must be high-quality.

Wait, if you smash the red envelope, it won't affect the teleportation plug-in.

Lu Yu thought of this possibility and immediately hurriedly clicked on the teleport function. He breathed a sigh of relief when he found that everything was fine.

If the teleportation plug-in was damaged, he would have to kill him, so he didn't care about Saitama.

No one knows whether Saitama's strength is at the lowest single-universe level, but the highest.

Because in the world of One Punch Man, Saitama has never shown the upper limit of his strength, so he doesn't know where the upper limit of Saitama's strength is.

It's like an exam.

The reason why the poor students get 60 points on the test is because they can only get 60 points on the test, while the reason why the top students get 100 points on the test is because the test paper only has 100 points.

Saitama is the top student.

The reason why he is at the single universe level is because the upper limit of that universe is the single universe. After he reaches the multiverse, he may explode into a multiverse level powerhouse.

Comparing himself to such a person, he is not crazy yet.

After a while, Saitama asked doubtfully in the group, "Does any of you know where I am now?"

After breaking the ground, Saitama suddenly found himself in an unknown forest.

There are tall trees everywhere in this forest, but this is not the point. The point is why there are so many mosquitoes in this forest.

As a person who is always looking for someone to give him a second punch, he is not afraid of mosquitoes.

Where will people be after the red envelope is broken? This is a question worth pondering. It is strange that Lu Yu decided to form a think tank to discuss this issue.

"Can you take pictures of your surroundings and send them to the group?" Lu Yu said in the group.


Soon, Saitama posted a short video in the group.

Lu Yu clicked on the short video and found that Saitama was in a huge forest. The trees in the forest were very lush, just like a virgin forest.

"Death Forest." Orochimaru, who had been diving for a long time, jumped out of the group. "The forest you are in is called the Death Forest. I am very familiar with it."

How could he not be familiar with it? He is preparing to cause trouble in this forest right now.

"Do you want me to come to you?" As a scientific researcher, Orochimaru was very curious about the Bankai chat group. He had tried various methods before, including but not limited to taking out his own brain and using various powerful illusions to attack Bankai. He checked the chat groups, but was unable to contact the Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group. Now that he had the opportunity to contact the Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group, he was very interested even if he was just a member of the group.

"Okay." Someone came to see him, and Saitama immediately agreed.

Saitama and Orochimaru got mixed up.

A moment of silence for the three generations.

After all, Naruto is his youth.

Although youth is intermittent and he has never followed the show, he still remembers the often shy Hinata Hinata in Konoha, the rather Chinese-style Tenten, the calm and beautiful Shizune, and the fire-like Uzumaki Kushin Nay, that Tsunade with the big and sinister breasts, and the sexy Terumi Mei.

Wait, Terumi Mei doesn't seem to be from Konoha.

But no matter, let’s pay a moment of silence to respect.

Originally, Konoha Village was very powerful and ranked number one in the ninja world. Even the current Akatsuki organization may not be able to destroy Konoha. It is pure fantasy to rely on Orochimaru and Suna Ninja to destroy Konoha.

But with Saitama it's different.

With one punch from him, Konoha might be leveled to the ground.

So Lu Yu mourned for Konoha for a second in his heart.

Good novel "buding765" w signal, see more

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