I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 223: Two-faced man

However, Lu Yu's true love for Uncle System will never change if he tries to trick him again.

To use the lyrics of a song by Zhang Jie to describe it: This is love~~~

Who makes me a high-quality host who respects the elderly and loves the system.

It is the host's responsibility to take care of the system.

Lu Yu felt that his flattery was worth at least a few points to increase his probability.

System uncle: "Do you want to start the lottery?"

Lu Yu: "No thanks."

System uncle: "."

Seeing that the system master stopped talking, Lu Yu turned his attention back to his teammates.

These people all owed him tickets and he couldn't let them run away.

He only saw Tony Stark and his group gathered together on his right, leaning their heads on Tony Stark's wrist computer, not knowing what they were looking at.

And Captain America and the others no longer know where they have gone.

"Yu, you came just in time, what do you think of us choosing Gotham City?" Tony Stark said while looking at the computer. Although this is a different universe, surprisingly, the network on this planet is no different from the American network.

Same Internet, same binary, same transport protocol.

not so good.

There are a lot of super villains, big and small bosses such as the Joker, Penguin, Two-Face and Catwoman are all in Gotham City. The number of villains who are killed in rotation is even greater than that of Gotham City, and there is also the old Batman in Gotham City. .

This superhero who adheres to the creed of not killing, if he sees Tony Stark and others killing super villains, it is not certain who he will help.

He didn't want to fight the protagonist after beating the boss.

But when the words came to my lips, it turned into, "I think it's good."

Although there are many bosses in Gotham City, the bosses in Gotham City are weak. After all, I am just an ordinary person with some equipment. Although it is very high-tech, the effect is not as bad as the heaven.

Therefore, the bosses he fights with are naturally not much stronger.

But the metropolis is different.

The protagonist of Metropolis is Superman. This superhero with a body of steel beats the old man in terms of ability. Although the old man turned on Superman with the favor of DC's father and abused Superman repeatedly, it was the old man beating Superman. Try beating Superman on someone else and see if Superman can beat you up.

So, Gotham City is easier to live with.

"Haha, just as I thought, I also chose Gotham City." Tony Stark proudly raised his watch-type computer, turned on the projection screen, and showed it to Lu Yu.

You chose Gotham City, then Captain America and the others chose Metropolis.

Light wax for Captain America.

"I plan to first cooperate with the powerful figures in Gotham City and establish a superhero team called the Knights of Light through cooperation with him." Tony Stark said again.

Bright Knight

Could it be that one.

"I have already chosen that person. His name is Harvey Dent. He is a district attorney in Gotham City. He has a kind heart and a sense of justice. He is deeply loved by the people and is called the Knight of Light, the light of justice." Tony Stark said.

Like you, Two-Face Harvey Dent.

One of Gotham City's villains.

Lu Yu despises Tony Stark in his heart. It's not good for you to choose anyone, but you have to choose a two-faced man with a kind heart and a sense of justice. It's time for you to use Zhenshiming eye drops in your eyes.

"What do you think of him?" Tony Stark called up a picture of Harvey Dent on the computer.

Lu Yu took a look. In the photo, Harvey Dent had short blond hair and was wearing a suit. Standing in the sun, his face was very handsome, giving people a reliable feeling.

So is that why you chose him?

I didn’t expect that you, Tony Stark, are also a fan of looks.

"Yu" Tony Stark saw Lu Yu didn't speak and asked curiously, "Why don't you speak? Is there something wrong with him?"

Is there anything wrong with a person who has a perfect resume and perfect online reviews?

"It's okay now." Lu Yu said. What can I say? I can only say that it's okay now, but he will have a big problem in the future.

Although I don’t know the current timeline of the DC Universe, judging from the recent online photos of Harvey Dent with the female character Rachel accompanying him, it seems that the other person has not yet fallen.

So he said no problem now.

"Oh." Tony Stark responded and didn't care. As long as there are no problems now, as for whether there will be problems in the future, you, Lu Yu, are not a prophet. How can you predict what problems others will have in the future.

Lu Yu looked at Tony Stark, who looked unconcerned, and thought for a moment but still didn't remind him.

Rachel's death is the main reason why Harvey Dent degenerated into Two-Face in the movie. After Tony Stark and the others cooperate with Harvey Dent, Rachel may not die.

If Rachel doesn't die, Harvey Dent won't fall.

Before he fell, Harvey Dent was indeed the first light of justice to appear in Gotham City in the past 10 years, as commented on the Internet.

The master doesn’t count.

The Master is the Dark Knight. In the eyes of most people, he is a knight who walks in the darkness to maintain order.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu said: "You guys go find Harvey Dent to cooperate. I'm going to choose a place to build a supermarket to provide rich supplies to the people of Gotham City."

Gotham City is full of gangs, and weapons should be easy to sell.

"Open a supermarket" Tony Stark was shocked. I know you, Lu Yu, are the supermarket owner, but you don't need to open a supermarket every time you go.

"Well, I want to open a branch here."

If you ask me the reason, it’s that God said he wanted light, so there was light.

The system uncle said to open a branch, so there was a branch.

"Where do you get your supplies from?" Tony Stark asked subconsciously.

"I can teleport you here, but I can't teleport the goods here." Lu Yu rolled his eyes at Tony Stark. "Are you stupid? You don't understand such a simple truth and you want me to make up an excuse to lie to you. I don't know how I made it up." The more reasons there are, the easier it is to expose flaws?

If one day I am exposed by Nick Fury, it will be your fault.

"Okay, I apologize." You have to apologize if you said something wrong, "But even if you can transport materials across universes, the money in the DC universe and the Marvel universe is not universal. The money you get from selling things here will be exchanged in the Marvel universe." The Wei Universe is just a piece of waste paper, or do you plan to stay in the DC Universe?"


It is a piece of waste paper to you, but not to the system master.

"By the way, when are you going to give me the ticket money?"

"ticket money"

Tony Stark looked confused, why did he have ticket money again?

"Of course." Lu Yu said confidently: "You have to buy a ticket to take the bus, you have to buy a ticket to take the high-speed rail, you have to buy a ticket to take the plane, and now you are taking my super invincible teleporter to teleport, don't you want to buy a ticket?"

Tony Stark: "But I don't need to buy a ticket when taking a bus, I don't need to buy a ticket when taking a high-speed rail, and I don't need to buy a ticket when taking a plane. I have all these myself."

Lu Yu: "."

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