I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 222: Open a branch?

Lu Yu's choice left Nick Fury speechless.

Do you like money that much?

Then if a super villain breaks down the gold and silver, are you going to rebel and become a villain?

Captain America was also speechless. He looked at Tony Stark and communicated with his eyes: It's great to have money. If you have money, you can do whatever you want.

Tony Stark held his head high, like a victorious rooster, and looked at Captain America proudly: Sorry, being rich means being great, being rich means being able to do whatever you want.

Captain America: "."

Forget it, I can't communicate with a rich second generation like Tony Stark who has nothing but money.

Captain America decided to ignore Tony Stark and turned to Nick Fury, "What cities are there for us to choose from?"

Since the people and people are not here, it is a good choice to choose a place.

Although super villains have frequently caused trouble in recent years, if you circle the cities where they cause trouble, you will find that many cities do not have super villains causing trouble at all.

After all, there are only a dozen or so villains doing trouble all year round, while there are thousands of cities on the planet, and there are tons of cities where no one is doing anything.

So he wanted to choose a city where super villains would cause less trouble to garrison.

It's easier this way.

As for why they didn’t choose cities where there were no villains to cause trouble, as long as Tony Stark wasn’t stupid, he wouldn’t have been allowed to choose those cities.

"Metropolis and Gotham City," Nick Fury replied.

"Metropolis and Gotham City" Captain America recited while recalling these two names in his mind, but after much thought, he couldn't figure out which city Metropolis and Gotham City were, but he didn't care. , there are thousands of cities on the earth, it is normal that you have never heard of it.

Thinking about it, Captain America took out his phone and opened the map and started searching for these two cities.

Tony Stark immediately laughed when he saw it, "I didn't expect that old antiques would also use high technology."

Captain America rolled his eyes after hearing this. It's true that I am an old antique, but who said that old antiques can't use high technology? If I can't use it, why can't I learn it?

"No need to check the map, Metropolis and Gotham City are not on the earth." Lu Yu suddenly interrupted.

"Not on Earth." Tony Stark looked at Lu Yu, "Is it true that on an alien planet, you have the ability to navigate in space?"

Nick Fury, a spy, doesn't know this, and he, a scientific researcher, doesn't know it either.

The configuration of the c power armor is clearly that of the Outer Space Marines.

"It's not on an alien planet." Lu Yu denied: "Metropolis and Gotham City are cities in another universe. The name of that universe is the DC Universe."

"Parallel Universe" Tony Stark asked.

"You can understand it this way." Chatting with smart people saves money, unlike Nick Fury, who has to explain for a long time.

"Has your technology developed to the point of traveling through parallel universes?" Tony Stark looked at Lu Yu in shock.

This is like a test with a perfect score of 100. The top student got 100 points, but the top student next door scored 1000 points. The top student was shocked.

Of course, the academic master was not shocked that the academic god was so strong, but was shocked at how the academic god scored 100 points on a test paper with a perfect score of 1000 points.

"Actually, it's not difficult." Then, Lu Yu told Tony Stark what he said to deceive Nick Fury. In summary, it is not difficult at all to travel through parallel universes, and everyone can travel through it.

"So that's it." Tony Stark nodded thoughtfully.

"Come here now, I'm going to teleport you to the DC universe." Lu Yu felt that his pocket was already thirsty, and it was shouting: I want money.


Captain America nodded and walked over.

Lu Yu took out his cell phone and sent all Captain America and the others to the group chat, then called the King of Demons, Sun Wukong, "Answer."

"Is this all right?" Nick Fury said while looking at Lu Yu's cell phone.

"Not even close." Lu Yu opened a portal and prepared to go back.

He wants to throw his phone in the supermarket, because now he is the only one in the Marvel Universe who is in the chat group of all worlds. If he sends himself to the DC Universe through the red envelope of the chat group of all worlds, who will pick up in the Marvel Universe? Red envelope

You can’t let your phone receive red envelopes on its own.

So he planned to throw his phone to Captain Dragonfly and come back when the old enemies of Tony Stark and Captain America decided.

As for why I chose Captain Dragonfly, it’s because I have a clear understanding.

Lu Yu walked into the portal, located the position of Captain Dragonfly through the system master, and directly handed him the mobile phone with the chat group installed in the world, "I hand over my life to you."

Fortunately, his Ten Thousand Realms chat group is bound to his mobile phone. If it were bound to his head, he would have to take off his head and give it to Captain Dragonfly.

Holding the phone, Captain Dragonfly was stunned.

Your mobile phone is your life. Are you the legendary mobile phone essence? If you remove your hands, you will be the chicken essence.

Three seconds later, Lu Yu entered the group and received a red envelope.

The next second, he came to the DC universe.

The moment he appeared in the DC Universe, the system boss who had been silent for a long time suddenly appeared.

"Ding dong."

"The system has detected that there is no second host bound to the Wanjie Supermarket system in the current universe, and has begun to increase the host's permissions."

"Ding dong."

"Privilege elevation completed."

"It's a good thing to have elevated permissions and travel across the universe." Lu Yu looked at the surrounding situation and communicated with the system uncle in his mind, "System uncle, what new permissions do I have?"

"That means you can open a branch of Wanjie Supermarket in the DC Universe." The system uncle explained to Lu Yu simply and clearly what authority escalation meant.

"It can only open a branch, but there is no new carousel or a big gift package." Not to mention giving a big carousel that can only draw powerful items, you can get away with giving a big gift package.

I don't have high demands, just put some props in the gift bag so that I can directly compete with the God of the DC Universe.


Lu Yu rolled his neck. System uncle, do you have a slightly different understanding of privilege escalation than us?

"There are no other benefits besides opening a branch." Lu Yu asked unwillingly.

The system uncle suddenly stopped talking.

Lu Yu felt happy, it seemed like there was a way.

The system uncle said: "When the host uses the big turntable, the probability of drawing powerful props will be doubled."

This is okay, but Lu Yu still asked, "What is the probability of drawing a powerful item from the big carousel?"

System uncle: "Secret."

Lu Yu: "."

When Dungeon & Warriors sent out the European Emperor Potion that increased the drop rate of Abyss Epics, they would at least boast of the effect, and then sent some people around to promote the potion. When it got to the system boss, he just said the secret and made it big.

The emotional system is more deceptive than penguin.

fl "buding765" Wex official account, see more

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