I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 211: Lu Yu, what do you think?

Tony the shit wants Pym particles and the Wasp suit

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment.

Then he remembered that Tony the Big Bad seemed to have a grudge against Hank Pym.

And the feud between his family is a feud.

Specifically, it can be traced back to Tony's shitty old man, Howard Stark.

At that time, Hank Pym created the Pym Particles and developed the Ant-Man suit and the Wasp suit. It was a great success. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was the chief scientist of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Up to now, she is the most beautiful girl in the world, and she is one of the best in the music industry.

But joy brings sorrow. During a mission, Hank Pym's wife, the original Wasp, shrunk herself to a subatomic state in order to complete the mission. As a result, she accidentally fell into the quantum realm and lost her trace.

Hank Pym was devastated without his wife and prepared to leave S.H.I.E.L.D.

But SHIELD is not something you can get in and get out of whenever you want.

If you want to leave, you can leave the Pym particles and the manufacturing materials for the Ant-Man and Wasp suits.

How could Hank Pym agree?

His idea is very simple. I developed the Pym particles, and I also developed the Ant-Man suit and the Wasp suit. Why should I give them to you?

The most important thing is that you actually want to use the technology I developed for war.

As a pacifist, Hank Pym couldn't stand it.

So he started a war with the organization. Lu Yu didn't know the process, but the final result was that Hank Pym successfully left SHIELD with the Pym particles, Ant-Man suit and Wasp suit, and founded Pym. science and technology.

The person responsible for fighting with Hank Pym at that time was Tony's big-ass dad, Howard Stark.

His father lost the fight, and Tony, as his son, would of course want to avenge his father.

As for why he knew he had Pym particles and the Wasp suit, it goes without saying that the phone line at SHIELD must have been monitored by Tony Stark again.

After thinking about this, Lu Yu took out the Pym Particles, Ant-Man suit and Wasp suit from the system space without saying a word and threw them to Tony: "What kind of relationship do we have? Do you need to say buy it?" Sent to you."

Then he patted Tony's big shoulder and said, "Of course, if you feel bad and have to give me money, just give it to me."

"One hundred million is never too little, and two hundred million is never too much. Three hundred and forty million is for free. Five hundred and sixty million is welcome. Seven hundred and eighty million are not good friends. They are seven hundred and eighty million good brothers. In short, based on our relationship, , whatever you give is appropriate.”

In fact, you just want money after all you said, you bastard.

Tony Stark's face darkened.

If you want money, just ask for it. If you ask for so little, do you mean that I, Tony Stark, am poor and have no money to give you?


Today I, Tony Stark, am going to throw money at you to death.

"I'll give you 10 billion."

Lu Yu's face was filled with joy.


Sunny turning to cloudy.

Cloudy turns to rain.

Rain turns to light snow.

Light snow turns to blizzard.

Lu Yu's expression kept changing like the weather forecast from the meteorological station.

But he held back.

not angry.

I am not angry at all.

"Potts, transfer him 10 billion yen, by the way." Tony Stark suddenly thought of something and reminded: "Since you gave these to me, then I also gave you 10 billion yen. It’s yours, so remember to pay the taxes.”

"I remember the gift tax is 35, so don't forget that."

After deducting 10% tax from 35 billion yen, you get 7.5 million yen.

The 7.5 million yen is converted into US dollars, which is just over 660 million US dollars.

Tony, you're a big piece of shit.

Lu Yu opened a door at Tony Stark's feet, and he fell straight down.

"Yu, where did you leave Tony?" Potts asked worriedly.

She knew Lu Yu's door-opening skills.

It is much better than those who post small advertisements on the wall saying that they are professional in opening doors.

Especially after opening the door, people can experience the scenery of different places, which is very economical.

But the prerequisite for saving money is that you don't offend him, otherwise you will just open the door to the seabed or underground and it will be over.

"The snow-capped mountains behind Kama Taj." Lu Yu said, aren't you a big-ass Tony who's not afraid of the cold? You wander around in shorts and shorts in the middle of winter.

Okay, since you are not afraid of the cold, I will throw you into the snowy mountains and let you experience what it feels like when winter has arrived.

After hearing what Lu Yu said, Potts became even more worried, "Yu will catch a cold."

Lu Yu waved his hand, "It's okay. Just take some medicine for your cold and it will be fine."

Potts: "."

Feelings are not your cold, so you don’t feel uncomfortable.

Lu Yu looked at Potts' worried look and suddenly felt like he was being fed dog food.

Tony, you're such a shit, you have such a bad mouth, but there are still women who care about you.

It just doesn't make sense.

Fortunately I have a wife, otherwise I would have to pry Potts over.

Another door opened, and Tony walked out.

Lu Yu looked at him and smiled, "Tony is a big shit, no, it's Tony Stark. Isn't the snow scene beautiful?"

"Sneeze" Tony Stark sneezed hard, "The snow scene is beautiful."

Losers do not lose.

Even if I, Tony Stark, catch a cold, I still have to say something.

Winter is so warm

Important things should be filled with exclamation points.

"Since it's so beautiful, then go and see it again."

"do not."

Before Lu Yu could take action, Tony Stark hurriedly said: "Although the snow scene is beautiful, the snow scene is beautiful, but it is too monotonous, and it is far less pleasing to the eye than the thousands of flowers blooming."

Having said so much, this is his subtext.

If you can, why don't you send me to a place where spring flowers bloom.

Without saying a word, Lu Yu opened the door and pulled Tony Stark in.

Behind the door, the cold wind blew.

And Tony Stark turned into an ostrich instantly after arriving here, and his head almost shrank into his neck.

"I want to see thousands of flowers blooming, not snow."

"Thousands of flowers will bloom here soon," Lu Yu said.

Although I read a lot, don’t lie to me.Tony Stark thought to himself, this is a snowy mountain, where can the flowers bloom?

But the next second, he was confused.

Because thousands of flowers bloom on the snow-capped mountains.

"If I were the Qing Emperor in his future years, I would be rewarded with peach blossoms blooming all over the place." Lu Yu poured wine and read a poem slowly.

This time he didn't snap his fingers when he used the power of the Reality Stone.

As for why.

I, Lu Yu, have been doing what I have done all my life, so why should I explain it to others?

"Here, drink this glass of hot wine."

Tony Stark took the wine glass in a daze, drank the wine in a daze, and then looked at Lu Yu's pretense in daze.

It took several minutes to react.

"I have received news that the World Security Council, headed by the US government, is preparing to launch a regulatory mechanism for superheroes, codenamed the Superhero Registration Act."

"Lu Yu, what do you think?"

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