I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 210: Okay, Dad, I know, Dad

After finishing complaining, Lu Yu took the gourd seeds and walked around the supermarket.

He was looking for somewhere safe and remote.

As a man with a daughter-in-law, he was determined not to let her discover the fact that he had an illegitimate child.

But Lu Yu suddenly remembered that in the animation Calabash Baby was called grandpa.

But then he thought about it, even if he wasn't an illegitimate child, he was an illegitimate grandson.

Because according to the plot of Korean dramas, once the characters in the drama are found to have an illegitimate child, the finale will not be far away. And everyone knows that the finale of Korean dramas will either be hit by a car or die of cancer.

But no matter which one it is, the ending is not very good.

Lu Yu didn't want to end up with his wife discovering that he had an illegitimate child or illegitimate grandchild.

Finally, he decided to grow gourd babies on the top floor of the supermarket.

One of the reasons why he chose this place was because Miss Hill would not come to the top floor when she had nothing to do. The second reason was because there was enough light here.

Although he has never planted fields or played with plants, he has studied biology and knows that plants require sufficient sunlight to synthesize chlorophyll, so he chose the rooftop.

After hauling soil, scattering gourd seeds, watering, and planting three times, he saw a gourd vine growing out of the soil as if it had eaten the chemical fertilizer from QQ Farm.

It wrapped around the railing on the top floor of the supermarket and grew in a circle, then blossomed into colorful morning glory and produced big fat gourds.

The gourd opened his eyes and mouth, and a series of crisp children's sounds still sounded.


Hearing these words, Lu Yu felt that his heart was about to melt. What a cute little angel.

Ren Ren suddenly had seven more sons. Even if he had been mentally prepared, he would not be happy.

"I'm not your father, I'm your brother." Lu Yu said.

Illegitimate children will not appear.

At most, there are only seven more brothers.

What, you asked me where seven brothers appeared from, couldn’t I just recognize them?

All in all, we must not let Calabash Baby call him daddy.

He remembers that Calabash Baby will grow into a fat boy of several years as soon as it lands. As the saying goes, when a boy leaves home, he will still be a boy when he comes back. He was only 20 years old when he left home. Well, he is over 20, but his age is not important. .

You see, people who are tens of thousands of years old are still teenagers, so age is not the important thing.

In short, as an outstanding young man who was determined to be a boy when he left and was still a boy when he returned, he could not have a son.

Because have you ever seen anyone who has a child and still claims to be a teenager?

"Okay, Dad, I know, Dad." the gourd babies said in unison.

"Call me brother." Lu Yu corrected.

"Okay, Dad, I know, Dad." the gourd babies said in unison.

"It's my brother. I'm my brother, not my father." Lu Yu corrected him again.

"Okay, Dad, I know, Dad." the gourd babies said in unison.

Lu Yu: "."

Are you a repeater?

Also, you Calabash Babies are really from the Calabash Brothers plane and not from the plane of a hundred thousand cold jokes.

Mr. System, I strongly suspect that you have made a mistake.

At the same time, at the entrance of the supermarket.


A black Lamborghini stopped.

Tony Stark walked out of the car wearing a short shirt and shorts with a big hello kitty painted on the pants and large sunglasses that almost covered half of his face.

Behind him, Potts followed silently.

She was worried to death.

Tony didn't know why he was so crazy today, he insisted on going out wearing this.

Cold how to do

Captain Dragonfly looked at Tony outside, then lowered his head and continued to chat on Twitter.

"Where's Lu Yu?" Tony Stark came in and asked.

"On the roof." Captain Dragonfly replied, and after that, he wandered around the Internet and chatted.

Tony Stark nodded and walked up to the roof.

Since making a wish to heal his body, his waist and legs no longer hurt, and he could go up to the seventh floor without gasping for breath.

When he ran to the top of the building, Tony Stark saw a series of gourds swaying in the wind. While swaying, he shouted: "Okay, Dad, I know, Dad."

"What is this" Tony asked.

He knows a lot about talking things, including televisions and computers. He also knows a lot about gourds, including mountain hyacinths and water hyacinths.

But what is the talking gourd? Why haven’t I seen it before?

"Gourd-shaped repeater." Lu Yu said casually.

Tony is nicknamed the Shit Stirrer and Rumor Spreader. He is a professional rumor maker and spreader of rumors.

If he knew that Calabash Baby called him daddy, the entire Avengers would know that he had seven cubs today without waiting for the next day.

Besides, these seven gourd boys kept repeating, Dad, I know, who would believe Dad’s words that they are not repeaters.

As soon as Lu Yu finished speaking, the gourds all said in unison: "We are father's good sons."

The voice was loud, neat, and resounding. You could tell at a glance that you had received a red scarf and solemnly sworn under the red flag.

But can you guys talk nonsense?

I fell

"Your son" Tony Stark was confused for a moment, then relieved.

Anyone can get pregnant even if they stare at someone with pregnancy glasses. Lu Yu masturbated and shot the thing on the ground, and then the ground became pregnant and gave birth to seven babies. It seemed that it was not unacceptable.

Although he didn't understand why Lu Yu's baby was a gourd.

Is he a gourd monster?

Potts, who came from behind, froze when he heard Tony Stark's words.

Then she got confused.

Tony is pregnant, and so is Lu Yu.

What about the division of labor and cooperation between men and women?

You men will get pregnant on your own, so what do you want us women to do?

She was wondering whether she and her sisters should form an anti-men's pregnancy club to defend women's right to pregnancy.

Lu Yu didn't have the ability to read minds and didn't know what she was thinking. If he knew, he would definitely support Potts to do it and give her a nickname: Pregnant Man.

"Picked it up." Lu Yu saw that since he had been exposed, he tried to save it.

"Understood." Tony Stark showed a meaningful smile.

"By the way, why did you come to me?"

Lu Yu quickly changed the topic, and then he was also curious about why Tony Stark came to him.

Could it be Brother Long?

Thinking of this, Lu Yu quickly said: "First of all, I will never recycle Brother Long."

A foodie like Brother Long should be taken care of by rich people.

He can't afford it.

"It's not Brother Long." I won't let a otaku like Brother Long go out. "I heard that you stole the Pym particles and the Wasp suit from the old man Hank Pym's company. In a word, do you want to sell it?”

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