The next day, Lu Yu got up early for the first time. He diligently placed the instant noodles and spicy strips on the front shelf, and then placed the bow tie voice changer and C14 Gauss rifle on the back shelf. For the first time, the Wanjie Supermarket was filled to the brim with products. .

For him, life is not only about showing off and being invincible, but also about being contentious and making money.

After doing this, he turned on the TV and prepared to watch the news.

CBS TV station, a reporter stood in front of a broken building.

Lu Yu took a look and felt that it was inexplicably familiar. He was stunned for a moment and then remembered, wasn't this the high-rise building that he used as a handrail yesterday?

Reporter: Yesterday, a giant attacked Manhattan in New York, causing hundreds of meters of street collapse and damage to a high-rise building. Dozens of buildings were affected. The death toll reached more than 700 and 2000 were injured.

Some experts estimate that the direct losses caused by this attack reached more than 100 billion U.S. dollars, and the indirect losses reached more than 700 billion U.S. dollars. The government is currently investigating the identity of the giant and seeking compensation.

Direct loss of 100 billion?

Indirect losses of 700 billion?

In other words, I transformed into Ultraman and took on a debt of 700 billion?

Lu Yu burst into tears.

I have been working hard for more than a month, but I haven't even earned 700 million U.S. dollars. I went out and pretended once and was forced to bear a debt of [-] billion. If I pretended to be romantic once, I will have to be stubborn for the rest of my life.

No no no!

Lu Yu shook his head and thought, "This is not a debt borne by me, but by Ultraman Tiga. I am not Ultraman Tiga, so why should the debt be placed on me?"

Thinking about it this way, the sadness in his heart dissipated a little. At the same time, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that there was something wrong with the CBS reporter.

Why are you investigating the giant's identity? Didn't they all say that they are aliens from the M78 nebula?I'm still investigating, it's just a stupid investigation.

"System, no one should have seen me before and after my transformation." Lu Yu asked.

"No." The system replied.

"Oh, that's good." Lu Yu felt relieved, and then watched the TV and complained, "American journalists and the government are unreliable. If you have time to go to insurance companies to settle claims, it is much more reliable to go to aliens for compensation. .”

He decided to change channels. "These insurance companies will only shirk their responsibilities and have no solution at all." Seeing this, Lu Yu expressed disdain. The bad nature of the capitalists was undoubtedly exposed at this time, and they did not do anything to relieve the country's worries.

Lu Yu expressed that he did not want to see the ugly faces of capitalists and decided to change the channel again.

NBC TV: Manhattan Insurance Company declared bankruptcy yesterday...

so fast...

Lu Yu decided to change the channel again.

Fox TV: A senior US military officer said that "the giant will definitely be found." He said that the giant should be hidden on the earth, and the military has taken action.

"It's shameless. If you hadn't created that beast called Abomination, would you have attracted the giant there?" Lu Yu expressed his disgust at the American soldiers' blame-shifting behavior.

These people really have no shame at all.

He decided to change the channel.

On CW TV, Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D., appeared in front of the camera as a White House spokesman: "The White House has now locked the identity of the giant who appeared in Manhattan, New York yesterday, and the military and the US Security Agency will jointly implement this arrest. arrest operation."

Lu Yu looked at Nick Fury on the TV with a horrified expression, "System, didn't you say that no one saw me transform?"

After asking, he murmured without waiting for the system to answer, "No, if he reveals my identity, wouldn't I have to bear a debt of more than 700 billion?"

When he thought of the 700 billion debt, he knew that there was a sacred and arduous task waiting for him to complete.

When he was thinking about whether he should move or not, a melodious voice suddenly came from his mobile phone.


"It's me, Coulson."

The familiar voice he heard in his ears almost made Lu Yu throw his phone away.

Colson asked, "Little boss, do you know the origin of that giant?"

"Hasn't SHIELD already found out the identity of the giant?" Lu Yu was already thinking about which country would be better for him to move to.

The UK is too polluted, France is protesting all day long, Australia is vast and sparsely populated and is not suitable for doing business... After counting, Japan is more suitable.

There are many Japanese people, many financial groups, and the most important thing is that there are many young ladies. Kabukicho is full of them, so it is a one-stop solution for food, clothing, and drinking.

Coulson heard Lu Yu's rhetorical question and explained, "We have not found out the identity of the giant at all. The reason why the director said that on TV is to cooperate with the White House to appease people."

Whether people's hearts are important or not, you will know it by looking at the stock market.

Starting yesterday afternoon, the U.S. stock market plummeted 1500 points, evaporating nearly one trillion dollars in one night, which is equivalent to the loss of 10 Manhattan districts. What is even more terrifying is that the plummeting U.S. stock market triggered a chain reaction. When it was still late in the United States, the three major European companies Stock indexes fell across the board, looking like a financial crisis.

If this continues, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s funding will increase next year, let alone increase it.

"So the director asked me to ask you to see if you know anything about giants."


After hearing Colson's answer, Lu Yu immediately threw away the idea of ​​moving to Java, "This is also the first time I saw a giant, but I seemed to hear it say that it came from the M78 Nebula. I think it must be an alien. .”

"By the way, Colson, I remember Hill is very familiar with you. How is she now? How is she doing? The most important thing is when will she come back... She has been absent from work for almost a month. According to the law , I can fire this kind of employee, but I am always more generous to employees, so I only deduct her salary. You tell her to come back quickly."


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