I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 173: Whose child is it?

Hilltop villa.Mobile terminal m..

Tony Stark had just returned home with a huge belly when he heard the phone ring.

He glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was Natasha's call, and pressed the answer button.

"Tony, I heard that you are pregnant, is it true?" As soon as the call was connected, Natasha asked bluntly.

Tony Stark was confused. I was just pregnant... No, I was just pregnant. Do you know?You SHIELD are paying too much attention to my personal life.

When Natasha heard that there was no movement, she curled her lips and said, "How does it feel to be pregnant? Doesn't it feel great? There is a little life in the belly that is making trouble every moment, but no matter how much he is, No matter how noisy you are, you will never feel bored.”

"Fart," Tony Stark cried out, "I'm not pregnant, I'm just bloated, but I do feel a little heavy in my belly."

"Nonsense, you are already twins, how can your belly not be heavy?" Natasha rolled her eyes at Tony and said, "But it's okay. After all, men and women have different weight-bearing capacities. Even if you are pregnant, you won't Struggling like a normal woman."

Tony Stark gritted his teeth and said, "I repeat, I am not pregnant."

"Yes, you are not pregnant." Natasha nodded and continued: "Remember to increase your nutritional intake, avoid coffee and alcohol, do not do strenuous exercise, and be careful when doing activities. After all, you Now it’s the one who’s pregnant….”

"You..." Tony Stark felt like he was going crazy.

It's all because of that stinky wolf, who got some glasses to glare at someone's pregnancy, and used them on himself, which made his belly grow bigger, and now he has lost all dignity.

"I'm tired and want to sleep. I'll hang up now."

"Going to bed so early? Although you are pregnant, it is daytime now, don't you..."


Tony Stark hung up the phone in one breath, and his voice suddenly stopped.

He was afraid that if he continued to listen, he would smash his phone against the wall.

After hanging up the phone, Tony Stark came to the coffee machine and wanted to pour a cup of coffee to refresh himself, but stopped when he thought of Natasha's words about giving up coffee.

Forget it, the effects of the glasses will be eliminated in two days anyway, so it’s better to take it easy these days.

So the question is, what should pregnant men pay attention to?

Tony Stark started to turn on the computer to look up information. After all, he was no different from those pregnant women now, so he still had to pay attention to what he should pay attention to, so as not to torment himself.

ding ding ding...

the phone is ringing.

Tony Stark took the phone and looked at the caller ID. It was Nick Fury and answered the call.

"I heard that you are pregnant?" Nick Fury said with a suppressed smile.

Tony Stark: "...."

"This is the first time I heard that men can get pregnant, but there are many weird things in this world, so I won't be surprised at all." Nick Fury said, "But can you keep a low profile recently? After all, this kind of thing will not affect good."

Hearing these words, Tony Stark almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Low key?

Am I not low-key enough?

I came out of Lu Yu's supermarket and drove all the way home. I didn't even do my favorite hookup. Although I didn't have the shame to do it, you actually told me to keep a low profile?

After laughing, Nick Fury said the matter with a serious face, "It's okay that you often made gossip in the past. After all, it was just gossip and everyone liked to hear it. But now that you are pregnant, it is a bit inappropriate. After all, things like male giving birth and pregnancy are more attractive to religious people." Disgusted."

"I'm not pregnant. Also, when will I be in the news?" He made sure that no reporters were filming secretly on the road.

"You go watch the news," Nick Fury said.


Tony Stark started to hang up the phone and just heard the phone ding.

He glanced at the caller ID. It was Dr. Banner, and Ma answered the call.

"Tony, I heard you're pregnant?" Dr. Banner asked kindly.

Tony Stark felt depression rolling in his chest.

Forget it about Natasha and Nick Fury. After all, they are a secret service organization. They can know everything about the world without leaving their rooms. It is not surprising that their information is known to them. But you are a physics player, how can you be so well-informed?

Could it be that you hacked my communication system or hacked SHIELD's communication system?

"Of course, I know that men can't get pregnant. After all, they don't have a uterus." Dr. Banner said on the other end of the phone.

"Yeah." Tony Stark nodded.

Finally, there is a normal person, and they have no doubts about men giving birth to children.

Deserves low academic qualifications.

"So I want to ask you, how did you achieve male pregnancy? Could it be that you made a uterus and transplanted it into it?" Dr. Banner asked.

Tony Stark: "...."

Dr. Banner held the phone and said, "I'm just asking questions. If you don't want to, let it go."

"I'm not pregnant, I'm just bloated." Tony Stark said through gritted teeth.

Dr. Banner didn't hear Tony Stark's tone at all, "Don't be ridiculous, your belly is so bloated? And judging from the shape of your belly, you are obviously pregnant,"

"I said, I'm not pregnant, I'm just belly! Bloated! Gas!" Tony Stark said word by word.

He would never admit that he was pregnant.

Otherwise, he will become a joke and will be unable to hold his head up for the rest of his life.

So he resolutely refused to admit that he was pregnant, "I repeat, I am not pregnant, I just have bloating. If you want to know what kind of bloating can cause such bloating, I suggest you ask the doctor, not me."


The phone came into close contact with the wall and then fell to the ground.

Well, you're not pregnant, just tell me you're not, Dr. Banner thought helplessly as he listened to the last voice on the phone.

Outside the villa, Pepper Potts opened the door and came in.

The first thing she saw when she came in was Tony Stark's... belly.

Tony Stark saw her too.

The two were relatively speechless.

What I fear most is the sudden silence in the air, and what I fear the most is that my girlfriend suddenly opens the door, either to be raped or to be raped by her.

"Listen to my explanation." Tony Stark said, "This matter can be explained."

"Tell me, I'm listening." Potts crossed his arms and looked at Tony Stark, asking, "Whose child is it?"

"Gray Wolf's... Bah, bah, bah, it was Gray Wolf who glared at me with his pregnancy glasses, so this child has no father at all... No, it has no mother." Tony Stark said incoherently, "So you have to believe me , I’m really not pregnant, I’m just pretending to be pregnant.”


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