I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 172: Sir, you are pregnant

[I have a saying mmp, I don’t know whether to say it or not. .]

and also……

"Are you trying to stare at someone's bloated belly?" Tony Stark went crazy as he clutched his obviously enlarged belly.

Do you think I have never seen other people give birth to children? Which woman's belly becomes so big during pregnancy?

In other people's pregnancies, the sperm and the egg meet first and then take shape, and the belly gets bigger step by step. How can you stare at it and your belly becomes so big, as if you are nine months pregnant?

"But sir, it seems that you are really pregnant." Jarvis silently threw out a scan, "There is indeed a child in your belly that is growing rapidly. According to my data calculation, it will grow in a It will be fully formed within a month and then be born by you."

Tony Stark: "...."

Lu Yu: “…….”

Lu Yu quietly took a step back. These glasses were too cruel and cruel.

So he decided to back off as a courtesy, otherwise Miss Hill might run away if she was stared at for being pregnant.

Pregnant men are so scary!

But he still felt unsafe after taking a step back, so he simply opened a big door in front of him and hid himself behind the door so that you couldn't see me.

"Jarvis, have you and Lu Yu damaged your motherboard in the past few days? Can you tell such an unscientific thing?"

"Let's not talk about how a man can get pregnant without a uterus. How can he inject sperm just by staring at him? Could it be that his sperm can teleport?"

Of course sperm cannot teleport, but the problem is that Big Wolf's props are never unreasonable.

In Lu Yu's view, Big Big Wolf's props are closer to the logical level. It doesn't matter what principles or scientific theories are. As long as the props are used, they will definitely achieve the effect specified in the prop instructions. Unless it is offset by props of the same level, no matter how hard the defense is, unstoppable.

"But sir, the scan shows that you are really pregnant." Jarvis said that the data will not be falsified. As an intelligent program, he believes in data more than theory and reality.

"To shut up."

Tony Stark's face twitched, and he was also angry that he would argue with Jarvis about this matter.

What does he know?

I don't understand anything.

Arguing with him will only make you angry.

Jarvis shut up.

Tony Stark held out his belly and looked at Gray Wolf fiercely, "Get my belly off."

After saying that, he felt a little dazed.

I said this only when I was dizzy.

"No, I mean, put me back to my original state."

"It can't be recovered." Big Big Wolf said, "I only invented glasses to stare at someone's pregnancy, but not glasses to stare at someone's miscarriage."

I won’t let you use it if you have it.

This king still remembers how you despised me just now.

Sorry, this king is very vindictive.

"You..." Tony Stark was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

So he put on the Iron Man suit and aimed his black arms at the Big Wolf.

"How about it? You want to fight." Gray Wolf ruffled his fur and stared at Tony Stark fiercely.

The east wind blows, the war drums beat, I am a wolf, who am I afraid of?

"Tony, don't be angry. You are not healthy when you are angry." Lu Yu saw Tony was about to take action and quickly pulled him. "After all, you are also pregnant with a child. You should be careful with yourself."

"What did you say?" Tony was going crazy. Are you trying to break up the fight?You are teasing my anger.

Believe it or not, I blasted you.

"I'm advising you to care about yourself. If you jump up and down and fight like this when you're pregnant, it's easy to have a miscarriage." Lu Yu advised as if he was concerned about you, "In the past, there was a person named Xiao Yanzi. She was pregnant and she was jumping up and down to post about it, but she ended up having a miscarriage, so you should take this as a warning."

"It would be better if I had a miscarriage."

"The child is innocent."

"Shut up, if you talk about children again I will break up our relationship with you."

Damn, you are not trying to persuade me at all, you are just trying to rub salt into my wounds.

Lu Yu pouted, why don't you let anyone tell you that you are pregnant?Self-deception.

Okay, he admitted that he wanted to rub salt into Tony Stark's wounds. After all, the fact that Tony was pregnant was really a joy to hear.

"Big Gray Wolf, quickly restore me to my original state." Tony Stark yelled.

"I said I can't recover. I didn't invent the miscarriage glasses. Do you think this king would tell lies?" Big Gray Wolf crossed his arms across his chest, looked up at the sky, and stepped on the floor with his feet.


"Unless what?"

"Unless you give me another sheep, I will make you a pair of glasses that will stare at someone's abortion." Thinking of the sheep, Big Big Wolf finally couldn't help drooling.

Counting this sheep, he has three sheep, and people in this world seem to be good at catching sheep. Maybe he can live a happy life of eating one sheep every year in the future.

Lu Yu drooled as he watched Big Big Wolf, took a step back, and quickly leaned against the wall.

In fact, he never understood why a wolf's saliva could flow like this, just like turning on a faucet.

What, you said that the Big Big Wolf drools like this in the cartoon? This is called setting?Then why don’t you bring over the setting from the cartoon where the Big Big Wolf can drool a lot without getting wet on the ground?

"it is good."

Not to mention one sheep, he would give it to ten sheep.

Big Big Wolf said, "I have something to do now. It will take at least half a month to make the glasses that stare at someone's miscarriage. But if you are willing to add sheep, I can help you make the glasses within two days."

"I'll give you three sheep and you can make the glasses in one day."

"no problem."

Lu Yu was speechless and choked, Big Big Wolf was bribed by the three sheep.

You want four sheep after all.

"I'm back...wait a minute, I almost forgot about business." Tony Stark took off his Iron Man suit, "Thor said that your strengthening machine can strengthen equipment, please help me strengthen it, at least +12.”

"One hundred million, the old rule is to trade goods at the lowest price."

"no problem."

Looking at Tony Stark's leaving figure, Lu Yu suddenly thought of one thing, that is, Tony Stark often made up rumors about him.

Thinking of this, he smiled.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end. If you don't believe it, look up and see who God will spare.

He decided to dig a hole for Tony Stark.

Lu Yu pulled up the supermarket surveillance video, took a short video and tweeted, "Why did Tony Stark go to the supermarket in the middle of the night? Why did Thor change his hammer? Why does Big Gray Wolf laugh so much? Tony Stark is such a bad-bellied child. Whose species is it? How can men and wolves overcome apartheid? Is all this an advancement in technology or a decline in morality? Stay tuned for today’s exclusive masterpiece "Men Can Have Children," and let’s follow the video Let’s go into a scientifically advanced world @Nick Fury @Captain America @Barton @Natasha @Dr. Banner @Thor @Captain Dragonfly @Miss Hill @Avengers."


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