I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 115: There is a way

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. command room.Mobile terminal m..

A woman in a professional suit saw the battle on the screen and sighed: "Is this the strength of the Avengers?"

A few people captured the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., known as the world's largest spy organization. Although there were many factors that caused the agents to defect, this result can also unlock the 'game pass'.

"Yes, although I have seen their strength in the New York battle, after experiencing it up close, it still refreshed my understanding of the limits of human beings." A man wearing glasses also sighed. Those of them who often come into contact with agents I knew the strength of those agents very well, but even such an elite agent was beaten by the Avengers like a father beating his son.

"Fortunately, they are our allies in SHIELD."

"Yeah yeah……"

The door Lu Yu opened almost turned around SHIELD before he found Hill in the command room.

As soon as he went out, he found several people in the command room staring at him and muttering.

"He is Commander Hill's suitor? It is said that Commander Hill's suitor is an Avenger."

"The director has already asked the director to fire Commander Hill, so that's for sure."

"Look at Commander Hill's face..." Someone suppressed a laugh.


I just asked Nick Fury to fire Hill, do you know?Do all of you know the art of prophecy?

He glanced at the screen and found that one of the screens corresponded to Nick Fury's office, and he immediately wanted to tear Nick Fury into pieces.

You said that as a head agent, don't you feel uncomfortable working under the supervision of others all day long?

No wonder your whereabouts were discovered by Hydra and you were almost beaten to death in the car.

Live it!

Lu Yu panicked when he thought that Hill might have overheard his hint to Nick Fury.

"Ah... Hill, I bought an Iron Man suit from Tony and give it to you." Lu Yu also spent a lot of money to change the subject.

"Iron Man suit?" Lu Yu's money was very effective, and Hill, who had slightly red cheeks, was immediately attracted, "Did he sell it to you?"

It is a common dream of mankind that the sky and the sun sit side by side, and Hill is no exception.

The Iron Man suit is only owned by Tony and Rhodes in the world.

"Yes." Lu Yu walked over and took Hill's hand.

Hill didn't resist.

He was overjoyed, opened the door, took Miss Hill and ran away.

Wait, I seem to have forgotten something?

Forget it, never mind, the young lady is more important.

There was a lot of discussion in the command room.

"Commander Hill is gone, what should we do?"

"What should I do? Let's wait for the wedding wine."

"I mean here."

"Waiting for victory."

"What you said makes sense, but I'm speechless."


In S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury is sitting in his office communicating with people from the World Security Council, next to him is Pierce's body.

Pierce died in a very miserable condition, with several holes in his chest. His eyes were wide open and he was looking at the sky, a typical death-grip.

If this is not the Marvel universe, but the horror universe, maybe Pierce can turn into a ghost and not only be born in the same year, month and day with Nick Fury, but die in the same year, month and day.

Ran and egg.

This is the Marvel Universe, where there are only superheroes and no ghosts, so Nick Fury stepped on Pierce's body to attack the people of the World Security Council.

"Why haven't you noticed that SHIELD has been infiltrated by Hydra for so many years?" Nick Fury asked the committee members, "I need an explanation."

"We don't know about this." Commissioner A, whose name can't even be found, said: "Pierce joined S.H.I.E.L.D. during the Carter era. We always thought he was an excellent diplomat, so we trusted him. We had no idea in advance that he was a Hydra agent."

"You are shirking responsibility." Nick Fury lost his temper.

"This is not shirking responsibility, it is a fact, and there is no point in pursuing responsibility now. We need to deal with the aftermath." Committee B, who also cannot find his name, said, "SHIELD has been fully infiltrated by Hydra, which will lead to the incompatibility of various countries. Trusting SHIELD again, Nick Fury, this is what should be done now.”

"Let Professor Charles be in charge of the review."



"Nick Fury, you're crazy."

"Absolutely not."

Committee members A, B, C and D all refused.

Are you kidding me? If you let Professor Charles' humanoid self-propelled brainwave reader come to SHIELD for review, do you want to give him all their secrets?Of all of you here, who doesn’t have a little secret or privacy in your heart?

"Only by letting Professor Charles be responsible for the review can governments of various countries trust us again." Nick Fury said firmly, "And with Professor Charles, S.H.I.E.L.D. will no longer have the hidden danger of spies."

"This has nothing to do with spies." Committee Member C said resolutely: "As for what you should know about it, don't forget, Nick Fury, you also have many secrets."

"But apart from Professor Charles, I can't think of a way to get countries to trust us again." Nick Fury said.

"You can't do that and leave it to us, but Charles must not join SHIELD." Commissioner Ding stared at Nick Fury and said.

"What you have to do is not to let Hydra infiltrate SHIELD again." Committee Member C added, "Otherwise it will be difficult for us to explain to all countries."

"Okay." As long as you don't let me deal with those damn officials, Nick Fury thought calmly. It seems that Professor Charles is quite easy to pull off.

As for Professor Charles, he is still deciding whether to use it or not. It is easy to use, but its lethality is too great.

However, since the members of the World Security Council are unanimously opposed, he will not go against the World Security Council and invite Professor Charles to come over to review low-level personnel.

What, you said that the World Security Council refused to allow Professor Charles to enter S.H.I.E.L.D.?

The connection was disconnected, the projector was turned off, and Natasha walked out carrying a person, "Sir, I found him sneaking around and trying to run away at the airport."

"I didn't want to run away, I just wanted to fly a plane to support you." Seeing Pierce's body, Sitwell knew that the situation was over, and his strong desire to survive allowed him to defend himself, "Director, although I am in Hydra, But my heart is with S.H.I.E.L.D.


"Really." Sitwell defended: "Secretary Director, you were injured and needed money to go to the hospital. You sent text messages all over the world to borrow money. I also transferred 2000 yuan to you. If you don't believe me, I can show you the transfer record."

Nick Fury's face darkened, and he turned and left.

"Lock him up and torture him for information about Hydra."


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