My cemetery is connected to the game world.

Chapter 81 It’s time to return my family’s land

Cote confirmed Milaire's identity in public.

The next question is whether Mirel can reveal Helot's true identity.

The venue was unusually quiet, everyone was waiting for the answer to be revealed.

Reinham said to Milaire: "Miss Claude..."

"Just call me Milaire. The surname Claude has caused me a lot of trouble, and I don't like it." Milaire said with a smile, teasing Reinham with his eyebrows.

"Ahem..." Reinham cleared his throat and said again: "Miss Millaire, I think Inspector Morpheus has told you the purpose of our invitation to Hog Town this time.

The Clorond Manor has a new owner, but we are not sure whether Mr. Cloulund is the legal heir.

Please help us. "

"Of course!" Mirel blinked at Reinham again, and then looked at Helot: "Weston Crowlund is my uncle. I visited Crowlund with my father when I was very young. Lund Manor. At that time, we heard that Uncle Weston was married and had a son...but we didn't see his wife or son.

Uncle Weston said that his son's name was Herod Clolund. "

Mirel's testimony caused an uproar in the meeting place. Everyone saw that she was a witness called by Morpheus, and she should be able to testify against the Crowlund Manor.

But now she has not only confirmed that Weston is married, but also has a son.

The name is Helot Claude.

Someone looked at Morpheus standing at the door, and his expression was really ugly.

Reinham asked Milaire: "Have you never met Weston's son?"

Milaire replied: "My father and Uncle Weston had a not pleasant conversation. I have never been to Claulund Manor since then, and of course I have never seen my lovely brother."

Reinham asked again: "Do you have a way to verify whether Mr. Helot is Weston's son?"

"Of course!" Miriel stared at Herot: "Only the direct bloodline of the Claude family is qualified to call themselves 'Old Dominators'. They wear the Ring of the Old Dominators and can open the doors belonging only to the Old Dominators. The grave of the deceased.

My lovely brother, you see that the ring on your finger looks like the Ring of the Old Ones. Can you open the tomb here to prove your identity? "

Helot ignored Milaire and said to Reinham: "This farce should end soon. I am embarrassed by your poor performance. You just want the legality to demolish the Claulund Manor." , and you know you are not legal.

I am not here to prove my identity to you, because there is no doubt about my identity as Claude. I came here to get back what belongs to the Claude family...

It’s time to return the land illegally occupied by the Crowlund family in Hog ​​Town! "

Helot waved his hand, and steward Kurt took out a stack of documents and walked forward, placing them in front of Reinham.

Helot continued: "The territory of the Claulund family used to be very large, but later it shrank a lot due to historical reasons. However, the territory of the Claulund family recognized by the empire still occupies one-third of the entire territory of Hog Town. area, I think the mayor should be able to find this information.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t find it, I brought it to you this time! "

Mirel, who was left hanging there, showed a fierce expression, but after noticing Bresini's gaze, he quickly restrained himself and looked at Reinhard like a nymphomaniac.

Neither Reinhard nor the congressmen attending the meeting expected that Hailot not only refused to give up the manor, but also wanted to take back the land that had been occupied long ago!

These lands were invaded step by step over hundreds of years due to the decline of the Claulund family and their inability to manage them. Most of the residents in the Hog area now don't know that the Claude family still has such a large land. Even the villagers who have lived on that land for many generations don't know that the land under their feet does not belong to them at all.

Hog Town has repeatedly proposed to the Empire to change the ownership of these lands, but was rejected by the Empire.

For a long time, the low-key Crowlund family only retained some land near the manor, and adopted an attitude of not recognizing but not asking for other occupied land. Hoge Town also acquiesced in the existence of this special land status and did not publicly classify these lands into the jurisdiction of Hoge Town, but the taxes should be collected.

The Crowlund family suddenly proposed to claim this land, undoubtedly trying to peel off the skin from Hog Town.

Most of the people who can sit in this conference room are rich and powerful people in Hog ​​Town, and they all hold a lot of land belonging to the Claude family.

This time Hogg Town wants to demolish Crowlund Manor, but there is still a fig leaf blocking it. And Herot's public request for the land belonging to the Claude family was tantamount to tearing off the fig leaf and putting all the contradictions in the open.

The meeting fell into silence.

For hundreds of years, everyone has been accustomed to treating these lands as their own, but now they suddenly discover that these lands actually belong to others, and everyone has mixed feelings.

Reinham picked up the file Kurt had put down and looked through it.

Then after thinking for a long time, he said: "Mr. Helot, we also need to confirm your legal inheritance rights to the Claulund family."

Helot smiled and said: "Okay, you can prove yours that I want the land that belongs to the Claude family, and none of us will affect anyone else. If you can really prove that I am a fake, these lands will naturally belong to You guys!

This lady named Mirel, you don’t have to waste your efforts. My father doesn't like your father, and I naturally don't like you either. You have no right to see the Claude family cemetery. "

Milaire's expression changed, and he quickly smiled: "That's right, I hate you too."

"Very good!" Helot said to Reinham again: "Lord Mayor, I think as the mayor sent by the empire to manage Hog Town, you should uphold the authority of the empire and support me in transferring the rights to Claude The family’s land must be returned.”

Sweat broke out on Reinham's forehead.

This is a gift!

Supporting the Crowlund family to get their land back means standing on the opposite side of Hogtown, and the land tax will be reduced by one-third. I came to Hogtown to be gold-plated, not to mess around.

If he doesn't support the Claude family's request for their land, where does he, the mayor, put the empire's prestige?

After careful consideration, Reinham said: "Mr. Claude! Regarding the land dispute between the Claude family and Hog Town, this is a historical issue that has lasted for a long time. I have just taken office and do not understand the matter. Wait for me We will discuss this matter after the investigation is clear.

The meeting was to discuss the demolition of Crowlund Estate. It is too close to Hog Town, and the presence of the undead has seriously affected the town's future development plan. We all hope that Crowlund Manor can be relocated to a more scenic location, and the Town of Hog is willing to bear all costs of this relocation. "

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