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Chapter 80 A hearing filled with malicious intent

"You are not qualified to decide whether the Claude family will call it quits!"

Helot strode towards the town meeting hall, followed by Kurt, Bressini, and Fiorro.

At this time, Philorro raised his head and glanced at Morpheus. Under his gaze, Morpheus suddenly felt as if his heart had been hit hard.

The strength of Clorond Manor is greater than imagined, but our strength is also beyond your imagination...

Morpheus followed him into the town hall, where he would play an important role in the subsequent hearing.

As town councilors and invited village sages arrived one after another, a hearing was held to discuss whether the Crowlund Manor should be demolished.

In the meeting room, the town councilors sat on the outside of the "U"-shaped table. The first one was the mayor Reinham. In the surrounding auditorium were invited celebrities from Hog Town, including Master Milo and Sanders.

A seat was placed opposite the conference table. Herot sat in it, with Kurt, Bresini, and Fiorro standing behind him.

Helot took off his gloves and placed them on the small table in front of him, then crossed his legs against the chair.

Waiting for the show time to begin.

Reinham, who was sitting at the head of the table, picked up the gavel and banged it several times, and the somewhat noisy conference room immediately fell silent.

Reinham picked up the stack of paper in front of him and read as he read: "This is the twenty-fifth meeting of the Clallund Manor demolition discussion hearing. We finally had the honor to invite the Clallund Manor's now nominally The owner, Mr. Helot Claude, came to attend.

Hopefully this long meeting will come to a conclusion today.

Who is going to speak first? "

At the town council table, a woman with heavy makeup raised her hand: "We all know that the owner of Crowlund Manor is Mr. Weston Crowlund. I was still a very good friend with him when I was a child, until I saw a skeleton taking him home.

As far as I know, the Claude family has always been inherited by direct members, and Wisdom has no brothers, and he has not married and left any heirs. Now suddenly there is someone who claims to have inherited the Claude family. I have reason to suspect that there was an accident in Weston, and the undead in the Claulund Manor were afraid of being expelled, so they deliberately found someone... to pretend to be a direct member of the Claulund family. "

This is to directly deny the legitimacy of Herot inheriting the Claude family.

If Helot's identity is illegal and Weston has been missing for so many years, there will be no obstacle to how Hog Town handles the Crowlund Manor.

The woman's speech sparked discussion in the meeting place.

Reinham had no choice but to bang the gavel hard again. When the venue quieted down, he said to Helot: "Mr. Claude, I will call you this for now. As the newly appointed mayor, I would like to express my gratitude to Hog Town." The situation is not very clear, but I tend to trust Mrs. Cartman's judgment.

The current registered owner of Crowlund Manor in Hogg Town is still Mr. Weston Crowlund. I haven't found any records related to you in the existing information. There are great doubts about your identity. It cannot be ruled out that the undead in Claulund Manor found someone to impersonate you.

certainly! I invite you here this time to give you a chance to defend yourself.

I hope you can give us a reasonable and legally recognized explanation. "

Herot replied: "Wiston Crowlund is my father."

Rineham asked: "But no one in the entire Hog Town knows about Weston's marriage."

Helot sneered and said: "That's because no one in the entire Hog Town cares about my father and no one is his friend. Mrs. Cartman, you said you were once my father's friend. I think since you met After you get past that skeleton, your friendship is cut off.

Naturally, my father will not invite you to his wedding. "

At this moment, facing the people in the venue, Helot suddenly realized the loneliness his father had faced in his life. I also understand why my father likes that world so much, because there is really nothing worth remembering in this world...

Except for his mother, but her mother eventually left him.

Sensing Helot's provocation, Mrs. Cartman said angrily: "How do you prove that Weston is your father?"

"How can you prove that Weston is not my father?"

Mrs. Cartman slapped the table and shouted: "Young man, pay attention to your attitude. This is the Hog Town Council. You are being questioned by the mayor and town councilors. All decent people in the town are looking at you!" "

Helot looked at Mrs. Cartman with contempt: "Mrs. Cartman, you also know that this is an inquiry and that I am not a prisoner on trial! Since you suspect that Weston is not my father, please provide evidence.

And on my side... all my servants can prove it. "

Steward Kurt took a step forward and said: "Dear Mayor, ladies and gentlemen. The loyalty of the undead in Claulund Manor to the Claulund family is engraved in our soul fire. We will not He will do anything to betray the Claude family, and finding someone to impersonate him is undoubtedly the biggest betrayal.

Mrs. Cartman, I was the skeleton who picked up the old master that time. Letting the old master lose you as a friend has always been the thing I feel most guilty about for the old master. "

Mrs. Cartman's expression couldn't help but change, and she slowly calmed down and stopped talking.

Rineham glanced at Mrs. Cartman, and then said: "I don't think the testimony of the undead man in Clolund Manor can be used as a basis to prove the identity of Mr. Cloulund. We don't know the undead and can't judge what he is talking about." True or false.

But we can't prove that Mr. Claulund is an imposter. Can any of you provide evidence? "

Morpheus, who was standing at the entrance of the venue, said loudly: "Mayor, ever since I learned that the Crowlund Manor has a new owner, I have been looking for clues to Mr. Crowlund's identity. Fortunately, Crowlund Although direct members of the De family are rare, collateral members can still be found.

In the town of Sikel, I found Miriel Claulund, who is considered Welsh's niece in the Claulund family. Please ask the mayor to let Mirel enter the venue. She may be able to confirm the identity of Mr. Claurund. "

No one in the venue expected that Morpheus would find another Claude. This surname made many people feel uncomfortable and raised expectations for this hearing.

Reinham nodded and said, "Please come in, Miss Claude."


Morpheus opened the door and a young woman walked in from the outside. She was wearing a black bodysuit and an unbuttoned small canvas shirt. She had dark brown hair tied into a ponytail and heavy makeup on her face.

A magistrate took Milaire to the witness stand sideways.

Mirel reached out to greet Helot with a smile, her nails painted with bright paint.

Helot glanced at Miriel and did not respond to her.

Instead, Kurt saluted Milaire: "Miss Milaire, nice to see you."

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