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Chapter 278 News from Covenant City

Xingkong's work in the Royal Palace of Decay is proceeding in an orderly manner.

What Herot wants to do at Claulund Manor is to proceed step by step. After the investment from Tomorrow Group began to instill, it can be said that Hog Town is changing day by day. Let all the residents of Hog Town see what currency power is, and also see many machines that they have never heard of before.

Hog Town has become a big construction site, where everyone is full of longing for the future.

Along with the investment from Tomorrow Group, there is also news about Covenant City.

Emperor Bradley issued an Imperial Order through the Imperial Congress, and the Glory Oath Empire officially designated the Pitfalls as an evil association, and launched an operation to eliminate the Pitfalls throughout the empire. Any individual or group that colludes with the Deep Prison and shelters its members will be severely punished by the Empire.

Covenant City took the lead in launching a vigorous special operation against the Deep Prison. The Imperial Security Administration and the Imperial Military Police jointly conducted a large-scale search in Covenant City, and at the same time offered high rewards to collect any information related to the Deep Prison.

One after another, the vicious crimes committed by the corpse stitchers were made public. While the residents of Covenant City were deeply shocked, they were also united by anger.

"The Abyss must be destroyed! Anyone who colludes with the Abyss must be eliminated!"

In line with the wishes of the people, no one in the empire dared to speak out for the Deep Prison, and everyone was afraid of being implicated.

Even the powerful Rust Aristocratic Group does not dare to stand on the opposite side of this tide of public opinion. They are not afraid of the ants, but they are afraid of the beasts standing behind the ants.

The evidence of cooperating with Abyss to develop mechanical corpse puppets was thrown in the faces of the Rust nobles by the third prince Terenas.

Some rusty nobles who were kept in the dark realized that Earl Secombe had really colluded with the Abyss for eternal life. And it's not just Earl Secombe, there are also a group of them working for the Deep Prison, and the Rusty Nobles have been kidnapped onto the chariot of the rebel empire.

This noble alliance established after the Blood Rebellion has always been known for its unity. After catching up with the times, their unity made the Rust Nobles one of the most powerful noble alliances in the empire. Now, irreparable rifts have appeared among the Rust Nobles, and some of them feel betrayed.

They don't know who to trust at this time, not even married relatives.

So a large number of Rust nobles visited the third prince Terenas and told him that "I definitely did not collude with the Deep Prison!"

Terenas also obtained a large amount of evidence of corruption and fraud by the Rust nobles, and used various means to illegally embezzle empire and other private property.

In order to maintain the image of the nobility, the empire cannot use collusion with the Deep Prison as an excuse to deal with the rust nobles, but it can use these crimes to judge the nobles it wants to deal with. After all, in the people's perception, greed for wealth is one of the images of aristocrats. They have long been accustomed to and accepted such aristocrats, and they still want to become a member of such aristocrats.

The Rust Nobles, who no longer trust each other internally, are unable to mobilize even the Rust Knights in the face of joint law enforcement by the Imperial Military Police and the Imperial Commercial Investigation Bureau. One after another, the rust nobles were taken away, some were convicted, and some were promoted.

The third prince, Terenas, showed a skill that he had not shown before. He ate all the rusty nobles very quickly and cleanly, without giving others a chance to share the food.

Even many people's perspective was attracted to the search and elimination of the deep prison, and they did not pay attention to the personnel transfer of the Imperial Heavy Industry Commission. By the time they realized it, Terenas had already captured the Rust Nobles, an alliance of powerful nobles.

Even if there are still some nobles who are involved with the Deep Prison that have not been found, they can no longer interfere with Terenas' control of the Rust Nobles.

In addition to the news sent by Melis and Angelica, the Gray Light Society also sent news.

Deep Prison suffered very heavy losses in this attack. The Corpse King was very angry and the consequences were very serious. If it weren't for the intervention of the torturer, he would have issued an order to kill Helot.

But even without a formal order, the entire prison still regarded Helot as a target that must be eliminated.

It's just that the deep prison is currently running around due to the attack and has no time to deal with this thorn in its side.

Another piece of news is the "ordained ones" contacted by Mummy Gumu. This group of tombkeepers is relatively wary of Gumu, but they still accept the funding from Gumu. The "ordained ones" were indeed short of money, and their strength was much weaker than expected. They were able to cause heavy losses to the Deep Prison, mainly because their understanding of the Deep Prison caught the stitchers off guard.

Subsequent attacks will not be as effective as at the beginning. If the empire does not start a comprehensive attack on the deep prison, the "ordained ones" may be beaten in a very embarrassing manner.

Now that the "ordained ones" have money, they can better improve their own strength.

Moreover, the first batch of mummies had already been introduced by Gu Mu and tentatively accepted by the "ordained ones".

In short, the "ordained" are very vigilant, but they have to accept funding.

This is a bit like a deep prison being controlled step by step by the prisoner, which further increases the vigilance of the "recipients".

Therefore, Gumu hopes that Helot can meet the leader of the "Ordained Ones". With the status of the Claude family in the heart of the tomb keeper, is it not easy to win the "Ordained Ones"?

Helot asked the ghost of the Gray Light Society who came to deliver the message to go back and tell Gu Mu.

Whether the ordained person can be accepted by the Claude family still needs to pass the test. Moreover, some of the existing gravekeepers are branches of the Claude family. If they openly control the "ordained ones", it will have a very large impact on its structure.

In Helot's eyes, the "ordained" are not mature enough and they need more training on their own. Its ending is either a short-lived flash in the pan and a quick demise, or it continues to grow and eventually becomes the home of the tomb keeper. Excessive interference from outside forces has no positive effect on this still-toddling team, not to mention that he is entangled with so many powerful forces, and if it falls on the "recipients", it can directly crush their bones.

At this stage, the "ordained ones" should still fight guerrillas with the Deep Prison. They can hide behind the scenes and transport ammunition as long as they can keep it alive.

Whether they can be accepted by the Claude family in the end depends on their own strength.

The threshold of the Claulund family is high. You are not allowed in just because you bear the name of the tombkeeper.

In this way, Herot lived a semi-secluded life in Hog ​​Town. His busy work all day seemed to be decorating the Claulund Manor Hotel, and other things were left to Reinham.

A month has passed like this.

Until a royal guard brought an order from Emperor Bradley, requiring Helot Claude to go to the Covenant City immediately.

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