My cemetery is connected to the game world.

Chapter 277 Barbarian Blacksmith

Xingkong hid aside and waited patiently. The sound of the barbarian tapping the iron ingot had an inexplicable sense of comfort, which meant that the force and angle were just right. As Master Laem said, good things have beauty. The more natural the beauty, the more perfect it is.

The release of magic is like this, and the forging of weapons is like this.

At the same time, through the chats of the players, Xingkong also learned about the status of this barbarian blacksmith among the players.

In fact, "Master Kyle" is enough to illustrate his importance in the hearts of players.

This kind of "master" hidden in the corners is a "treasure NPC" for players. They all have different secrets waiting for players to discover. As long as the plot can be successfully started, it means a great harvest.

In the game world, there are many stories about pheasants turning into phoenixes, and stories about an adventure that makes ordinary players soar to the sky. Many of them are related to this kind of "treasure NPC". Therefore, once such a hidden master is discovered, he will inevitably attract bees and butterflies, and he will be constantly pestered by players like mangy candy.

The players who were pestering Kyle the Barbarian all belonged to the same guild. Although they tried their best to dress like the players in the Land of Death, full of undead decadent style, Starry Sky still discovered them through the content of their conversations. In fact, they all come from the Holy Continent.

Kyle was found by these players while scanning the map. They also laughed at the local players in the Land of Death for not even discovering such a powerful "treasure NPC".

At the same time, he imagined what benefits he could get if he could unlock the Barbarian Blacksmith storyline, and perhaps become the main force of the guild in one fell swoop.

But Kyle's lack of response also made them very helpless.

Based on their previous experience in conquering the plot, they kept trying various methods to trigger the plot, but they all failed.

However, they are not frustrated. Instead, they feel that the more difficult the plot is to trigger, the greater the secret behind the NPC, and the rewards will definitely be richer.

Xingkong agreed with their speculation.

Keep waiting...

It didn't take long for the players to lose their patience. They agreed to come back tomorrow, and then one of the players took out a silver coin and scratched it with a crisp sound.

Starry Sky gave the little mudworm a push.

The little mudworm understood the situation and ran over, and after some conversation, he took several players away.

After confirming that there was no one around, Xingkong walked in front of the blacksmith shop and lifted his hood to reveal a silver metal skull.

The arrival of a strange undead made Kyle raise his head and take a look, and then he concentrated on hammering the iron ingot.

Xingkong activated the anti-listening barrier, covering a certain area with magic energy, and then said: "Master Laem asked me to come."

The hammer that Kyle swung paused in the air for a moment, and then fell down. The rhythm of the hammer did not change.

Xingkong continued: "You come from the Roaring Plane and are the son of a barbarian tribe chief. Unfortunately, you were captured in the war with the orcs. Later you escaped, but the barbarian tribe you belonged to has been captured by another powerful barbarian. annexed by human tribes.

When the barbarian tribe discovered that you were still alive, they issued a full-scale wanted order for you, and countless bounty hunters hunted you down. When you were seriously injured and on the verge of death, it was Master Laem who saved you. He took you into the land of death and gave you a new identity..."

As Xingkong narrated, the originally rhythmic tapping sound became messy.

Kyle couldn't help but said: "Guest, I don't know what you are talking about. If you are not here to order ironware, please don't disturb my work."

Starry Sky: "The headquarters sent two teams of blue mages to Scorched Earth City. Their mission is to rescue Master Laem, but the mission of some of the blue mages is to assassinate Master Laem."

Kyle's hammer struck the iron ingot and did not lift it again this time.

He looked at the starry sky: "I don't even know who you are, why should I believe what you say?"

Xingkong took out a letter: "This is the letter written by Master Laem to you. Read it yourself."

Kyle put the hammer aside and took the letter from Starry Sky, checking it carefully before opening it and reading it.

In the letter, Master Laem described his experiences during this period, and also explained that he was ambushed in Scorched Earth City because someone in the headquarters framed him.

He told Kyle that the Scorched Earth City branch of the Azure Society was now cooperating with Dorotea, the Lord of Scorched Earth City, under his orders. He wants to take a different path than before to achieve the goal of establishing the kingdom of death.

Now the head office has regarded the Scorched Earth City branch as a traitor and has closed all sources of information.

The trapped Scorched Earth City branch needs to know information from the outside world, especially the trends within the headquarters.

Kyle was silent for a while after reading it, then threw the letter and the envelope into the stove, and waited until the paper was completely burned before asking: "Is Master La'em safe now?"

Xingkong replied: "Safe, Dorotea and Mondorali will do their best to protect him. Now that you know the secret you shouldn't know, it's time to give your answer."

Xingkong reached out and grasped the hilt of the two-handed sword on his back, as if Kyle would kill him if he didn't agree.

Kyle said expressionlessly: "You can't kill me."

Xingkong: "Master La'em told me... the way to kill you."

Kyle's expression finally changed: "Master Laem really trusts you!"

"Now, you should believe me, right?"

Kyle relaxed a lot and said, "Even if you know my weaknesses, you are still reluctant to kill me. I can forge a weapon for you, a weapon strong enough for you to kill me."

Xingkong knew that he had gained Kyle's trust, and he let go of the hand holding the sword hilt: "It should take a long time to forge this weapon."

"Yes, it also requires a lot of materials. You have to live in the Peeling Tower for a while, and I can arrange a place for you."

Xingkong canceled the barrier and replied: "I can wait as long as I want to get the weapons you personally made."

Kyle invited Xingkong into the blacksmith shop: "Come in, I will write you a list of materials, and you can follow the list to find what you need to make weapons."

Starry Sky followed Kyle into the blacksmith shop and successfully completed the joint.

The next step is to spread the information network of the Rotten Royal Court. Xingkong's mission is not only to collect information about the Zhanlan Society's headquarters, but also to collect information from all parties in the Rotten Royal Court.

In this way, Starry Sky took up residence in the Skinning Tower in the name of waiting for Kyle to build weapons for himself. While he was learning about the movements of the Azure Society from Kyle, he was also using the goblin thieves to expand his sources of information in the Rotten Court.

At the same time, he did not forget his other purpose of coming to the Royal Court of Decay. He found the Immortal Library introduced by Frank. It was a library with a huge tower of the dead of its own, which contained books collected from all dimensions.

It's just not easy to enter this library. You need to pass the assessment of the owner of the Immortal Tower... the Immortal Society.

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