Machine War: Infinite Frontier.

Chapter 588 Unit- Explodes

Xiao Yun still didn't understand his own situation. If his original situation was like what CC said, a balloon that was forcibly mixed together and then inflated, then it would have been a completely different situation by now.

He accepted GEASS and V bacteria successively, and what he gained from GEASS was the ability to control people's hearts like the whisper of the devil. Now Xiao Yun is a real poison. The purer the soul, the greater the damage it will suffer when facing Xiao Yun.

The apostle who inexplicably self-destructed was not really self-destructing, but was directly "poisoned" to death by Xiao Yun, who was on the same frequency as Unit-01, and was counter-eroded in an instant, collapsing and dying without Xiao Yun even noticing.

I can only say that it is too poisonous. No wonder Sha Niao has always been unwilling to get close to this guy. No wonder Nagisa Xun felt extremely resistant when he saw Xiao Yun for the first time, causing an AT force field to emerge in front of his body.

The preparations for Xiao Yun's trip to space are also being actively carried out under the leadership of Jiachi Liangzhi. Of course, in order to ensure safety, the technical team brought by Xiao Yun also joins in. Otherwise, if someone tampers with something and something goes wrong during the launch, no one will survive.

Asuka and Ayanami Rei also dropped out of school after a thorough examination. Together with Makiba, the three of them began to live a life different from before. They trained and studied. In order to avoid the possibility of illiterate people saving the world, Kaji Ryoji invited many famous teachers to the three of them, determined to train them into the best pilots.

Unit 2, which was originally occupied by the Angel, was also transported to the Dawn underground base. Both Unit and Unit are currently under repair due to severe damage. Unit was developed in the United States, so some special technologies were used in its design, such as the prototype mass-produced S mechanism.

This thing is similar to the Apostle Core. Having this thing is equivalent to having unlimited energy. Just like Unit-01, it can operate for a long time without being connected to a power source.

This is the reason why Unit 4 encountered an unexpected situation during startup and brought such disastrous consequences that the United States completely abandoned EVA. Because to them, the remaining Unit 3 is a weapon that cannot be controlled at all. Otherwise, how could something that has invested so much money be easily delivered to the Third New Tokyo City.

But for the United States, something that is uncontrollable can become quite stable in the hands of Aurora. However, because Unit 3 itself has been severely damaged, it will take a lot of time to repair it before it can be put into use.

The damage to Unit 3 was also considerable. Although the invading Angel had been destroyed, the broken arm and many other damaged parts of the body still had a lot of damage. It would take no less time to completely repair it than it would to repair Unit .

If the angels attack, the only two machines that can be deployed are the remaining two machines, Unit-01 and Unit-02.

However, because of Xiao Yun, even if they encounter the apostles next time, they can only send out these two EVAs. But Misato Katsuragi is not panicked at all. With Xiao Yun driving Unit-01, it is enough to match the power of the other three machines combined.

Apostles and such are just sprinkling water.

The latter apostle came faster than expected. The power angel, who holds the title of the strongest rejection-type apostle, made his debut just a few days later. From the moment he discovered the appearance of the power angel, he pushed forward all the way towards the third New Tokyo City.

The appearance of the Power Angel was a very sudden situation. No organization detected the island country from which the Power Angel entered. These apostles seemed to appear and be detected suddenly every time. There was no definite source at all. This made Xiao Yun feel that the apostles were a bit like Schrödinger.

He appeared out of nowhere and died out of nowhere.

Fortunately, the rocket to space has not been completed yet, otherwise, facing this situation, Xiao Yun can only hope that everyone on Earth will fend for themselves.

After receiving the notification, Xiao Yun went directly to the hangar, jumped into the cockpit, and entered the body of Unit 01 along with the insertion bolt.

As soon as the cockpit lit up, screens popped up one after another.

Misato Katsuragi was in the middle. After the communication was connected, she spoke directly: "We have confirmed the location of the Power Angel. It is still 2 kilometers away from the Third New Tokyo City. At the current speed, it will soon be close to the Third New Tokyo City. The Island Defense Force has already started fighting and used a large number of N2 bombs, but unfortunately the Power Angel has an AT force field strength far exceeding that of other apostles. Even N bombs cannot break through its AT force field, and the attack strength is very huge. One attack may destroy all the armor above our heads."

"We have now started the emergency evacuation of all residents of the Third New Tokyo City. The Island Defense Force is trying to buy us time to prepare. According to the operational plan, in order to bring impact and damage to the Third New Tokyo City, we need to intercept the apostles outside the Third New Tokyo City and destroy them."

Asuka was surprised. "Finish the battle outside of Tokyo-3?"

"That's right." Katsuragi Misato nodded and said, "The current Third New Tokyo City Base is our only base for Aurora. Once it is destroyed, the impact on us will be huge. For long-term considerations, we can only place the battlefield outside the city. So this time, only Unit-01 can attack. Mr. Xiao Yun, please."

"I know. Those who are capable should do more work." Xiao Yun nodded and said, "No need to bring meaningless weapons. That thing is enough. Just eject me like this."

Misato Katsuragi nodded and began to give orders. As the ejection program started, Xiao Yun also felt a force pressing down on his body. Following the long ejection line, Unit-01 finally appeared on the ground. As soon as it broke free from the restraint frame, it began to rush towards the direction where the Power Angel was attacking.

Misato Katsuragi said: "Mr. Xiao Yun... this is already the eleventh apostle."

"Don't worry." Xiao Yun controlled Unit-01 to run quickly in the direction of the Angel of Power and said softly, "I know there is still one last apostle. No matter what, the situation has come to this point. Hope is tomorrow. I will definitely not give up halfway."

"Thank you."

In the current reincarnation, there are only twelve apostles instead of the original eighteen. At least in SEELE's plan, there are only twelve apostles. Except for the power angel who will be in contact soon, there is only one unknown apostle who has not appeared.

The first apostle was Adam, the second apostle was Lilith, and the other two from the third to the tenth were sealed in the Dawn underground base. One apostle in a dual form of biological data was sealed in a large hard drive, and the other core that was torn off by Xiao Yun was also sealed.

As long as the last two apostles, including the Angel of Power, can be eliminated, there will be no more attacks from apostles in this world.

Just as Kaworu Nagisa said, the world is a cycle but some dead lives are truly dead. Five of the thirteen apostles have been lost in the previous cycles, which just corresponds to the fact that the world has gone through five cycles. There may be some special connection here. It is possible that Kaworu Nagisa has to sacrifice an apostle every time he is resurrected.

Although the last angel did not appear, Ryoji Kaji, Misato Katsuragi and Fuyutsuki have roughly guessed the location of the last angel. According to the information compiled by the moon, the last angel, or one of the twelve angels, is actually the giant in the blood pool on the moon, and is also Unit 6 in the original SEELE plan.

It was the last part of the SEELE script that was supposed to bring about the impact of completing the human instrumentality plan, but unfortunately Unit-6 may not have completed its transformation into an Angel, and it is even just a semi-finished EVA product, and now there is no possibility of completing it. The United Nations space forces are rushing to dismantle that thing, preparing to completely destroy the unfinished Unit-6 in a physical sense.

So strictly speaking, as long as there are no major changes in the future, the power angel in front of him will be the last apostle Xiao Yun faces in this world, and also his last battle in this world.

With the speed of Unit-01 that can break the sound barrier when running on land, it would not take too much time to cover the originally long distance. As for how many birds and animals were startled along the way and how much damage was caused, that was not something Xiao Yun would consider at all.

It felt like just a blink of an eye and the Power Angel had appeared in Xiao Yun's eyes. The island defense forces that had originally intercepted the Power Angel had completed the synchronous evacuation after Unit 01 was ejected.

"Take my punch!"

Following Xiao Yun's loud shout, white surging light instantly covered everything. Unit-01 jumped high and threw a punch, creating a huge sonic boom. A destructive force immediately spread out, and the terrifying air waves and energy spread in a spherical shape. The clouds in the sky were instantly blown away, and the ground was even blown up several meters. Countless soil and trees were squeezed away and began to splash in all directions. The ground was almost cracked, and the groundwater splashed out like waves and then instantly turned into steam.

This punch unleashed a power comparable to that of a nuclear bomb, and it was a high-yield nuclear bomb, flashing white light and without any pollution.

The Power Angel without unleashing its full strength looked like an apostle version of Iron Maiden. The powerful AT force field barrier rose up instantly, but Unit-01 didn't even have time to touch the Power Angel with its fist before the entire AT force field shattered.

The punch of Unit-01 did not touch the Angel of Power, but it caused its shell to shatter and twist directly. It was then ejected at a speed faster than sound, and in the blink of an eye it flew dozens of kilometers away, and all the rocks on the mountain that it hit were shattered.

"Great!" Xiao Yun laughed, and Unit-01 bent its legs and ejected, as if it had turned into a flying bird and chased after it. The ground collapsed several meters again, and then there were bursts of breaking sounds and visible air waves spreading out.

When this scene was transmitted back to the command center, everyone widened their eyes in disbelief.

Unit-01 has become even stronger, to a degree that is incomprehensible.

"When did Unit-01 have this kind of power!?"

Misato Katsuragi's face was filled with disbelief, while Ritsuko Akagi squinted and adjusted her glasses: "It's not that Unit-01 has become stronger, but that he is too abnormal. He had someone install something on Unit-01 before, but he didn't expect that it could make Unit-01 stronger to this extent. This is too scary."

Super heat resistance, super conductivity, super heat dissipation! And super energy, life energy that can be used directly without conversion!

Now Xiao Yun has discovered another advantage of EVA, that is, with the core and the ability to use the AT force field, the effect of the LD system will be brought to an unimaginable extreme.

He hit the Flying Angel head-on with a single punch, shattering the AT force field and the outer shell of the Flying Angel. This kind of power is enough to kill a god!

Moreover, with the LD system's ability to convert impulses into physical force, it can also make the bulky EVA look light. Xiao Yun even feels like he has become an EVA version of Superman.

Superman had super strength and now he has it, Superman can fly and now he can do that too, Superman can use his eyes to block lasers and now he can do similar things.

I saw a black halo appear on the head of Unit-01, and a flying bird rune appeared in its eyes. After a flash, a cross light explosion hit the Power Angel that had finally stopped, and smashed the Power Angel directly into the ground.

"Look at my lion combo!"

Xiao Yun was extremely excited at this moment, with bird runes flashing in his eyes and his face full of excitement.

Unit-01, which had already turned into an afterimage, hooked up the Angel of Power again with its foot, quickly turned around and kicked out with its other foot. Then all people could see was the Angel of Power going up and down, left and right in the sky. The AT force field was useless and the heavy armor was meaningless. Any attack could not hit it and it would instead suffer the heavy blow from Unit-01.

As long as the core is not destroyed, the apostle will not die, so even if he has been flying in the sky for a whole minute and his whole body has been completely shattered, the power angel is still very much alive.

Until a black and white ball of light appeared in the palm of Unit-01 and hit the core of the Power Angel while spinning rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the core turned into pieces. The Power Angel, who felt for the first time that it was difficult to live, turned into a ball of blood and shattered to death.


Unit 01 landed on the ground with a roar. Xiao Yun wiped his sweat in the cockpit and shouted "awesome" in complete comfort.


Saying this word also made Xiao Yun feel relieved. The load brought by using the LD system was still normal. However, as soon as he relaxed, countless warnings popped up in the cockpit. The densely packed warning screens made Xiao Yun not know where to look.

“Oh, fuck…”

Xiao Yun felt a pain all over his body as if stabbed by a knife, which made him unable to hold back and scream out. Unit-01 also completely lost control and knelt on the ground. Xiao Yun quickly shut down all the systems of Unit-01 to interrupt this feeling.

"what's the situation?"

Misato Katsuragi watched the screen as Unit-01 suddenly fell to the ground with blood gushing out of its body, all of its purple armor breaking apart and melting, and thick smoke rising from its body. She murmured like a fool, "Unit-01 has collapsed..."

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