Machine War: Infinite Frontier.

Chapter 587 How did he die?

The red spear stopped a second before it was about to pierce Unit 03's chest, and a pair of arms tightly grasped the Spear of Longinus in Unit 02's hand.

Although Unit 03 was not connected to a power source, it started up on its own when it encountered danger and took the fatal blow from Asuka. Then Unit 03's mouth opened and its eyes lit up with a dangerous red light. A scream resounded through the sky, followed by a violent explosion.

The distinct cross-shaped explosion beam was eye-catching. Even though Asuka had prepared in advance, she was still hit directly by the explosion. Asuka's screams were immediately heard over the communication.

"Asuka!" Katsuragi Misato suddenly became anxious: "Asuka, how are you!"

The screams of pain gradually turned into suppressed heavy breathing. Asuka gritted her teeth while enduring the pain of the explosion directly transmitted back by Unit 2: "I'm fine. We can't let it take away the Spear of Longinus."

"Hold on, Zero is coming!"

Misato Katsuragi looked at the big screen anxiously. The screen was filled with dust all over the sky and it was difficult to see the scene beneath the dust.

But at this moment, the one-eyed Unit-00 flashed out from the side, and the strong wind brought by the extremely fast speed directly blew away all the smoke and dust, and the dagger in his hand quickly stabbed in the direction of Unit-03.

But the final result was not what everyone expected. The flashing AT force field barrier blocked the dagger and collided with the AT force field of Unit 0.

"Hold on, Asuka."

Zero also tried her best, and what should have been a passionate encouragement came out of her mouth but it sounded very calm.

As an EVA, Unit 3 naturally possesses all the performance of EVAs. However, as an EVA corrupted by an Angel, Unit has not shown any special abilities in this regard. It is even inferior to the runaway Unit . The only additional means of attack it has over Unit and Unit are just two.

The first one is a beast-like transformation, which can slightly change its body shape and extend its arms, and the second one is a cross AT force field blast with a flash of eyes.

Facing two EVAs at the same time is also a huge pressure for Unit 03.

"Go to hell!"

Asuka roared, and controlled Unit-02 to kick Unit-03's head with a knee strike, which also broke the AT force field maintained by Unit-0. The dagger in her hand was inserted into Unit-03's head and twisted it around. The intense pain made Unit-03 roar, but the next second it was pierced through by the red spear in Unit-02's hand and nailed to the ground.

Xiao Yun watched the whole process but did not take any action. Although he was also sitting in the cockpit of Unit 01 at this time, he gave the opportunity to show off to Asuka and Ayanami Rei.

The Spear of Longinus that could seal even Lilith had the same effect against apostles. It could be said to be a specialized weapon for dealing with apostles. With this shot, Unit-3's body was directly pierced through. With the joint efforts of Unit- and Unit-, it was pinned to the ground and nailed to the ground.

Suddenly, Xiao Yun discovered that Unit 0 had stopped moving. He glanced at the time and found that it was only a minute since Unit 0 was supposed to take action. Immediately, Misato Katsuragi's panicked voice rang in his ears: "Zero! Start the ejection procedure!"

Xiao Yun asked: "What's wrong?"

Misato Katsuragi said anxiously: "Unit-01 has been corroded by the Angel. This Angel... is not an ordinary guy. It can regenerate, split and corrode other targets! Oops, the communication is disconnected, and the ejection is forced from the outside!"

Xiao Yun originally planned to let the two girls handle it themselves, but it seems that it is time for him to take action again.

But how could his actions be faster than those of Unit 02 which was on the scene? The dagger popped out and swung it directly to cut off Unit 0's right hand, but even so it was still a little late.

The blue flowing stuff directly invaded Unit-00 along the arm of Unit-03, and when the cockpit was forcibly ejected by the outside world, it turned into a strange fluid that stuck to the cockpit and forcibly fixed it in the half-ejected position.

"Zero! Hold on!"

This time, it was Asuka who shouted. Asuka could no longer care about that. She stretched out her hands to pull those blue glowing things off the cockpit of Unit-00. Xiao Yun was terrified. How could a favorable situation suddenly turn out like this? It was not a voluntary surrender, was it? Or maybe she didn't take enough tactics lessons!

When facing corrosive things, you must use long arms to hit them, and it is best to use long-range attacks, or cover the entire body with an AT force field. Now, isn't active contact equivalent to active surrender?


As Xiao Yun shouted, Unit-01 fell from the sky, and the black AT force field directly covered its arm, wrapping around Unit-01's arm like Sailor Moon's transformation, and then condensed into a black glove.

"We should be more careful at times like this." Xiao Yun reminded, controlling Unit-01 to easily tear off the things stuck on the cockpit and then pull the cockpit out.

Without the cockpit, Unit-00 was about to roar a few times when Unit-01 slapped it to the ground, very easily.

"I...I'm fine."

Ayanami Rei's voice finally sounded again. The clean cockpit was most likely pulled out before it had time to be corroded, so Ayanami Rei in the cockpit was still safe and sound.

However, the situation that Unit 03 was nailed to death and Unit 0 was also corroded gave Xiao Yun a headache.

How come this apostle is so much better than the one he remembered? This corrosive ability is really scary.

If Unit-01 is corrupted, then it can't be his fault, right?

For some reason, this idea suddenly popped up in Xiao Yun's mind, and Unit-01 immediately stretched out a finger and poked it into the insertion pipe of Unit-00's cockpit.

But just as this action was completed, a pool of blood exploded from the bodies of Unit 0 and Unit 3, and spread out quickly like rain.

Xiao Yun: ⊙△⊙?

Asuka: ╰(”﹏”)つ

Ling Bo Ling: w(°o°)w

Katsuragi Misato: ╰[﹏]╯

"Ahem." Misato Katsuragi coughed softly: "The blue signal has disappeared, the apostle has been eliminated, the operation is over and waiting for recovery."

Xiao Yun raised his middle finger and looked at it blankly. He couldn't understand what was happening and stared blankly in confusion.

How did this thing die? He didn't do anything, how could he die?

Died with just one stab? Is this apostle so easy to kill? Is it because although the erosion ability has been enhanced, the body has become more fragile, and can only use EVA to use the AT force field, but it does not have an AT force field itself, so it does not have the strong defense of other apostles, and it died with just a slight stab?

This was the only explanation Xiao Yun could think of.

But Asuka had a strange expression on her face. She didn't understand what happened just now. But because she was close to them, she still saw something. For example, the two balls of blood that exploded just now faintly revealed a shiny black color, as if they were poisoned, but they soon disappeared with the rising of the blood.

The apostle must be dead, because only a dead apostle would explode with this iconic blood, so how did the apostle die?

This may remain a secret forever.

The people from Aurora quickly came to recover and clean the three machines. Unit 0 was damaged and would probably not be able to be used in combat for a long time. As for Unit 3... since the apostles were all dead, it could continue to be used if there were no problems after inspection, but it also needed to be repaired.

So after all the twists and turns, the arrival of Unit 03 not only did not increase the combat power, but instead reduced the combat power by one. Misato Katsuragi also felt a bit of a headache.

But fortunately, the apostles were finally eliminated and everyone was safe.

After returning, Ling Bo Ling must have been isolated immediately to ensure that she was not contaminated by the apostles.

Pollution... erosion...

Ryoji Kaji looked at Xiao Yun, who was frowning and thinking, and finally chose to remain silent. He probably knew why the apostle died inexplicably, but after thinking about it, he decided to say nothing.

The man who could force an apostle to commit suicide was indeed a god of the same level as Adam and Lilith. Fortunately, this god stood on the side of humanity.

"It's strange. I've never fought such a weird battle in my life."

Xiao Yun muttered to himself, puzzled. He waved his hands and shook his head, leaving the finishing touches to others: "Jia Chi, the quality of the pilots is still too poor. Even pilots who are specially used to drive EVAs should be trained to develop combat skills. What's the point of sending them to high school classes every day? Can high school knowledge help them fight against the apostles and save the world?"

These words stunned Kaji Ryoji for a moment, and he fell into thought as he looked at Xiao Yun's leaving back.

Ever since he met Xiao Yun, he has been spending more and more time thinking. He finally understood why Ikari Gendo was so silent every day, because he had too many things to consider.

"High school knowledge should still be useful for drivers...right?"

Ryoji Kaji scratched his hair and suddenly realized that sending Asuka and Ayanami Rei to school was indeed useless, and high school knowledge really could not save the world.

For example, in today's stupid incident, the two pilots obviously made such a big mistake because of their lack of education and tactical skills. Saving the world depends on illiterate people...

Kaji Ryoji's eyes suddenly became a little numb, he clapped his hands and sighed: "So this is the reason why this world keeps reincarnating, illiteracy kills people, Ikari Gendo, SEELE... you guys are so calculating."

This word woke Ryoji up from his dream. He had already thought about what to do next. Normal schooling was indeed not suitable for Ayanami Rei and Asuka. He had to change all the arrangements and plans for the two of them from now on. He had to find better teachers to teach them. At the same time, he had to cultivate their tactical qualities. The same mistake must never happen again in the future.

No wonder Kaworu Nagisa is so impressive as the last qualified person. It turns out that he has lived long enough and has enough knowledge and experience. No wonder he failed every time in his reincarnations. It is because all the EVA pilots selected before were defective products.

Xiao Yun didn't know that his words would completely change the lives of Asuka and Ayanami Rei, but even if he knew he would still tell it.

What happened today could have been completely avoided. Unit-00 smashed Unit-03's head and pinned Unit-03 down without any protection. It wasn't enough that Unit-00 was corroded, but Asuka jumped on it like a fool.

If Xiao Yun had been two seconds slower, Unit 2 might have been corroded as well. The consequence of losing three EVAs at once would have been disastrous.

Xiao Yun is a reckless person who likes to seek death, but the result is good. He is confident that he can fight the apostles for a few rounds on the area of ​​erosion and pollution. Although the result is a bit unexpected and it ended before the round even started, Asuka does not have such ability and wants to send out Ayanami Zero without any preparation. Her level and quality are really unmatched.

If it was Kira or Aslan, they would have drawn their beam sabers and dismembered the enemy in a moment. Even if it was the real Asuka, he would probably make the same choice if he encountered this situation. Xiao Yun was really impressed.

After Xiao Yun left, he did not go back to rest, but went directly to the place where Zhu Xun was imprisoned.

After passing through several doors, he saw Nagisa Kaoru who was fixed on a cross. The latter was also looking at Xiao Yun with clear eyes.

"Has the Apostle appeared again?"

Xiao Yun nodded and said, "It's solved. This time it's a corrosive type."

Nagisa Kaworu nodded: "Is that it? Then the one you will face next time is the strongest rejection type, the one with the strongest vitality and AT field among all the apostles."

"Thank you." Xiao Yun thanked Nagisa Kaoru and asked, "An interesting thing happened when we were fighting this apostle today."

Nagisa Kaoru smiled slightly: "Mr. Xiao Yun said it's interesting, so it must be a very interesting thing."

Xiao Yun touched his chin and said, "I thought this corrosive Angel had a very strong corrosive ability, and I wanted to test its quality, but I just controlled Unit-01 to send my hand over and it exploded directly. Do you know what happened?"

A strange look gradually appeared on Nagisa Xun's pretty face, and he looked at Xiao Yun with fear: "Direct contact, actively letting it erode?"

Xiao Yun said: "Yes, I also want to try to see if I can control it."

Nagisa Kaoru was silent for a moment: "Is it possible that your soul, Mr. Xiao Yun, was a very terrible thing to it, and its erosion and pollution in turn polluted itself by Mr. Xiao Yun, so it died in an instant."

Xiao Yun opened his mouth and snorted: "Nonsense, this apostle must have other purposes!"

Zhu Xun saw the indignation in Xiao Yun's eyes, and he knew what was going on. It was obvious that Xiao Yun himself had thought of this possibility but was unwilling to admit that his soul was so terrible, the kind of soul that was like poison to a pure soul. No, poison was nothing. It was not worth mentioning in front of Xiao Yun's soul. Even when facing a weapon that could kill gods, Zhu Xun was unwilling to face the pollution of Xiao Yun's soul.

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