Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 62 Spider-Man’s “useful” advice

As mentioned before, in order for the high-energy particle beam in the particle collider to be confined in the collider tube and accelerated to close to the speed of light, not only a huge amount of energy is required, but also a super strong magnetic field is required to provide binding force.

At the same time, the environment inside the pipeline must also reach an ultra-vacuum state to reduce the unnecessary loss of protons in the particle beam.

This series of operations requires a huge cooling system.

These ultra-strong magnetic fields are made of special superconducting cables and need to work at ultra-low temperatures of minus 271 degrees Celsius.

Not only that, accelerating protons to close to the speed of light cannot be accomplished all at once.

In fact, the entire particle collider must be run continuously for at least 10 hours to bring the particle beam up to a usable standard.

It is conceivable how much load will be generated during this process.

Therefore, in fact, this particle collider also has a huge cooling system called a liquid helium shunt system.

The blond Spider-Man found the connection program between the liquid helium split system and the particle collider, and made this reload key.

There is a program on the reload key that breaks the link between the two systems.

When the liquid helium split system no longer cools the collider, the superconducting electromagnet will gradually lose its effectiveness due to rising temperatures.

This triggers the collider's own protection system, causing the collider to shut down automatically.

However, that was a decision made before in order to shut down the particle collider and crush the Kingpin.

But things are different now.

Before shutting down the particle collider, he also has to try to send Shadow Spider-Man and the others back to their respective worlds.

At this point, it is necessary to make slight changes to the original reload key to create "Reload Key 2.0".

As for how to change

From the information, Peter and the others knew that Kingpin spent such a huge price to build this particle collider in order to find his wife and son from the parallel universe.

In order to locate them accurately, there is a program in the particle collider, which will find existences with a high matching degree based on the biological information input when the singularity is opened.

Previously, it was because the blond Spider-Man was pressed into the particle collider by the Green Goblin, so the program read the information of "Spider-Man" and brought over all the Spider-Man from the five worlds that were opened.

What we need to do now is to reverse this procedure and send the five Spider-Man back according to the route they came from.

"Penny, Big Peter, I need your help," Peter said without looking back as he looked at the information on the computer and kept recording some of the key nodes.

"Big Peter? Me? Huh?" Amazing Spider-Man B pointed at himself in confusion, "What a strange name."

Peter raised his head and said with a smile: "You are older than all of us Peters, so why don't you be called Big Peter?"

The Amazing Spider-Man B subconsciously looked down at his belly, which was so big that he couldn't even see his toes.

"Okay, big Peter, let's be big Peter, it's better than big belly Peter."

Penny jumped up to Peter: "Where do you need my help?"

Peter stepped aside slightly and pointed to several modules related to [Liquid Helium Splitting System] [Quantum Information Reading System] and [Quantum Information Matching System] that he had specially pulled out on the computer, and said: "We are going to do the following. The two systems are reversed and then added to the reload key, but the order must be paid attention to and it cannot conflict with the procedure of cutting off the [liquid helium split system]."

Peter introduced it seriously.

Penny and Amazing Spider-Man B also became serious, standing aside and listening carefully.

One of them is a veteran Spider-Man with more than 20 years of experience, and the other is a genius girl with high technology such as biological mechas. It is not difficult to quickly understand these things.

Especially with Peter's explanation.

Aunt Mei, who was not far away, looked at Peter who became very focused, and a drop of crystal could not help but roll down from the corner of her eyes.

Her Peter is back.

When you do something seriously, time always flies by.

If you are devoted enough, you may not even feel the passage of time.

By the time Peter and the others came to their senses, several hours had passed.

Aunt Mei made dinner and sent it downstairs. They quickly finished the dinner downstairs and then continued to work.

Because according to their estimates, the next time Kingpin will turn on the particle collider will definitely be very close, maybe even tomorrow!

They must work overtime to make this reload key 2.0!

In this way, I was busy until late at night.

Peter sent Penny to bed on the grounds that she was too young to stay up late, and continued working with Amazing Spider-Man B.

Peter went "offline" for a while.

That side of his body hasn't eaten anything all day, so he's probably starving.

Peter returned to his own world and took out a bunch of things from the refrigerator. These were all things Aunt May had prepared for him in advance. He just needed to heat them up.

Just like that, another hour passed. Peter finished eating and continued to lie back on the bed, "online" again.

As soon as he came back, he saw Amazing Spider-Man B standing in front of him, looking at him curiously.

"Did you find anything?"

Before Peter went offline, he asked Amazing Spider-Man B to observe the state of his body after he went offline, so that he could at least confirm one thing.

That is whether this body can come back to life.

The Amazing Spider-Man B said thoughtfully: "After you left, the spider sense ability was weakened, and the breath of life was also weakened. Unfortunately, he did not survive. He only relied on the fusion of your consciousness to regain his vitality."

Peter was a little disappointed after hearing this.

If possible, he still hopes that the blond Spider-Man can be resurrected.

Because according to past experience, he will one day be disconnected from the world.

When the time comes, will Aunt Mei suffer the pain of losing her nephew again?

For a moment, he felt a little heavy.

The Amazing Spider-Man B patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Not everything in this world can be as we wish."

Peter nodded slightly. Of course he knew this, but he still felt unwilling.

Upon seeing this, Amazing Spider-Man B patted the sofa behind him and motioned for Peter to sit down.

After Peter sat down, he continued: "Don't you want me to give you some advice on being Spider-Man? I can tell you now."

Peter looked up at him with anticipation. The man in front of him had been Spider-Man for 22 years!

His suggestion should be very useful, right?

The Amazing Spider-Man talks:

"First, don't let others clone you."

"Second, don't tread two boats."


"Fourth, don't lend money to Wolverine and Mockingbird."


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