Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 61 Kingpin’s Particle Collider

After a brief joyful reunion, Peter wanted to prevent Aunt May from being too emotional and affecting her body, and he was also afraid that he would reveal himself by saying too much.

So he changed the subject and asked Amazing Spider-Man B about their harvest.

Miles stepped forward and handed him the host that he had been holding in his arms: "The information is all here."

"Why a host?" Peter took it over in confusion.

Miles smiled awkwardly: "Well, I think this is more comprehensive, yes, that's it, right, Peter."

Amazing Spider-Man B looked at him and rolled his eyes.

He obviously didn't remember the password, but he still said it so righteously.

But he didn't bother to expose it.

In a sense, Miles is right. Bringing the console back really brings the information to the table.

This is Ms. Octopus's computer host!

When it came to business, everyone became serious.

Peter took the host, walked aside naturally, connected it to a monitor, and began to search for content about the particle collider.

Unlike his own computer, the contents of the particle collider in Ms. Octopus's computer are directly named after them.

So it's not difficult to find them.

Peter quickly turned to the document and began reading it quickly.

He thought that the blond Spider-Man must have read these contents before, so he could make the reload key.

What he has to do now is to use this method to stimulate the deep memory of the blond Spider-Man to obtain memory fragments.

This saves time in re-understanding the information and design, allowing them to quickly obtain the finished product.

Data show that this particle collider is actually composed of a 30-kilometer-long superconducting magnet ring and thousands of magnets of different types and models.

To this end, Kingpin spent a huge amount of money and started planning a few years ago. He used his money and power to pave the way and forcibly reroute the newly planned subway route that originally passed through Brooklyn.

Then, he took the subway line that had been abandoned as a result into his own hands and built this super-large particle collider.

The collider uses a large number of 1232 bipolar magnets to bend the particle beam, and a large number of 392 quadrupole magnets to confine the particle beam.

When the particle collider is turned on, a large number of high-energy particle beams will appear at the source. Each beam contains 5848 clusters. Each cluster contains approximately 1.55x10^11 protons. These protons will be absorbed by a large number of four particles. The strong magnetic field formed by the polar magnets is confined in the collider channel, and then bent and accelerated by a large number of bipolar magnets until their speed approaches the speed of light.

Then, they will collide at the ends of the two channels, with an efficiency of about one collision every 25 nanoseconds, and about 75 to 100 pairs of protons colliding at a time.

Each collision of these protons releases the kinetic energy accumulated when they are accelerated.

The collision of a large number of protons is a process of continuously generating and enriching energy.

When the energy reaches a certain level, an existence similar to a singularity in the universe will occur.

And this singularity of the universe is the way to connect with the parallel universe!

In fact, the blond Spider-Man had heard about it when Kingpin first started building this particle collider a few years ago, but particle collider things are not uncommon in modern times where quantum physics is gradually developing.

There are particle colliders elsewhere, too.

This is just a scientific tool used to study quantum physics.

Only later, when Kingpin's particle collider was built and the first experiment was conducted, causing minor earthquakes throughout Brooklyn and even New York City, the blond Spider-Man discovered something was wrong.

Kingpin’s particle collider is overpowered!

This is just a preliminary test, and there is no full power operation!

After his calculations, he found that if Kingpin continues to turn on this enhanced version of the particle collider, it is likely that a small black hole will be drilled under Brooklyn!

By then, not only Brooklyn, New York, and even the entire earth may be annihilated by this black hole!

So, after gaining insight into Kingpin's experimental plan, the blond Spider-Man quietly sneaked into Okmax's Octopus Lady's office, obtained the information, and made a reload key, preparing to interrupt Kingpin during his official experiment.

Kingpin also anticipated that Spider-Man might come to stop him, so he brought two bodyguards in advance - the Green Goblin and the Prowler.

The blond Spider-Man should have been able to stop them. Even if the Green Goblin and the Prowler were together, he could handle it with ease.

But Miles' intrusion distracted the blond Spider-Man during the battle.

As a result, he was accidentally pushed by the Green Goblin into the violent stream of particles emitted after the particle collider was turned on.

The energy that can produce singularities and even small black holes after continuous accumulation is all tilted towards the blond Spider-Man.

Even though his physical fitness had reached its peak at this moment, he was still inevitably seriously injured.

Then, he was seriously injured and died under Kingpin's fist.


The memory fragments this time are quite complete, probably because things related to the particle collider happened recently.

Through this, Peter knew the whole story and the cause of the death of the blond Spider-Man.

His feelings about Miles also became complicated.

After accepting the memory of the blond Spider-Man, and conducting dialectical analysis from the perspective of a bystander, he was able to draw a conclusion: If it hadn't been for the appearance of Miles, the blond Spider-Man would not have died!

Even if he could have stopped the particle collider, then Shadow Spider-Man, Amazing Spider-Man B, Spider-Gwen, Penny and Spider-Pig would not have to be forced to travel to this strange world.

Even though they were laughing and joking, in fact, their bodies were suffering at the moment.

Because the quantum of the original world in their bodies is not recognized by the quantum of this world, and may even be rejected, this makes them also rejected.

What they feel now is probably like being cut with a dull knife all the time.

Until their "flesh" is cut off, they will be completely annihilated.

Similar to quantum collapse.

However, from the memory of the blond Spider-Man he obtained, he did not have a bad feeling towards Miles.

Maybe it's because of the kindness of the blond Spider-Man, but also because Miles only broke in unintentionally. Moreover, it was the blond Spider-Man's own decision to save Miles.

It can only be said that he was influenced by him, but it cannot be said that he is the murderer.

Peter sighed slightly in his heart and began to sort out his memories.

The memories that just emerged include not only the whole story, but also the experience of the blond Spider-Man making the reload key.

And this is exactly what they need now!

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