Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 124 Damage Control Department

The Spider Sense Radar spreads out.

Peter quickly found the location of the gunmen on three helicopters hundreds of meters away.

There are five fully armed gunners, holding semi-energy-driven sniper rifles that incorporate some kind of alien technology. They have higher accuracy and range, but also have smaller recoil.

"Wait, that's not the Black Spider-Man we're looking for!"

At this time, a shout came from one of the helicopters.

"Whether it is or not, capture him first! You must move quickly to prevent him from falling into Stark's hands!" someone on another helicopter shouted.

The whirring sound of the helicopter propellers was so loud that even if they had communicators, they could only communicate normally through shouting.

However, for Peter, whose five senses were further developed and the Spider Sense Radar was activated, he could hear it clearly.

"Black Spider-Man? Sure enough, these people were recruited by me when I was possessed by venom!" Peter had noticed it when he was attacked just now, and now it has been verified.

"Mr. Stark is also looking for me? It seems that Venom really controlled my body and did something big!"

But now doesn't seem to be the time to delve into this. He believes that he will be able to figure everything out.

The top priority is to find Strange first and ask him to help him see if he can find the venom symbiote in his body.

Judging from the past experience of other Spider-Man, even if it is not in a possessed state, it will slowly and subtly affect the host.

So the longer this thing stays on him, the more dangerous it becomes.

However, Peter wanted to leave, but someone clearly didn't want him to leave.

Boom boom——

As the helicopter approached rapidly, several heavily armed soldiers descended, and then landed one after another on the streets around Peter's position.

They were wearing exoskeleton armor that was somewhat similar to Chitauri soldiers, and they were holding energy rifles in their hands. They looked very elite at first glance.

"Spider-Man Black, we are the Damage Control Department! Now, you are suspected of a case of illegal intrusion into the damage control department's secret base. Please cooperate with our investigation, otherwise, we will take coercive measures!"

Several guys claiming to be from the Damage Control Department slowly approached Peter with guns in hand.

Peter frowned.

Damage Control?

Information about this organization flashed through his mind.

This is a department led by Tony Stark and established together with the US federal government after the Battle of New York. Its original purpose was to repair and clean up New York after the alien war.

Later, the unit was also involved in the cleanup of the wreckage of S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters and the aftermath of Ultron's attack on Sokovia.

Many of the items used by Adrian Toomes and his team, who were previously captured by Peter, were also secretly "borrowed" from items transported back when the Damage Control Department cleaned up these places.

Later, this department also had law enforcement powers mainly responsible for criminals with superhuman abilities or technology.

Obviously, these few people in front of me are law enforcement officers from the law enforcement department of the Damage Control Department.

Did Venom take his body for a stroll to Damage Control?

An idea came to Peter's mind.

As for the warnings from the law enforcement officers of the Damage Control Department, he simply ignored them.

He does not think that this department has the control of the Stark Group and is his "one of the people".

The other party obviously had ulterior motives for him.

Peter shouted: "I am Spider-Man, Avenger, what black Spider-Man are you looking for? Is that some of my fanatical imitators?"

"Avenger Spider-Man?" Several law enforcement officers from the Damage Control Department stopped, seeming to confirm something.

Not long after, they gathered around Peter again: "If you are not Spider-Man Black, then don't resist and cooperate with our work. If it is really a misunderstanding, we will apologize to you."

"Haha~" Peter chuckled, "Why don't we go to the Avengers headquarters to meet up? I want to ask if this is Iron Man's idea."

The other party didn't answer again.

There was a sound of subtle but dense footsteps.

Soon, several Damage Control Department law enforcement officers were rushing towards Peter from all directions.

"Do you have to fight? Are you itchy?" Peter shot out two spider threads, stuck the two closest guys, pulled them directly to him, then jumped up slightly, and bumped their heads together.

This exoskeleton armor made of some unknown alloy was obviously very strong and durable. After a crisp impact, both of them fell to the ground, but they got up quickly.

"Oh! I hate you guys who hide yourselves in turtle shells!" Peter volleyed with two kicks, kicking two law enforcement officers from the Damage Control Department directly more than ten meters away.

Then he fell to the ground again, wrapped a web of spider silk around a law enforcement officer not far away, made him into a simple human meteor hammer, and flicked him hard.

Bang bang bang!

Several muffled sounds.

In less than ten seconds, these heavily armed guys fell to the ground like bowling balls.


A series of spider threads were added, sticking these people to the wall or the ground, temporarily losing their ability to resist.

"Are you comfortable now?" Peter glanced at them sideways and jumped up suddenly.

Da da da--

A series of bullets hit the spot where he had just been standing.

The source is surprisingly the helicopter above!


The continuous harassment made Peter feel a sense of unknown anger in his heart.

He snorted coldly and used his spider silk to launch a volley pursuit, spanning dozens of meters in an instant and kicking the side of the helicopter.

The huge force not only tore the helicopter's side door directly open, but also caused the helicopter to lose its balance.

"Don't challenge my tolerance!" Peter said in a gloomy tone as he grabbed the helicopter with one hand and pulled the pilot out of the cockpit with the other.

Whirring whirring--

The helicopter first lost its balance and then its pilot. It immediately fell diagonally like an eagle with broken wings.

"No, no, don't." The driver looked at Peter in horror.

This frightened face was reflected in Peter's pupils, making Peter stunned for a moment.

The next moment, he suddenly reacted.


This thing is indeed on him!

Moreover, perhaps because he has completely let go of control of his body, his venom affects him much faster than other Spider-Man!

Peter threw the pilot out with skillful force, and then shot out a thread of spider silk that stuck him to the top of the nearby building.

Then, he aimed at the street below, and a large ball of spider silk continued to spurt out.

Soon, a giant net appeared between the two houses, fixing the fallen helicopter in mid-air.

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