Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 123 What did Venom do?

There are various indications that the Venom suit will make Spider-Man more aggressive, amplify the dark character in his heart, and so on.

Thinking of this, a light suddenly flashed in Peter's heart.

He suddenly remembered when he was fighting the so-called six demons there just now.

At that time, he was also very cold-hearted. He even killed the chameleon with his own hands, but it did not waver him at all.

Although he convinced himself with reason that it would be a pity to die for a guy like Chameleon who would even plant a bomb in the densely populated LHG headquarters, but when he thought about it carefully, neither he nor Spider-Man 94 were actually bloodthirsty. people.

So far, the cruelest move he has ever made was in the earth-90214 universe, when he merged with Shadow Spider-Man, he shot and killed the Vulture with his own hands, and then watched helplessly as the Green Goblin and Kraven the Hunter were killed by those poisonous people. The spider eats it bit by bit.

At that time, Shadow Spider-Man felt a sense of relief that his great revenge had been avenged.

Because he had already discovered the cause of Uncle Ben's death from Ulric's letter - he was captured by Kraven, the hunter of the Green Goblin's destiny, and then let the vultures tear him apart bit by bit, and even eat him!

And all he did was to retaliate in kind and return all the suffering that Uncle Ben had experienced to the Green Goblin and his men!

Therefore, although Shadow Spider-Man is ruthless, he is determined in his heart and always knows what he should and should not do.

The second time Peter acted cruelly was when he was dealing with Kingpin in the earth-1610B universe.

He broke Kingpin's hands and feet, leaving him completely crippled.

This is because the identity of Spider-Man in that world has been exposed, and Aunt May and Mary Jane, the two people cherished by the blond Spider-Man, are both under threat from Kingpin.

If Peter doesn't find a way to completely eliminate the threat of Kingpin, then it is very likely that Aunt May and Mary Jane will suffer in the end!

If that's the case, I'm so sorry for the blond Spider-Man!

As for other times, Peter's shots basically stayed at just the right level.

But this time, he took the initiative to kill the chameleon.

And he was very sure that he was in charge at that time!

If calculated according to time, when he fought against the six demons, it should be about the time when his body was controlled by the venom suit!

Can the Venom symbiote affect him across worlds?

No, that's not right!

Peter frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

If Venom was so capable, why would it hide when Peter's consciousness returned?

Peter had just carefully searched and sensed on his body, but found no trace of venom.

This shows that when the Venom suit discovered that he was back, he took the initiative to hide from him!

Of course, there is another possibility that the Venom Symbiote is hidden in his body, but he didn't notice it!

Because according to the experiences of Spider-Man Bully and Spider-Man Nine-Four, two Spider-Man who have had close contact with the Venom Symbiote, the Venom Symbiote seems to have the ability to evade the spider sense.

Therefore, even if it is really hidden on his body now, or hidden somewhere in Betty's room, Peter cannot find it.

But no matter what the situation is, it illustrates a key point:

It didn't dare to face him head on!

It's scared!


Peter felt that the Venom symbiote he encountered was different from what the other two Spider-Man encountered.

As soon as the two Venom symbiotes encountered Spider-Man, they immediately stuck to him.

And he himself is actually hiding secretly?

Is it because it knows that it is dangerous, so it wants to subtly change itself, or even replace itself?

"What happened, Peter?" Betty looked at Peter worriedly.

Peter shook his head slightly and smiled: "Betty, I'm leaving first. We'll see you at school tomorrow."

"Yeah, good night, my spider boyfriend~" Betty giggled, rubbed her smooth cheek against Peter's, and let go of him.

Peter walked to the window and pressed the button on his wrist. Nanoparticles spurted out of the suit watch and soon turned into his nanosuit.

He turned to Betty, waved, and jumped out of the window.

Betty trotted to the window, looking at the direction Peter left with her eyes, but found that Peter could no longer be seen just between breaths.


As Peter swung the webs between the city's buildings, he had other problems on his mind.

From the information Betty just revealed, he still had another doubt.

The Venom suit must have done something while it was controlling his body.

His whole body was wet, indicating that he had probably gone into the water.

Moreover, there is another key point.

When Peter was getting dressed just now, he noticed a few focal points on his clothes.

Those were traces of being burned by high temperatures.

It looks like a high-energy laser weapon that burns the fibers of clothes!

The Venom suit controlled his body to fight someone with a laser weapon?

Unfortunately, there are many people with laser weapons in this city, and Peter couldn't think of them for a while.

He decided to deal with the damn symbiote first.

Peter planned to follow the method of the bully Spider-Man, find a big clock, and vibrate with the sound of the big clock to see if the symbiote was on him.

But it was obvious that Peter's plan was going to fail.

He did remember that there was a 300-kilogram bell in the Trinity Church on Wall Street, which was donated by London to commemorate the 9/11 attacks.

However, at this time, how can anyone ring the bell?

After wandering around the city for a while, Peter turned to Black Street.

He decided to seek help from Strange.

As a mysterious Supreme Mage, it would be easy for Strange to help him find a symbiote.

Presumably Strange wouldn't want his friend to be affected by the Venom symbiote and become a violent and evil villain, right?


Just as Peter was crossing a street, his spider-sense kicked in.

At this time, his body was in mid-air, just in the gap where he had loosened the previous spider thread and had not had time to shoot out the next spider thread.

A strong sense of crisis struck.

Without thinking, Peter's body twisted strangely in the air.


The next moment, a bullet hit the building nearby, directly shattering the brick!

This is a bullet fired from a large-caliber sniper rifle!

Peter used the "thousand catty drop" technique to quickly control his body to fall downwards. While in mid-air, he shot out a short thread of spider silk and moved it horizontally a few inches in the air.

In this way, using his left and right hands together, Peter turned four or five times in the air in just a few seconds.

Behind him, at least ten sniper rifle bullets missed!

What did Venom do? ? ?

Well. . . I've sorted out the plot and will start adding more updates tomorrow. Well, the minimum guarantee is 6k, if more, 8k.

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