Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 112 Premonition of danger

"The look is good," Peter praised, "very energetic."

"I haven't seen you for a while, why are you suddenly free today?" Strange took a sip of the tea in his hand and asked, "Actually, if you came earlier, you could still meet your senior."

"My senior?" Peter asked curiously, "Who?"

"Thor," Strange said, "He is also an Avenger, right? You are also an Avenger now, so isn't he your predecessor?"

"!!!" Peter's eyes widened, "You mean the God of Thunder was here just now? Thor, the God of Thunder? Huh-huh, the one with the big hammer?"

"Yes, that's it. Hufufu, the one with the big hammer," Strange imitated Peter and turned his hand around his head a few times, smiling.

"Mr. Stark said that he hadn't seen Thor for several years since Thor returned to Asgard with Loki, but he actually came to Earth?" Peter was still very surprised.

The name of Thor, God of Thunder, is so powerful!

After all, that was a god that once only existed in myths and legends!

One day, he landed on the earth, wearing thunder armor and wielding Thor's hammer in his hand. With every move he made, thunder came into the world. This was the longing in the hearts of many boys and girls.

"Loki, he was here just now, but now they have all gone to Norway. I'm afraid you won't be able to see him if you want to." Strange snapped his fingers, "Okay, this is not the place to talk. Sit down. Tell me."

Peter's expression became solemn. He felt that the dimensions around him were changing rapidly, as if they were trying to move him from here to the other side.


Peter jumped up.

Strange was stunned for a moment, looked up at him, and said in surprise: "Can you feel the fluctuations of the spell I cast?"

"Is that a spell?" Peter asked back.

"Yes," Strange nodded, "It's a simple short-distance phase movement spell, and you can actually detect it?"

"Is something wrong?" Peter tilted his head.

After knowing that this was Strange's spell, he did not resist the feeling this time, nor did he escape.


His figure disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, he found himself in an antique living room.

Strange sat on the sofa opposite, looking at him carefully, his eyes full of surprise: "You really make me more and more curious. You obviously don't know any magic, but you can feel the magic of the dimension." Fluctuation, your spell talent is very high."

"Uh, isn't this difficult?" Peter found that there was a sofa behind his butt, so he sat down.

"Of course!" Strange said, "Loki and Thor had no resistance to my dimensional magic just now, which is completely opposite to your performance."

"Forget it Thor, isn't Loki the number one mage in the nine realms? How could that be?" Peter asked curiously.

Loki, the god of fire and mischief in Norse mythology, is said to be a mage with many magical spells, but now listening to what Strange says, why doesn't it seem to be the case?

"The number one mage in the nine realms?" Strange thought for a moment about the image of Loki taking out a pair of daggers and trying to attack him, and shook his head, "Looks like an assassin."

"Oh, that's it," Peter suddenly realized. It seemed that he had been led astray by the so-called fairy tale.

Also, myths and stories are just the imagination of humans in the past about the divine world.

Thor, the God of Thunder, and Loki, the God of Trickery, are gods who truly live in the divine realm.

It is normal for there to be some way out between the story and the real person.

Just like the Spider-Man in the script written by Flash not only has a pair of magical eyes, but also has a sexy black cat girlfriend.

In reality, Spider-Man only has a pair of ordinary eyes, and his girlfriend only has one pair of hands.

Peter looked at his hands.

So pitiful~

Strange misunderstood him.

"What would you like to drink? Tea? Milk or hot cocoa?"

"Then please have some milk, thank you," Peter thanked politely.

Strange snapped his fingers, and a glass appeared in Peter's hand, and then there seemed to be a small fountain underneath it. Milk kept flowing up, and finally stopped steadily at the mouth of the cup.

"Wow!" Peter was surprised. He picked up the cup and looked at it, only to find that there was no mechanism underneath. "How did you do that?"

"It's just a simple spell," Strange said pretending to be modest.

Peter suddenly realized that it seemed that Strange had been working hard to study magic during the period after the ancient master left.

These methods should not be something that the slightly clumsy mage he met when they first met could do them.

At least, it can't be done that easily.

"Actually, the reason I came here this time is to learn the spell called astral projection from you." Peter said.

Not only did he say that he wanted to learn spells, but he also talked about the reasons why he wanted to learn spells and the early warning that the spider sense gave him.

Strange frowned: "You mean, what feeling of yours tells you that a huge disaster may happen in the future, so you must strengthen your abilities to cope with the disaster?"

"Yeah!" Peter nodded seriously and corrected, "It's the spider sense, my special ability."

Strange didn't think that Peter was lying to learn magic, or that he was alarmist.

Because the first time he and Peter met before, it was because Peter's spider sense sensed the arrival of the dark dimension.

And the fact is exactly what Peter sensed.

After meeting Peter that day, although Peter went back, many things actually happened later.

The Ancient One chose death and handed over the responsibility and mission of the Supreme Mage to Strange.

On the other side, Cassius, who had escaped, took the opportunity to rush to the Supreme Sanctuary in Hong Kong and completed the final sacrifice there.

Therefore, Dormammu, the ruler of the dark dimension, descended to the real dimension.

At that time, Strange, who was just being pushed out of the market, thought of a trick in desperation.

He used the time gem in the Eye of Agamotto to bless himself with time loop magic, and then took the initiative to enter the dark dimension to meet Dormammu.

Every time they met, he would be killed instantly by Dormammu.

But every time he was killed instantly, he would "come back" under the influence of time loop magic.

In this way, after countless deaths, Dormammu was finally "persuaded" and took Kaecilius and several of his younger brothers to leave the real dimension.

The fact that Strange's magic has advanced so quickly now has something to do with his repeated deaths in the dark dimension.

It is said that there is great terror between life and death, and Strange has experienced this great terror countless times.

At the same time, he also personally felt the power of Dormammu, the power of the dark dimension, etc., and finally, he became what he is now.

A qualified Supreme Mage!

And all of this also proves the accuracy of Peter's spider-sense predictive ability!

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