Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 111 This guy is pretty good

As for Taskmaster's treatment.

Tony Stark decided to temporarily imprison her here.

Because he discovered that Taskmaster had undergone a chemical transformation similar to that of the Winter Soldier. Under this transformation, Taskmaster's control over her body was basically not in her own subjective consciousness.

To put it bluntly, Taskmaster is actually a robot covered in human flesh and blood.

As for the real controller, it should be General Dreykov hiding behind.

This situation made Tony Stark think something bad.

His parents were killed by the mind-controlled Winter Soldier.

His best friend Steve Rogers also broke up with him because of this - if it was just the Sokovia Agreement, even if they had conflicts, they would not be able to get to the point where they are almost inseparable.

It was precisely because of the problem of the Winter Soldier that the conflicts between them intensified, and finally reached the current point.

And this kind of thing, Tony Stark doesn't want to see happen again to his most valued junior.

If one day, a close relative of his, whom he values, is killed by a schizophrenic person, then should he choose to kill him or forgive him, just because he was under so-called mental control when he killed his relative? And "not himself"?

No matter which choice you make, you will definitely experience tremendous inner suffering.

Some people say that suffering makes heroes.

But if this suffering is based on the loss of a close relative, then this hero is not worthy!


After understanding the ins and outs of the matter and knowing the follow-up treatment of Taskmaster, Peter felt at ease.

That way he wouldn't have to worry about these things endangering Aunt May, Ned, and Betty.

So he said goodbye to Tony Stark and left.

After Peter entered the elevator.

Tony Stark looked at the corner of the room: "Thank you for the information you brought, you can go."

A graceful figure walked out of the corner of the room: "I didn't expect that he is really just a child. You are so young and you let him go to the battlefield?"

"Oh, Natasha, he is more reliable than old guys like you," Tony Stark sneered, "At least he can distinguish right from wrong and has his own balance in his heart."

The woman hiding in Tony Stark's room in Avengers Tower is actually Natasha Romanoff, the "Black Widow" who is wanted by American officials!

"Well, he's a nice young man, and I promised to teach him a few tricks," Natasha Romanov said.

Tony Stark glanced at her: "He is only 15 years old, so let's get over your tricks, and you are on the run. I will not allow you to lead danger to him."

"But the danger has come, and General Drykov will not give up," Natasha said.

Tony Stark threw a key over: "Weapons and equipment, this is also your nightmare place, I will hold you back here."

"Thanks," Natasha took the key, a smile appeared on her face, and left without any delay.


After Peter left Stark Tower, he originally wanted to go back directly, but he suddenly changed his mind midway and rushed towards Black Street.

The previous state in the earth-96283 universe reminded him of a possibility.

If he can freely control this spell called "astral projection" and enter the astral state, does it mean that he can truly communicate face-to-face with other Spider-Man?

As for the question of whether you can learn it after learning it or not, he remembered that Master Gu Yi personally said that his spell talent was very high. If he learned spells and became a mage, his achievements would not even be inferior to Stephen's - although he did not see Stephen's spell talent. How high is it?

This guy has obviously been getting beaten.

However, it all depends on people!

Always try.

What if he learned it?

And the astral projection state may have another meaning to him.

For example, he previously discovered that after his soul separated from his body, his body would spontaneously enter a state of self-protection due to the spider sense.

In this state, his body can even exert greater power than under his rational control.

Then if he allows himself to enter the astral state when fighting and allows his body to attack himself, or even attacks in the astral state himself

Does this count as him dividing himself into two parts?

Similar to the clone technique?

However, the normal clone technique is to create two bodies, but this one is to separate the body and soul.

But what can be concluded is that if he can really do this, his combat ability will definitely be greatly improved.

Although there has not been a powerful enemy that requires him to fight with all his strength, it does not mean that he will not encounter it in the future.

He has been traveling through different parallel universes.

There are so many universes, and the possibility of encountering powerful enemies is quite high.

Moreover, his spider sense is always reminding him of something, as if telling him: there will be a war in the near future.

If he doesn't fight hard, he will pay a heavy price!

Peter thought about all the clues at hand, but he still couldn't figure out where this possible "future war" started or what it was.

After thinking about it, all he can do is improve himself.

As long as he is strong enough, he can cope with any crisis!

177A Blake Street is the address Stephen Strange told him last time he lived in New York.

At the same time, this is also one of the three supreme sanctuaries built by the mages on the earth.

These three supreme sanctuaries are all covered with concealment spells cast by mages, and they cannot be seen except by people like Peter who have permission.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this place is what it looked like when Peter first came here - an ordinary residential building.

Moreover, when most people see this residential building, they will not think about questions such as "Why is there no one in this building?" or "Should I break into an empty door?"

They will selectively ignore this.

Only someone with a particularly strong sense of perception like Peter would notice something was wrong here.

When Peter stood in the doorway, the door opened of its own accord.

Peter was not surprised. He knew that these mages all had some strange abilities. Perhaps Strange already knew that he was coming when he stood at the door.

This was the first time Peter had set foot in this place called the Most Holy Sanctuary.

He looked around curiously.

What strikes the eye is a long staircase, which turns into two circular corridors on the second floor. There are many wooden furniture placed in the lobby on the first floor, which looks very old.

Except for the furniture that was placed later, everything else seems to be symmetrical and full of aesthetics.

A figure slowly descended from the sky. He was wearing a red cloak and his hair was neatly styled into a mohawk. He looked very energetic.

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