I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 409: Only Sean Looks Different

Sean's eyes flashed, and a cold look appeared.

He originally thought that it might be a situation he didn't want to see, otherwise he wouldn't have rushed over from so far away.

But what froze him in place was not the group of alien visitors who called themselves "players", but their appearance.

For example, Sean is leveling a piece of land...

He was concentrating on pulling out the weeds growing on the ground and digging away the accumulated dust.

He was extremely serious, with a look of joy on his face, and his features were extremely handsome.

The only two girls among this group of "players" were collecting wires from the waste on the other side. From time to time, they looked up at Sean, then lowered their heads after a while, and then the two of them started to make a scene.

A girl with a chubby face giggled, "Lizi, you've peeked at Sean more than a dozen times today!"

Lizi wrinkled her nose at her companion and reached out to tickle the soft flesh on her waist: "No wonder you're called Egg Tart. You can't stop eating unless you have something to eat. The more you eat, the fatter you get!"

Egg Tart giggled and dodged, then winked at Li Zi: "Hey, you know, our studio has been established for such a long time, and Sean is a veteran, how come we only discovered that he is so handsome today?"

Lizi raised her eyebrows, with some doubt on her face: "It seems to be true... I can't say that, Sean has always been handsome, anyway, much more handsome than the boss."

Dan Tart shook his finger and said, "I finally understand. Sean usually hangs out with the boss and the others, a bunch of unkempt otakus! Today, they all look brand new after entering the game. Doesn't Sean's handsomeness show through?"

Li Zi said disdainfully: "We are both homebodies. The last time you asked the boss for butter..."

Egg Tart quickly covered the other person's mouth: "Shut up!"

Only when Li Zi shook her head helplessly to indicate that she would not say anything more did Dan Tart let go of her hand, panting.

The two of them argued for a while, then looked at Sean and started giggling again.

"Sister Li Zi, Sister Dan Tart, you two have been staring at my master for quite some time. Are you going to give up on this job today?"

A young man in his early twenties passed by the two of them. He had a neat crew cut and a bright and cheerful smile. Only the broken eyebrow on his left side gave him a hint of ferocity.

However, they had known each other for a long time, so they knew that although this boy looked fierce, he was actually an honest and stubborn donkey.

Li Zi waved her fist at him threateningly: "Qiu Qingming, if you tell your master, you will never get any milk tea in the afternoon again!"

Qiu Qingming quickly begged for mercy: "No, Sister Li Zi, I was wrong."

Li Zi smiled complacently, she was quite good at controlling Qiu Qingming.

This group of 'players' were having a great time, and Sean, who had been hiding in the shadows, couldn't help but smile.

They are all acquaintances...

This group of 'players' are all members of the studio.

The man who was chopping down trees over there was the boss of the studio and Sean's senior in college, nicknamed Lao Niu. It was he who pushed for the establishment of this studio, it was he who ran around to get all kinds of sponsorship, and it was he who drank so much that he had a gastric perforation at the table in order to gain more autonomy for the studio.

The person helping him was Lao Niu's roommate, with the online name Ai Ru Zhuo Shui. Everyone called him Shui Lao Ye because he basically invested all his income in packaging, including watches, ties, suits, leather shoes, perfumes, etc. He would go for photorejuvenation and shave with facial cleanser when he had nothing to do, and even took out a loan to buy a BMW. However, when the company encountered difficulties in the middle term, he took out hundreds of thousands of yuan the next day, but his watches and car keys were gone.

The other tall, fat guy digging the soil is nicknamed Fat Li Guang... The one next to him is Brother Liu... The one behind him is the art director Old Yang...

The two girls, one named Li Zi and the other named Dan Tart, were veterans in the early days and the best original artists. They usually liked to bully Qiu Qingming, who seemed fierce but was actually honest. However, when that fool Qiu Qingming sent all his salary back to his sister for tuition, Li Zi and Dan Tart found different ways to "bully" him and took care of his three meals and snacks for a month and a half.

These people are all people Sean is very familiar with.

No, it should be said that it was someone who was once extremely familiar to me.

And the man who was busy cleaning in the corner, but would happily pick up wood suitable for carving, was also called... Sean.

"Isn't this bullshit..." Sean grinned.

The reason why he was willing to abandon the important plan in the imperial capital and rush here was because of Kan Fourteen.

"Wasteland: Rise of a New World", the game developed by their studio, is also the real world he lives in now, and it is not a complete work.

To be precise, the advance test version they released only contained the content of the first few chapters.

There is no way out. The studio really can't spare the funds, and the investors are eager to see returns.

Fortunately, even as a test version, its large size and excellent gameplay have won the love of players. Although there were some problems later, as long as they are solved, this game will only get better and better.

When Sean traveled through time, the studio had already collected the first batch of funds, expanded its staff, and the first major version update was already in preparation - the early version of the imperial capital.

Among them, Kan Shisi, as the protagonist of an optional route, is not only the protagonist.

According to the studio's long-term plan, Kan XIV will become an NPC in the future - because by then, their game will fully open the online system, allowing players to shape their own faces and match them, and finally experience a better game again in their favorite way.

However, this was just a plan. There was only a draft regarding Kan 14 and the online system, and Sean had never thought about the situation where players would enter - because, that was pure bullshit!

Before the time travel, there were only a few VR games that could be named, and there was no sign of the "game helmets" and "game cabins" that had appeared in various works.

The world's top game manufacturers, even the PS port to PC is a mess. How can they, a small studio that made a big hit with its first game, have such technology? Even the government doesn't have it!

If someone told Sean that some players would be able to immerse themselves in the game, he would definitely say: Have you read too many novels, kid?

But the sudden appearance of Kan XIV made Sean think of this, and he had to admit that he still hesitated.

What if?

So, he found this place.

As expected, no players showed up...

But what Sean didn't expect was that the group of people he was most familiar with would appear in this way.

His eyes went to the corner, where there was someone who looked exactly like him.

Sean once saw another person who was almost identical to himself in a projection, but he quickly concluded that the person was probably related to him, but was definitely not himself, nor was he a reincarnation or anything like that - apart from their appearance, there was no similarity at all.

But this 'Sean' in front of him, his subconscious movements, his micro-expressions, his body language, and even the demeanor and posture of every movement, are no different from Sean.

Sean hid in the dark, yet he felt the absurdity of watching his own video.

But, there is only one thing.

The face is different.

Before traveling through time, it was true that Sean was a handsome guy, but he usually stayed in the studio, surrounded by grown men. The few girls there were were even more heroic than him. Sean, who had no interest in having sex and no time to dress up, mostly wore a white T-shirt and a black jacket, and a hat whenever he had time.

But the problem is, no matter what Sean looks like, it is not the face Sean has now.

The Sean before the time travel and the Sean in the game just have the same name.

As a little easter egg left by the production staff for themselves, the character of Sean was indeed favored, but most of it was reflected in his appearance that could fascinate countless people.

Since Sean has the same name as a production staff member, he shouldn't have too many roles. This is professional ethics.

So, Sean arranged for his eponymous character to die in many ridiculous situations - this is how the game normally develops.

Sean never expected that he would be summoned into the world of the game.

But, since we are here, we should make the best of it. Since we are here,

Moreover, even now, Sean's goal has not wavered at all. There is only one thing he wants to do in the end.

Destroy this world that you have poured countless efforts into.

Because, even before he traveled through time, Sean was not a very good person. He always knew that he retained a lot of malicious intent that could not be brought to the table, and his desire to destroy had never decreased.

However, regardless of the requirements of a society ruled by law or his own moral standards, he cannot do this.

A gentleman does not care about his heart when discussing his deeds. There is no perfect person in the world when it comes to his heart.

Sean doesn't think it's shameful for a person to have a hidden malicious side. On the contrary, he is proud of it - he has always restrained himself well and found an outlet for this side of himself.

Therefore, they were planning to create a world where everyone was a villain from the beginning, and the background was also decided at this time.

However, the game doesn’t matter, but reality is different…

More importantly, here, Sean can really do whatever he wants.

He never hides his badness, never hides his double standards, and never hides his love and disgust for this world.

“I really love this world…”

Sean chuckled and looked away.

How did this group of so-called "beta testers" appear...

This group of people are indeed old acquaintances of his, but the logic of their behavior is inconsistent.

Because, how could I not recognize the game I made myself?

What a bullshit internal testing qualification. They almost vomited during the testing before the game went online.

But the problem is that there is only one person in this world who has all the memories and details of this group of people, and that is Sean.

Sean frowned slightly. He no longer looked at the group of people he occasionally missed, but quietly entered the shelter.

"It must have been born here..." Sean muttered to himself as he looked around the hibernation room.

He found several hibernation capsules that had obviously just been opened and observed them. Sure enough, they did not appear out of thin air.

The bottom of the hibernation capsule is firmly embedded in the floor, and by lifting the bottom wall, you can see that there is a pipe connected to it.

"It's a manufactured body..." Sean frowned slightly.

However, if you really want to clone these people in the studio, it seems that only Sean can do it.

"My memory was invaded without my knowledge?" Sean pondered.

No, if my memory was invaded, then the Sean outside should be my true appearance before I traveled through time...

Moreover, even if my memory was invaded and they wanted to do something with it, there would be no need to do any internal testing or player settings.

Their studio did joke about a holographic projection device, like Sword Art Online - but everyone was talking about having their descendants burn one for them after they die...

Therefore, the group of players in front of him were definitely not the group of people he knew in the world before he traveled through time.

But how did they come? Why them? It should be because Kan 14 activated the equipment here...

Thinking of this, Sean rushed to the main control room.

Soon, he found the startup panel that the skinny monkey almost touched again.

"Noah, help me analyze this thing." Sean said.

"Okay, please wait a moment..."

Unexpectedly, Noah took a lot of time this time - you know, Sean came in person this time, and Noah was also in complete form.

Finally, Noah's voice sounded in his mind: "Strange structure... Saint Three, I can be sure that this shelter was definitely not built before the end of the world."

Sean nodded thoughtfully. It was pretty much what he expected.

Because Kan 14 is the NPC to start the online mode, this is just a draft. They just decided the location, NPC and some basic settings.

Noah continued, "The system here is very strange. There are many places that are obviously extremely crude, but some parts are seamless. The technical level... I'm not sure it's beyond me, but it's definitely not the same type as mine."

Sean was surprised and asked, "Aren't they all procedures?"

Noah replied, "No, I am a collection of programs. With your permission, my intelligent learning device runs autonomously, and the progress is pretty good. But this system is more like a human consciousness, and the way the program works is completely illogical - under normal circumstances, this system cannot be activated at all."

"In addition, an important point of my hacking into electronic technology is to find and analyze the other party's database or data node. However, I did not find the database in this system, but instead discovered the existence of something similar to the consciousness of a living being."

"I speculate that the shelter's system is a combination of physical life and mechanical programs."

Material and mechanical procedures… Sean pondered for a moment, then asked, “Can you scan the veins and structure of this place?”

"No, Saint Three, I can only remember the structure of the road I came from. Scanning does not work on the system here."

"So advanced?"

Sean muttered, then cast his eyes on the panel.

The dust was slightly concave, and there was a handprint on it. It was probably because of that that Kan 14 pressed the handprint to start it.

"Hmm? Why is this on the launch panel?"

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