I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 408 Different Space

Tiny rust worms were crawling underground, with two pairs of eyes observing everything around them.

Even Luo Xi, who lived in the Rainbow Nest, was shocked. It was simply that everything underground was too astonishing.

The strange tree in the middle is big enough, but it is still just a small area in the underground cavity, like a fragile bamboo pole supporting a huge rock with no visible edge.

It’s hard to imagine that the area below the imperial capital is completely hollowed out.

Zhu Zhu couldn't help but say, "The imperial capital has been established for so long... If there is a hole underneath, how can it hold up?"

Judging from the geological structure, this is indeed the case. The rock layers on the ground of the imperial capital alone cannot support this huge city, and there are no supporting structures around except for the tree. This place should have collapsed and eventually become a deep pit.

Luo Xi said seriously: "That means there is something invisible to the naked eye that is supporting it."

"This tree? But this tree is too small in comparison."

“That’s not necessarily the case…” Luo Xi pointed upwards, motioning Zhu Zhu to look over there.

Zhu Zhu looked up and then his eyes widened.

The sky above, which was pitch black just now, suddenly turned into dense energy lines. Those lines were entangled in the top layer of rock and soil, and finally converged on the tree trunk.

"Your ability?" Zhu Zhu looked over subconsciously. After seeing Luo Xi nod, she turned back to look, then shivered with her hands on her chest. "Although it is in the form of energy, it looks so disgusting..."

Zhu Zhu was right. When those invisible things appeared in the form of energy lines, it was like a piece of meat with countless tapeworms half-drilled into it. It was creepy to look at.

Luo Xi frowned even more tightly, and she whispered, "Don't you think this thing is very similar to the black nematode Sean mentioned, but now I can only see it with my special ability."

Zhu Zhu was stunned for a moment, then immediately nodded: "Yes! Very similar!"

Luo Xi's expression became more and more solemn. Not only Zhu Zhu, she also felt a nauseous feeling - you know, she is now a middle-level crimson and has seen a lot of things, but she couldn't suppress that nauseous feeling.

She continued to observe while suppressing her nausea and discovered something new.

"Looking at the overall veins, it looks like... tree roots?"

"It seems so..." Zhu Zhu also discovered this.

The 'tapeworms' that spread from the top of the tree to the top layer of rock and soil combined with the surrounding landforms looked like tree roots rooted in the soil, except that the roots spread from the top of the trunk, which seemed a bit weird.

Zhu Zhu hesitated and said, "If it is a tree root... why does it look like the World Tree that Sean mentioned?"

"The World Tree..."

It seems that only the legendary World Tree can occupy such a huge underground space and support the huge city above.

The World Tree had already been cut down, so what they saw now, could it be that the World Tree was absorbing its own remains and growing again?

However, in various materials, the World Tree is called Mother, and the evil appearance in front of me always gives people a bad feeling.

Plus, this has something to do with the Emperor’s plan…

Luo Xi calmed down and whispered, "Let's go find Lam first."


The underground world is so vast that the tiny rust worms cannot travel very fast, and the surroundings are all small living creatures that can only appear underground.

Unlike what was expected, there were no large numbers of guards and no high-tech defensive measures. It seemed that everything was only on the outermost layer.

After carefully sensing it and making sure there was no problem, Luo Xi left the mirror space alone and came underground.

Being in it is another different feeling.

She had always been curious and occasionally saw things being blown in this place, but where did the wind come from underground?

Now she understood that the energy underground had become so dense that it condensed into wind. Because the concentration was so high, she did not notice it at first - the energy was everywhere, just like a stone that would not attract people's attention.

The hair fluttered gently, and Luo Xi reached out and crushed it.

Fine sand appeared out of thin air at her fingertips and leaked out from her fingers. She only refined a tiny bit of it to achieve such an effect...

If so much energy were to be integrated into one whole, the legendary deep blue would probably be no more than this, right?

"Where there is wind there must be a source, maybe an energy node..." Luo Xi keenly noticed this and immediately rushed towards the direction where the wind came from.

"Not only the entire imperial capital, the area of ​​this place may be a whole circle larger than the imperial capital..." As he hurried on the road, Luo Xi became more and more shocked.

Not long after, Luo Xi saw a trace of rolling on the ground, as if a large number of people had passed through here and walked towards the distance not long ago.

Looking at the path leading to the traces, she recalled the map Sean had drawn for her in her mind.

"If my sense of direction was not affected by unknown factors after I came down, this trace should lead to the royal cemetery that Sean and I told about..." she whispered to herself.

So that's how it is... Luo Xi finally understood how those more than 10,000 wounded soldiers escaped the eyes of the Imperial Army and reached the cemetery.

Moreover, judging from this, the underground space is even larger than previously imagined.

But the source of the wind was not from the direction of the cemetery; on the contrary, it was clearly coming from within.

And that is exactly where the tree is.

As he got closer, the clear appearance of the entire tree appeared in front of Luo Xi.

The leaves were all blood red with dark green veins, the scars on the trunks looked like giant pustules, and there seemed to be something disgusting wriggling under the bark.

"The World Tree shouldn't look like this..." Zhu Zhu in Luo Xi's button muttered softly.

Luo Xi nodded: "It seems that it is not the World Tree that is reviving, but someone is using it to cultivate another strange World Tree..."

And that person obviously only has one choice left: the Emperor of the Empire.

"What does the emperor want to do with this?"

"who knows……"

Luo Xi looked down at the button. Zhu Zhu's parents were still in a coma, and there was no accurate explanation since they were imprisoned for the crime.

I only heard from Sean that some things that didn't belong to the Earl were found in the secret room of Zhu Zhu's house, but I don't know what the deep connection between those things and the emperor is.

As he got closer to the big tree in the center, Luo Xi once again reviewed the map and estimated the distance he had traveled.

Looking up, Luo Xi narrowed his eyes: "This should be the imperial palace."

The imperial palace was built on the only mountain in the imperial capital. Now it seems that it is still unclear whether that mountain is a real mountain.

However, the place where Elisa Lam's "corpse" might be hidden has not been found yet. To be more precise, nothing else has been seen except this tree.

Until he arrived at the foot of the giant tree, Luo Xi carefully circled around it, but still found nothing.

Wasn’t Elisa Lam transported here?

Looking at the empty ground next to the tree roots, Luo Xi frowned.

Is it possible that there is some way for this tree to get inside?

As she was thinking, she suddenly felt a slight warmth in her arms.

He took out a slate, which contained the contact information Sean had given him.

He chanted in a low voice, then placed the slate close to his forehead, and sure enough, Sean's voice rang out.

However, unlike in the past, there was an indescribable sense of vicissitudes and fatigue in Sean's voice, and the content of his words shocked Luo Xi.

"Don't worry about anything, just get out of there!"

Leave here?

What did Sean discover?

This place... is a trap?

Luo Xi didn't hesitate at all. She had no relationship with Elisa Lam, so she naturally didn't have any intention of taking her back. Since Sean said so...

Just as I was about to turn around and leave, suddenly, the big tree in front of me seemed to come alive.

Its branches swayed gently at a rhythmic frequency, and the blood-red and dark green leaves fell one after another.

The sounds of cheering, felling, collapse, crying, madness... countless sounds suddenly filled Luo Xi's mind, and her mental defenses showed signs of loosening in an instant.

The metal ball that could transform into her energy blade trembled, and Luo Xi immediately woke up from her mental state.

and many more……

She looked around, a hint of surprise flashing in her eyes.

During her brief moment of distraction, she actually came to a strange place!

The bizarre space seemed to be soaked in countless oil paints, and she was standing on the void yet it felt like it was real.

The inside of that tree?


Luo Xi discovered that the button containing Zhu Zhu was missing.

To be precise, the button is still there, but Zhu Zhu is gone.

Did I trigger some trap and be teleported to some place?

Even more, this trap can ignore the influence of space-related abilities?

Roshi looked around warily, trying to use the energy around the puppet show structure.

However, what she didn't expect was that the puppet show failed to start, and no energy lines appeared...

Wait, it didn’t fail to launch…

Luo Xi's pupils trembled suddenly.

There is no need to activate it...everything around here is energy.

Pure energy, she is located in a pure energy space.

"How is that possible? There is no space in this world that is entirely energy...wait..."

She looked down at her body.

The puppet show was successfully launched, and her body had turned into colors representing the flow of energy.

“I am also an energy body now…”

She suddenly had a flash of enlightenment.

It was not her who was teleported in, but her energy body that appeared in another space.

"I was deconstructed in an instant? But my consciousness is still preserved, and my autonomy is still in my hands..."

Luo Xi, who had no idea of ​​the situation around him, moved to the side, and a large ripple appeared in the strange space that looked like oil paint and spread out to the surroundings.

Before long, a large number of ripples in the opposite direction suddenly came from all directions.

"Isn't it because I hit the rebound of the border..."

Luo Xi's pupils suddenly shrank, and then he quickly dodged a violent blow from the tentacle!

She looked up and saw a strange creature she had never seen before swooping towards her.

The monster seemed to be a combination of many crazy beasts and mutants, with tentacles, claws, sharp teeth, fangs, and many other features of monsters combined on its body. Dozens of heads of various colors had saliva dripping from the corners of their mouths, staring at Luo Xi hungrily, as if they had been hungry for a long time.

Luo Xi had just dodged the attack of the tentacle when he suddenly felt an indescribable sharp pain in his head!


She groaned and quickly stepped back.

The dozens of heads of the strange monster let out joyful and crazy inhuman roars, they opened their big mouths and chewed something in the void.

As they moved, the expression on Luo Xi's face became more and more painful. She felt as if her head appeared out of thin air in the monster's mouth and was being brutally swallowed!

The tentacles and claws attacked again, and because of the huge mental shock, Luo Xi was unable to move for a while!

She stood there stiffly like a puppet!


Looking at all this, Sean stood stiffly in place like a puppet.

The shelter stood tall, and a group of young people in simple clothes were working hard.

Next to that group of people, there were several people wearing clothes from other worlds with strange expressions on their faces.

"Brother Dao, this group of people...why do they call you village chief?" The skinny monkey's eyes twitched.

Brother Dao also shook his head in confusion.

For some unknown reason, something in the shelter was triggered that day. They all remained alert for a long time, but what they didn't expect was that more than a dozen living people came out of the hibernation room that they thought was completely abandoned!

That group of people were all so excited that they were out of control. Some of them came up and started to make moves on them. Some of them called them village chief or mentor, and some even asked them if they had any mission.


Brother Dao and his group were all dumbfounded. If this group of people were not really just ordinary people who posed no threat, they would have probably already taken action to completely subdue them.

But after asking them who they were, this group of people suddenly realized something and said they were resuscitators and that they could be asked to solve any problems.

The skinny monkey casually said that their current trouble was to develop the surrounding area, but this group of people took it seriously!

What’s even more terrifying is that although they are all ordinary people, this group of people never seem to get tired. They enjoy doing even the most boring and rough work. They don’t even bother to take a break!

It has been two days, and all the work around has been taken over by this group of people, and they are all very happy.

"Then let us just let them do it?" Skinny Monkey hesitated.

Brother Dao scratched his head. "For now, it seems that they have no bad intentions. It is possible that they came out of the hibernation capsule that we didn't notice... Maybe their brains were frozen... Forget it, let them do it. At worst, we can find a way out for them later."

And in the shadows, Sean was watching this scene with cold hands.



A young man was carrying wood and walking back with a heavy breath. As he passed by another person, he said loudly, "Brother, that's awesome."

"That's right, Qingming."

The person who answered had the same face as Sean.

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