On the speeding carriage, a Taoist priest with many scars on his face was driving in front.

The Taoist priest with the mole on the corner of his mouth was putting talisman papers on Tushan Rongrong's body, and the talisman papers fell on Tushan Rongrong's body one by one.

She couldn't help but let out a shrill scream

Tushan Honghong shouted angrily, "Come at me if you can, don't touch her."

But what good was her shouting? It still needs to be posted.

Tu Shanshuangjian was completely different from her. He calmly sat cross-legged in the cage and thought of a solution. Now it was almost a dead end. He was caught in the cage with a talisman attached, and he could basically prepare to be reincarnated as soon as possible.

But he is not willing to give in! He was unwilling to end his life like this. Even if he died, he would die in the hands of the strongest man in the world. How could he die in the hands of a third-rate Taoist priest?

Then he had a flash of inspiration and curled his fingers towards the Taoist priest, gesturing for him to come over.

The Taoist priest with a mole on the corner of his mouth looked over curiously.

Tu Shan Honghong and Tu Shan Rongrong also looked at Tu Shan Shuangjian with some curiosity, not knowing what he was going to do.

After the Taoist priest's head was completely close to the cage, Tushan Shuangjian suddenly moved his mouth, opened his big mouth and bit the Taoist priest's ear in one bite.

"Ahhh! Shut up, you beast!" The Taoist priest screamed in pain, and at the same time, he kept hitting Tushan Shuangjian's face with his fist.

Tushan Shuangjian faced the rain of fists. Even though his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he still did not let go and instead increased his force.

After a while, a stream of blood came out of the Taoist priest's ears.

"Boy, come and help!" the Taoist priest shouted loudly

"Hey, here we come." Upon hearing this, the Taoist priest who was driving immediately came over and grabbed Tu Shan Shuang Jian's mouth.

But Tushan Shuangjian still didn't let go, and with a shrill scream, "Ah!"

The Taoist priest with a mole on the corner of his mouth fell to the ground, and at this time, his right ear had disappeared, leaving only horrifying blood.

Tushan Shuangjian's mouth was filled with bright red blood and he had something in his mouth.

Then he opened his mouth and vomited out, and a bloody ear was spit out.

Tu Shan Honghong and Tu Shan Rongrong were shocked and speechless watching this scene. This was the first time they had seen such a bloody scene.

The Taoist priest with the mole on the corner of his mouth covered his bloody head and stood up, then angrily kicked Tu Shanshuang Sword.

At this time, Tu Shan Shuang Jian covered his head with both hands and huddled up, trying to reduce the damage as much as possible.

The young Taoist priest came up to persuade him, "Brother, don't beat him. If you beat him to death, you won't be able to sell him for a good price."

After he said this, the Taoist priest with the mole on the corner of his mouth reacted and stopped. If so, he would really get nothing.

He suppressed his anger and said fiercely to Tushan Shuangjian, "When you get to Tianxianyuan, you will know the consequences! I guarantee it will be harder than death."

Tu Shan Shuang Jian stared at the Taoist priest with his deep eyes, as if he wanted to memorize his appearance. Tu Shan Shuang Jian swore that once he was freed, he would be the first to disembowel the Taoist priest. .

At this time, he was lying motionless in the cage and even stopped breathing, as if he was dead.

Tushan Honghong saw this and shouted worriedly, "Shuangjian, are you okay?"

Upon seeing this, the Taoist priest immediately came to the cage and took a breath. If Tu Shanshuangjian died, he would lose more than he gained.

"Whoosh!" Tu Shanshuangjian moved the fingers of his left hand, and an arrow quickly shot out from his sleeve, directly piercing the Taoist priest's eye.

"Ah!" The Taoist priest was lying on the carriage rolling around and wailing. When Tushan Shuangjian saw this, he knew that he had failed, so he sighed and covered his head.

After receiving a severe beating, Tushan Shuangjian escaped by pretending to be dead.

Soon the sky gradually darkened, and they happened to pass by a ruined temple. The Taoist priest unloaded Tushan Shuangjian and others and rested in the ruined temple.

Then he ran to a nearby pile of straw and fell asleep.

At this time, Tushan Rongrong saw that the Taoist priest had left, and asked uneasily, "Where is my sister's Tianxian Academy? Will they eat us?"

Even under such circumstances, Tu Shan Honghong still maintained her sister's responsibility and said firmly, "Rong Rong, I will not let you go to Tianxianyuan" and then used all her strength to break away from the talisman on her body.

Tushan Shuangjian in the cage next to him looked at this scene indifferently.

After Tushan Honghong struggled to no avail, she saw Tushan Shuangjian and said in surprise

"Frost Sword, you're not dead yet!"

Tushan Shuangjian looked at Tushan Honghong speechlessly, saying, "I won't die today."

And Tushan Honghong also realized that her expression was unclear and said quickly

"No! No, I didn't mean that!"

At this time, the little Taoist priest suddenly appeared from behind the wall with a wretched look and said, "Shh! Keep your voice down."

Then he moved closer to the cage and stretched out his hand towards Tushan Honghong, while Tushan Honghong leaned back in fear.

Seeing the little Taoist priest getting closer and closer to him, he subconsciously thrust his right hand forward.

Immediately blood splattered everywhere, Tu Shan Honghong's hand pierced the little Taoist priest's chest, and the little Taoist priest used all his strength to help Tu Shan Honghong uncover the talisman before he died.

Tushan Honghong looked at this scene in confusion, which became her lifelong worry.

After the talisman was uncovered, Tushan Honghong's demonic power was released and violently tore apart the cage to rescue Tushan Shuangjian and Tushan Rongrong.

Then she stared blankly at the little Taoist priest's body. She had just killed her savior.

Tushan Rongrong burst into tears as soon as she came out of the cage.

Tushan Shuangjian slowly walked out very elegantly and straightened his clothes.

Then he slowly walked out of the room and stole the magic weapon of the Taoist priest outside using the fox mind technique.

Once humans lose their magic weapons, they are not much different from ordinary humans.

Tushan Shuangjian watched coldly as the Taoist priest stretched out his finger and the hidden sword popped out.

After Tushan Honghong walked out with Tushan Rongrong carrying the body of the little Taoist priest on her back.

Suddenly, their expressions were stagnant, and their eyes could not stop the fear, because the corpse in front of them had been disemboweled, with its intestines and stomach left on the floor, and its face was very painful. It was obvious that it had been disemboweled alive.

Tushan Shuangjian has disappeared, it is obvious that he has left.

next morning

Tu Shanshuangjian got up from the bed in a daze, got dressed and opened the door to his house.

Several white-clothed erect-eared foxes gathered around the door and saw Tu Shanshuangjian coming out and said, "Master Fengqi heard that you performed well in escorting and specially asked me to wait and reward you."

Then he handed a plate of white silver to Tu Shan Shuang Jian. The number was a thousand taels. Tu Shan Shuang Jian was dumbfounded. He quickly took the silver and sent away the group of prick-eared foxes, looking at them infatuatedly. silver.

Under the tree of bitterness

Tushan Honghong knelt under the tree in silence, looking at her blood-stained hands and not knowing what she was thinking.

After the incident with the little Taoist priest, her demonic power increased greatly.

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