Early the next morning

Tu Shan Shuangjian hid the hidden sword left by Tu Shan Qingfeng in his right sleeve, and hid the hidden arrow in his left sleeve. He walked out. There was no rice in the house. If he didn't go out to find a way to get some food, he would have to go out. starve.

After walking out of the house, Tushan Shuangjian walked towards a forest on the border of Tushan. He was still young and had low cultivation and could not find a job. The only way was to go hunting and find some food.

When they came to the lush forest, there were all tall trees nearby, and the sounds of some animals could be heard from time to time. Tushan Shuangjian looked around, and then climbed up a tall tree trunk.

Crouching on a branch and waiting for prey to pass by, he leaned on the main trunk and waited patiently.

Two hours later, a deer finally passed by under the tree. It looked like it was not yet mature. Tu Shan Shuangjian wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth. He was already hungry after not eating all morning.

In his mind, he imagined various ways to eat the deer and how much the deer hide could be sold for.

The deer turned its head left and right under the tree to make sure it was safe, then slowly lay down and seemed ready to rest.

Tushan Shuangjian stretched out his fingers slightly when he saw this, and the sharp sword edge in his sleeves popped out.

He did not immediately go up to hunt, but quietly waited for the deer to enter a deep sleep. Only then would he be truly foolproof.

An hour later, the deer's breathing gradually stabilized, and its lower abdomen rose and fell rhythmically.

Tushan Shuangjian knew it was time, and his calves used force to launch themselves off the tree.

He pounced on the little deer, and the deer suddenly woke up, opened its eyes, and began to struggle violently and howl, "Whoop!"

Tushan Shuangjian held down its head with his left hand, and stabbed the deer's neck more than a dozen times with the hidden sword in his right hand.

Until the deer completely lost its life, red blood flowed to the ground and dyed the soil red. At this time, Tushan Shuangjian held the deer's head with one hand and used the hidden sword to slowly cut off the deer's head with the other hand. .

His hands were covered in blood, and his face was stained with traces of blood from the deer's struggle.

"Ah! Sister!" At this moment, a childish scream suddenly came from behind Tushan Shuangjian.

Tu Shan Shuangjian turned his head in displeasure. He hated women's screams the most. He would not tell why he screamed, he would just cry on the spot.

After Tushan Honghong heard Tushan Rongrong's cry, she hurried over and looked in the direction of Tushan Rongrong's finger.

When I looked at the bloody deer carcass, I couldn't help but feel a little scared.

But when she saw clearly that the person sitting on the deer was Tu Shanshuangjian, the panic in her heart was reduced by half.

He asked with some stuttering, "What are you doing, why are you killing the deer?"

"You have nothing to do with it." Tu Shan Shuangjian stood up and dragged the deer's body away.

When Tushan Honghong saw this, she originally wanted to ask again, but when she thought of Tushan Rongrong behind her, she turned around and helped her up.

"Rongrong is fine, he was probably just training," Tu Shan Honghong comforted her.

Tushan Rongrong had also recovered at this time, nodded and said, "That's right, it's no big deal."

"Okay, let's go quickly, otherwise Feng Qi will definitely punish us if we find out," Tu Shan Honghong said while holding her hand.

"Well, okay" Tushan Rongrong said with a smile

the other side

Tushan Shuangjian had already built a bonfire, cut off a deer leg and put it on a branch to roast on the fire.

A lot of grease dripped out with a "sizzling" sound. Tushan Shuangjian swallowed his saliva while watching this scene. He was very hungry now.

Although the meat was not yet cooked half an hour later, he couldn't bear it any longer, so he picked up the deer leg and started to chew on it.

Although the outer layer was cooked, the inside was still raw, leaving some blood, but he was too lazy to care about it. At most, the taste was not good, but it was still full in the stomach.

He endured the taste of blood in his mouth and swallowed the whole deer leg in one mouthful. It must be his good teeth, otherwise he wouldn't be able to bite it off.

Of course, the remaining parts could not be wasted. He put them all into the storage bag left by Tushan Qingfeng.

After letting out a fishy burp, Tushan Shuangjian continued on his way, preparing to find some more prey to sell.

After walking forward for a while, he walked out of Tushan unknowingly.

Suddenly, there was a sound of people talking and monsters struggling.

Tushan Shuangjian jumped onto a big tree very vigilantly, and then he could clearly see the situation ahead.

Tu Shan Honghong and Tu Shan Rongrong were caught by a Taoist priest with a vulgar face and a mole at the corner of his mouth. Their bodies were covered with talisman paper, and they started to smoke when they used their demonic powers.

Seeing Tushan Rongrong and Tushan Honghong being caught in a cage, Tushan Shuangjian now only had one thought: hurry back to Tushan to save his life. No matter how courageous the Taoist priest was, he would never dare to enter Tushan's territory.

Tushan Shuangjian hugged the tree trunk with his hands and slowly climbed down the tree, just as he was about to land.

Suddenly, he stepped on the ground and broke a branch in the ground. A crisp sound was heard, and the Taoist priest with the mole on the corner of his mouth successfully noticed this.

Tushan Honghong and Tushan Rongrong also looked expectantly in the direction of Tushan Shuangjian, looking forward to the arrival of the savior.

He shouted in the direction of Tushan Shuangjian, "Who is it!"

But Tu Shan Shuangjian was not stupid. Talking at this time was not seeking death, so he chose to remain silent.

But upon seeing this, the Taoist priest immediately took out a piece of talisman, shouted "Fireball Technique" and then threw it towards Tushan Shuangjian.

Suddenly a huge fireball hit the tree where Tushan Shuangjian was hiding.

The big tree broke with a "boom", and Tu Shanshuangjian had to hide away from the tree trunk, but this also led to him being discovered.

"Tushan Frost Sword!" Tushan Honghong shouted in surprise

"Huh? Is he also a fox demon? We just happened to catch them together. They are quite good-looking. The price should be higher than these two women." The Taoist priest was thinking in his mind.

Then he waved his fly whisk and came straight towards Tu Shan Shuang Sword. Tu Shan Shuang Sword stretched out his fingers upon seeing this, and the sharp hidden sword immediately ejected.

Then he rushed straight towards the Taoist priest. Now there was no way to escape. The only way to survive was to fight to the death.

Tu Shan Shuangjian's eyes were fixed on the Taoist priest, and his small body quickly ran towards him.

As soon as the two came into contact, Tu Shanshuangjian took advantage of his small size and scratched the Taoist priest's waist with his sword.

The Taoist priest stared at Tushan Shuangjian angrily and covered the bleeding wound with one hand.

Tushan Honghong and Tushan Rongrong cheered upon seeing this.

"come on! Come on!"

At this time, Tu Shan Shuangjian had no intention of listening to their words.

He knew that in terms of strength, he was indeed inferior to this Taoist priest, so he could only run now.

But the Taoist priest waved the whisk in his hand at this moment, and suddenly the whisk stretched out and struck towards the Tu Shan Shuang Sword.

Tushan Shuangjian dodged left and right to avoid the tentacle-like fly whisk.

But he was still entangled because of his insufficient cultivation.

Upon seeing this, the Taoist priest walked up to Tushan Shuangjian with a wicked smile and said

"Haha! Why don't you run away! Master Dao, I will let you taste the talisman today."

Then he took out a piece of yellow talisman paper and stuck it on Tu Shanshuang's sword.

There is a "sizzling" sound, as if a red-hot iron plate is touching the meat.

But Tushan Shuangjian felt the tremendous pain and remained silent.

When the Taoist priest saw this, he didn't care and put the Tu Shan Shuang Sword in the cage and pulled him into the carriage.

Then he urged the little Taoist priest who was driving to hurry up and hurry up.

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