HP solves the mystery

Chapter 23 The Eve of Departure

Christmas was coming, and Severus's Patronus Charm still had no effect.

And unfortunately, it seems that he did not inherit his original understanding of magic and his super talent for potions. Although he was studying hard, his old master left him a lot of conveniences.

It is said that the powerful magic power of a wizard is related to the soul. The original soul has dissipated and is now the soul of a social animal from a later generation. This later generation's soul has a great deviation in its understanding of the world.

One morning in mid-December, the little wizards woke up from their sleep and found that the snow was covered up to their knees, and the surface of the Black Lake was covered with hard ice.

Severus seriously doubted whether the giant octopus and mermaid in the Black Lake would freeze to death, because he felt cold just looking at the snow, and there was no air conditioning.

When little wizards are bored, they will find something to do.

The four Potters were the most eye-catching. They wore invisibility cloaks and placed dung eggs in Snowballs and then applied magic to them. They chased Filch around and made him stink so badly that even Mrs. Norris couldn't bear it. I am willing to get close to him.

This made Filch very angry, but he couldn't catch the prankster, so he could only vent his anger on all the students in the grade, deducting a lot of points from them.

Several owls flew through the windy and snowy sky to deliver the mail, and then shook the snow on the recipient when they delivered it. Then they flew to the owl loft, where they ate and drank under Hagrid's careful care, and then continued. journey.

Everyone is eagerly looking forward to the holidays and they miss their families.

The blazing fires in the common rooms and auditoriums of each college made people feel warm, but the corridors were made cold by the wind carrying snowflakes, and the glass in the classrooms creaked due to the strong wind.

Severus was always worried that the window would suddenly break, but fortunately it was of good quality and that didn't happen.

He stamped his feet in an attempt to warm up. Even though Professor Slughorn had moved the Potions room, it was still cold. Some little wizards put in too many ingredients because their hands were shaking, so they could only pour them out and make them again, crying.

"Avery, how are you going to spend Christmas this year?" Mulciber asked in a low voice during an herbology class. It seemed that as long as someone answered, he could give hundreds of answers.

Avery added some nutrient water to the basin, not wanting to pay attention to it.

"My parents said they would take me to France, or to Italy then? Actually, I really want to go to Ireland. There are more dragons there..." Mulciber didn't want to answer, and said to himself, Since Severus was no longer part of the group, there had been no innovation in the prank spells and it was getting boring.

Severus took the scissors and trimmed the branches and leaves of lovage. This thing is not grown in many greenhouses, but it is a good thing. The leaves are a very fragrant seasoning, which can stimulate appetite, and the fragrance also has a calming effect. What's even more incredible is that it can also be used. Made into diet food!

He became interested in this stuff. He left some leaves and seeds while helping to pick them, and later tried to see if they could be added to braised pork, or he could raise some in Spider Tail Alley.

Last week, Professor Slughorn came over to register the list of students staying at school for the holidays. Severus looked at it and found that there were only three or two kittens left behind. The original person had always stayed behind and did not want to go back. Face the troubles at home.

He didn't sign and kept it. He was really looking forward to returning to Spider End Alley. In fact, he wanted to visit England in the past 70 years and find some ways to make money.

The herbal medicine class was spent among the students chatting. Professor Sprout was the most tolerant. She didn't mind at all and even looked at the little wizards with a smile. Even the unruly Potters were in front of her. Somewhat restrained.

After Severus finished his herbal medicine class, it started to snow lightly outside. The two young wizards from the academy put on the hats on their cloaks and walked quickly in the snow. After passing by the vegetable field, they found a large fir tree with long legs. Then walked on the snow.

The senior students were already used to it. From the heavy breathing, they knew it was Hagrid who was asking Twelve Trees to go to the auditorium to make a Christmas tree. This happened every year.

The newly admitted first-year students lie by the window or stand in the corridor nearby and watch curiously. All this is very novel.

After Severus took a few glances, he rushed into the restaurant with the large army. His frozen face was instantly blown away by the warm wind, and his eyelashes were even wet from the snowflakes. For this, he had to endure hardships He took off his gloves and wiped them with a handkerchief.

Merlin's woolen socks, he needs tissues!

In the auditorium, Professor Flitwick skillfully used the Levitation Charm to install the Star of Bethlehem, while Professor McGonagall used Transfiguration to turn the branches into small icicles or candles. The little wizards would also help hang holly and mistletoe. Someone's wand also sprayed out a series of colorful bubbles, which looked harmonious.

"Christmas is the day after tomorrow, Severus, do you have any plans?" Regulus appeared out of nowhere and came close to Severus, his hands helping to flick the snowflakes on his shoulders.

Barty Jr. and Andre followed closely behind, neither of them looking very good-looking. They were in Potions class before. The most important thing is that Professor Slughorn invited Barty Jr. to join the 'Slug Club'. It can be seen from the close relationship that if Barty Jr. had not had a high-ranking father, Professor Slughorn would not have invited him to join, even though Barty Jr. himself had good talents.

Severus slapped away Regulus' hand that wanted to harm his hair, and after hearing this, he sat across the long table. He had gotten to know Barty Jr. and the others a lot recently, but he had to stick to the rule of not talking about deep things when talking to each other. , he just glanced at it a few times, then stopped paying attention, took out a book from his pocket and started reading.

There were still ten minutes before dinner started, and the restaurant was filled with the laughter of the little wizards.

"Have you agreed to participate?" Regulus sat next to Severus, with a well-placed smile on his lips, and looked at little Barty, his eyes full of scrutiny.

Slughorn loved "talented people" the most, and often praised them highly. He also had a wide network of contacts. Even Voldemort was once his favorite disciple, and Lily and Severus were admired by him for their potion skills. Too much; turning a blind eye to mediocre students, even unable to remember their names, such as Andre...

"It's a good thing that he discovered my 'talent' in the fourth grade," Barty said with a sarcastic smile, and the meaning was self-evident. This old Slytherin was able to get along like a duck in water. "It's a pity that Ender Lie was not invited, otherwise the club would have been fun."

Regulus looked at the silent Andre with sympathy in his heart. No one could judge the situation better than Slughorn. Did he think that Barty Jr. would not join the Death Eaters? Actually inviting Slytherin students during this period.

While he was talking, it was time for dinner. Andre picked up a big chicken drumstick and bit into it hard, leaving the gentleness and elegance aside.

"My suggestion is, join, of course, if you want to maximize your profits." Regulus reminded him. After all, Slughorn has very deep connections, and the advantages of joining the club outweigh the disadvantages.

Little Barty nodded slightly to show that he knew that if he pulled some people over from the club, the adult would definitely pay attention to him.

Severus took the sandwich and ate it with bacon and sausage. He listened silently to the conversation between the two without any disturbance in his heart. He had received the invitation before, but he came before he agreed. It is really difficult to comment...

While he was eating happily, a child scooped up a bowl of stew and handed it to him, with doubts in his eyes, "You just eat so much?"

Severus blinked, took a boiled potato and peeled it, intending to eat it with the stew, but it felt weird, but it was also weird to eat bread with the stew. I can only say that life without staple food was really sad.

Regulus nodded with satisfaction and cut a piece of beef to eat. After swallowing it, he asked, "Severus, do you have any plans for Christmas? Well, I mean, what are you going to do?"

What he wanted to ask the most was whether he wanted a gift or there was no gift prepared for him.

"I plan to go home and tidy up the house, then go shopping around, eat and drink, maybe there will be unexpected surprises..." Severus said it without concealing it. He was also looking forward to London now, and Lei Gu As wizards who grew up in the magical world, Les and the others are very unfamiliar with the Muggle world.

"Oh, so you won't be staying in school this year?" Regulus didn't know whether he was happy or disappointed. If he went back, wouldn't he be able to give out gifts? Then he sat closer and peeled a potato for him.

Severus glanced at him and felt that the child was really clingy. He was very satisfied with his 'service'. He finished the small potatoes in a few bites and motioned for him to peel another one.

"If you encounter problems with your homework, you can write to me and I will be happy to answer it for you, Regulus." He was defeated by a child's dog eyes and found a topic to talk about. He had originally planned to If you give the address to the child, you can give the gift directly to the child when you leave tomorrow.

Regulus's eyes lit up, he looked past the buttered cabbage, picked out some bean sprouts for him, and asked him if he wanted some parsnips. The roasted radish tasted great with honey.

Severus shook his head quickly, fearing that the roasted radish would go into the bowl if he was slower. He could tolerate the beetroot in the stew, but many vegetables were boiled to a pulp and were not tasty at all.

As our predecessors said, the most delicious food in England is foreign food.

Little Barty sat across from him and looked at it with a sour look on his face. The future heir of the Black family had 'fallen'! Isn't he just a person who is very talented in potions and would give away potions for free (although he and Andre also received them)? Isn't he just a good roommate who comes and goes frequently (a senior with good grades)... As for being so low-key? Small?

"Little Barty, why don't you eat? Aren't you hungry?" Andre looked up from the apple pie and found him looking at the opposite side, shrugging helplessly, "You are not envious, so hurry up and eat!" I have to go back to the dormitory to pack my things!”

Little Barty was confused when he heard this. When did he become envious? He gave Andre a hard look, what a fool!

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