HP solves the mystery

Chapter 22 Practice

The two Andres always said they wanted to go to the Room of Requirement with Regulus and the others, but they only went uninvited the first time, and the rest were staggered.

On the one hand, the Quidditch team's training and the match against Ravenclaw were about to take place. On the other hand, Regulus 'warned' the two of them not to disturb someone's peace.

Severus didn't know why, but he still benefited from a person's Room of Requirement.

He re-understood the meaning of the 'Patronus Charm' from the library, coupled with the scene of Lily practicing with the original body in his memory, he finally found some free time to prepare for the experiment after another Quidditch match started. one time.

This is a game between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Although it is not a game between Slytherin, the snakes don't mind booing the lions. It would be better if they can cause some trouble.

As for Regulus and Barty Jr., they were completely fooled. The captain asked several people to analyze the Gryffindor team's game strategy, and even wrote a 5-inch summary for this purpose.

Severus sympathized with this, and happily ditched a few people, and came alone to the troll tapestry on the eighth floor.

After looking around for no one, and walking back and forth three times, I thought I needed a place to practice magic, so I opened the door, quickly got in and locked the door.

The lights inside the door are brightly lit, and the layout is very similar to Professor Flitwick's training room, but there is a mirror as high as one person in the corner, and the whole color looks dusty.

He knew that this mirror was used to correct the posture of waving the wand when practicing magic, so he was not surprised.

The mirror reflected the person very clearly. Severus stared at the face in the mirror that was very different from his previous life. He would be resurrected with full blood after feeling sad. As long as he stayed away from the magical world by then, everything would be fine...

"Protect the body and protect the forehead...call the protective line...protect the body..." For the first time, he felt that this spell was difficult to pronounce, but he couldn't pronounce the simple words correctly. The more he wanted to summon the patron saint in his mind, the original body Painful memories and dull and beautiful memories of the past life are constantly intertwined.

The original body seemed to have no happy memories at all, and dark thoughts crept into his mind, such as his alcoholic and domestically violent father, his cowardly but loving mother... The tip of the wand spewed out some gray flames like a jam, and disappeared in an instant.

"What's going on! Oh my God! What an accident!" Severus' eyes were blank for a moment, and he pinched the center of his eyebrows with his long fingers. He just realized that the original Occlumency was actually activated. Could it be that he was spying on himself? Memories will also be blocked? He also said that he was a born Occlumency Master?

He frowned and tried a few more times. Once he reached a certain point, his eyes would become empty. Is the mental reaction left by the original body so strong... This means that he cannot use the memory of the original body to obtain the patron saint. In other words, He had to call out the patron saint on his own.

Severus once again lamented for his original self. If Voldemort was not crazy, had no savior, and Dumbledore did not become a multi-faceted spy, the original self would have room to display his talents, wealth, power, and even the girl he likes. It's just a pity... …

He brewed his emotions for a while, thinking about the beautiful memories of his previous life, and chanted, "Calling God to protect you!" Some white mist came out of the top of the wand, but there was nothing else.

He kept practicing, but until the end of the one-and-a-half-hour Quidditch match, he still couldn't produce any sparks. He had to calm down and go out before the little wizards returned to the castle.

He doesn't have the Marauder's Map or an invisibility cloak!

Severus did not go back to the cellar immediately, but took a shower in the boys' public bathroom before strolling downstairs.

People around him are not surprised by his current behavior. In fact, what should I say? The young wizards have a good impression of the original 'Severus', but now he has changed from a gloomy and indifferent classmate to a clean and indifferent one. beautiful boy.

Severus came from the 21st century, and the education and ideas he received were completely different from those of today. His temperament was also very different. In addition, people depended on their clothes, so his impression was naturally much better.

He didn't care about any of this, but when he walked to the stairs on the first floor, he happened to see the four Potters talking loudly among the little wizards. To be precise, they were the beaming Potter and the smug Sirius.

Lupine stood calmly around them, his eyes searching for something in the crowd; Peter Pettigrew was surrounded in the middle with a red face and was at a loss. During this period, he was laughed at a few times by Potter. Now he is just a simple young man. .

Just as he was sighing, his eyes met a pair of gray eyes inadvertently. Surprise flashed through them, and then he stared at them fiercely, with a feeling of embarrassment and anger.

Ah, I was stared at by a dog...

Severus blinked innocently and walked slowly towards the Slytherin table. He didn't seem to besieging the 'four' with jinxes recently, right? Why are you looking at him like that?

Before he could think about it, he was stopped by Regulus who walked into the restaurant.

"Severus, you...did you go to the library?" Regulus walked over and put his hand on his shoulder. He wanted to ask if he went to the Room of Requirement, but there were too many people around, so he couldn't Easy to say.

Severus nodded, then frowned. Didn't he just watch the game? Why does it smell so weird?

"Aren't you going to write a summary? Why do you smell... a strange smell..." He pushed the child next to him with his elbow, moving further away.

Regulus raised his hand and smelled his sleeve, and his expression became ugly.

"Snape, Regulus was hit hard by Peeves. That was when he hit Sophia of Hufflepuff. The smell was everywhere...she even cried..." Andre who came from behind said He solved the puzzle, and little Barty on the side showed a decent smile. The two of them escaped, who made someone so anxious to return to the castle.

Severus smiled awkwardly but politely, and said through gritted teeth, "Regulus, look at the good things you have done!"

Regulus chuckled and hugged the man directly, rubbing his body with his big hands, intending to pass on the scent of his body.

Without waiting for Severus to react, he quickly released the man, with a cunning and proud smile on his face, "Haha, free benefits, Severus, do you like it?"

It must be said that Regulus's handsome face was very confusing. The little witches around him, whether Slytherin or Gryffindor, were briefly distracted by him for a few seconds.

Sirius snorted disdainfully, "Narcissistic brat!"

Severus' smile froze on his face, and the tip of his nose was filled with the strange smell of rotten eggs. He had to hold his breath for this. Looking at the smiling face of a certain child, he wanted to punch him.

Regulus looked at someone's fair face that turned crimson due to anger, looking like a tempting big peach. He swallowed, feeling that he was hungry.

Severus was so angry when he saw Regulus' dumb look that he had just taken a shower!

He quickly turned around and left, leaving only a few people with fluttering robe corners.

He had to quickly get his clothes and take a shower. What a disaster, he decided to ignore Regulus for three days!

Regulus looked at someone leaving, touched his nose, and felt that this reaction was wrong... and then he chased after him.

The little wizards around them saw that they had lost all hope, and went to listen to Sirius's bragging.

Regulus's behavior is actually not out of the ordinary. There are not many friends who throw rotten eggs at each other, but they are just enjoying themselves. Who wouldn't want to?

Little Barty took Andre to the side to watch the show. He was really a master at committing suicide.

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