Imperial Capital, Alliance Building, High Command Conference Room.

A dozen alliance officers and government officials were meeting in the conference room.

"Mr. Hai is here."

The assistant outside the door whispered to everyone.

A dusty man walked in from the door, with a little dust on the hem of his coat.

Everyone who had frowned just now stood up to greet him.

"Hello Mr. Hai."

Everyone greeted the man, who nodded in response, sat in the second seat on the left, and nodded to the man in the first place.

The two made eye contact and nodded.

Hai Yuezhi turned on the holographic projection and projected a relatively important surveillance video he collected from the scene as well as footage shot by passers-by.

"Although the big explosion destroyed almost all the cameras and failed to capture the final picture, the surveillance records in Songshan Park before that were all recorded."

He opened a version that had been technically processed to be clearer.

"After zooming in frame by frame, we can see that the key to the problem lies in Songshan Observatory. Someone at Songshan Observatory seemed to have communicated with the unknown creature and used a large electromagnetic transmitter to try to attack and capture the unknown creature. After the incident, we have organized Special personnel entered the observatory to conduct a search and found the unconscious researcher who originally worked at the observatory in the underground warehouse of the ruins."

Hai Yuezhi showed the video data to everyone while telling the current clues.

"The researcher is still in a coma. Except for a researcher named Yang Zigui who is highly suspected of being the person who communicated with the unknown creature, the rest of the researchers are not in danger. It is initially determined that the research institute has been hijacked and terrorists have set up operations inside the institute. Equipped with large weapons to try to capture legendary level elves. Above.”

In the picture, you can see the video from the front view of the institute about 80 meters away. There is no way to hide what the man named Zigui did on the terrace of the institute.

But he turned on privacy mode when communicating with his boss. It was a pity that this was not photographed.

Then a woman in research clothes stood up and introduced to everyone: "After analysis by the patrol bureau, the unknown creature has the physical characteristics of an elf. It belongs to an elf race that has not yet been discovered. It is intelligent and communicable, and its energy level reaches Reached the legendary level.”

She showed everyone the model of Deoxys made by the patrol bureau. "During its actions, we discovered that this elf can transform into multiple forms. After six-dimensional analysis of its ability value, we put it in the battle The transformed forms are named: attack form, defense form, speed form, and general form. ABCD is used as the code name respectively, and the creature is called the code name D of the general form."

"Next, I will give a report from the Imperial Astronomical Research Institute." After the researcher from the Patrol Bureau sat back in his seat, the same man in research clothes stood up.

"At 9:29 in the afternoon on September , I captured a signal with information and detected a strong energy overflow. After two days of analysis, we compared the longitude and latitude to confirm that the source of the signal was from this incident. Songshan Observatory. At the same time, around : this afternoon, we received a signal of the same frequency and wavelength. If compared with the video record of the accident scene, the person who sent the second signal should be an unknown... codename D."

"Then it seems that the matter is very clear." Hai Yuezhi said with a frown, "The terrorists hijacked the Songshan Observatory and sent a signal to the universe to summon D, trying to capture D, but D is very aggressive , and did not allow the terrorists to succeed. Later, this group of terrorists prepared to use a new type of weapon to carry out biological destruction."

There was silence for a while, everyone was thinking about logical coherence.

Suddenly, the man sitting at the front received a new email. He glanced at it and smiled with interest.

"It seems that some interesting things were found at the scene."

All the surveillance inside and near the observatory had been manually cleared, and the security personnel were also deployed as internal agents by terrorists. The police found some objects in the bombed ruins.

The technicians triggered the self-destruction program when restoring the main console system, and tried their best to rescue some remaining file information.

Mu Shiqing had the highest authority to dispose of the information, and he immediately disclosed the information to the public.

"After language library restoration and logical sorting, this should be a top-secret plan."

As Mu Shiqing moved his fingers slightly, a repaired document and the original document invaded by garbled parts were projected in front of everyone at the same time.

"In the plan, the organization of this group of terrorists seems to be called... New World. This plan is called Plan D - Double-D-Plan, which consists of two operations. One is the Deoxys Capture Plan (Deoxys- Capture-Plan), and the second is the Sky Pillar-Destroy-Plan. They named this elf Deoxys, filtered the signals captured in the space station, and cracked part of the Deoxys The language of Chixis attracted Deoxys by sending a signal calling for help from his companions into the universe, and created a conflict between Deoxys and the Sky Pillar, and finally captured Deoxys with some kind of super weapon they developed. Hiss, destroy Rayquaza."

Everyone present was shocked by the news and took a while to digest the amount of information in this passage.

How come their plan to destroy level 97 Rayquaza and capture level 93 Deoxys is as simple as chopping melons and vegetables?

"Plan D? Is it the same organization as Plan R in Jincheng?" a police officer asked.

This is the first time that a relatively complete document about the Alphabet series of plans has been obtained. Before this, the clues they had obtained were only the names of these plans or the sites they left behind. This has to be reminiscent of the previous R plan that shocked the country.

"This may require contacting Officer Gan Ting, who is responsible for investigating Project R. However, based on what we know so far, the main purposes of Plan D and Plan R do not belong to the same series. Plan R is more inclined to biological experiments." asked the question just now Next to the police officer, an older police officer said.

Everyone was silently reading this top-secret information that was finally obtained.

"Don't you think it's strange?" Mu Shiqing broke the silence.

"There was one key thing that turned the situation around completely. Before that, everything was going smoothly according to Plan D." He played back the live video to remind everyone.

The blessing of Haiyue reaches the soul, "You mean..."

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