"Not good!" Ji Zhui discovered that there was a sinister old fisherman.

This energy cannon is too huge. If this shot hits the two elves in the fight...

It is estimated that Deoxys will directly transform into his original form, and Rayquaza Anihilation will probably be severely damaged, and he will not be able to recover within ten to eight years.

Looking at the cannonball, Ji Zhui knew that it was definitely not the handiwork of Hua Guo.

As the official patron saint of China, Rayquaza's serious injury was a huge blow to China.

Currently, no foreign country dares to invade China's airspace because Liequa is guarding it.

Even if it was shaken to save the situation this time, China should have weighed the strength of both sides and would not be able to make such an indiscriminate attack.

And how could a small observatory be equipped with such a devastating weapon!

He had to find a way to get the attention of these two idiots who were having a great time fighting.

Ji Zhui thought and tentatively threw two berries.

Didn't hit it, but did throw it out.

It seems that she can move things out of the space without her carrying it.

Understanding this, Ji Zhui released the little cat monster and briefly talked to it about the current situation. One person and one cat began to smash tree fruits at the two elves together, hoping that they could separate briefly and at least pay attention to their surroundings.

But it was no use. They even subconsciously avoided the fruit, without even thinking about where the fruit came from.


Two idiots!

Ji Zhui was so angry that his liver ached.

Just try another solution.

"Kitten, try to use thunder to gather a thundercloud in the sky, and then pull it to the house."

Ji Zhui explained his plan to the little cat monster.

Since the two elves were fighting so hard that they couldn't pay attention to the outside world, it was better to try to destroy the cannonball.

The bigger the energy body is, the more unstable it is. If there is any interference, maybe the energy cannon can be detonated before launching.

The only way Ji Zhui can think of at the moment is to use the little kitten's thunder.

In the past few months, in order to improve the flexibility of the kitten monster's move, one person and one cat have been following Master Liu Xiu's teaching videos.

According to Master Liu Xiu, elves can control energy, and thunder is also a manifestation of lightning energy, which can also be controlled.

If the energy of the thunder skill can be controlled, the hit rate and power of this move in actual combat will be greatly improved.

The little cat monster is often limited by its own energy, so it still lacks a little bit of control over thunder. Now it can only barely pull thunder clouds, and it is far from being as fast and neat as Liu Guixiang and the others.

"Mi Porphyrin!" I can definitely do it!

The little kitten has a very serious expression.

Ji Zhui watched the little kitten perform its power and clenched his fists to cheer it on.

"Come on, kitten, the future of China is in your hands."

The thunder cloud that can destroy this weapon in one fell swoop is larger than all the thunders used by Pussycat before.

She thought for a while, pulled out a power strip, and plugged the little kitten's tail into it to replenish power.

With power assist, things went much smoother.

The area above Ji Zhui's head soon became dark.

The little cat closed his eyes and meditated in the direction of the observatory.

"Yes, pull the cloud over, don't be anxious, feel the energy..."

Ji Zhui looked at the dark clouds that seemed to have thunder and lightning rolling overhead, feeling a little uneasy.

The dark clouds gradually spread, and Ji Zhui's eyes moved with the movement of the dark clouds, gradually reaching the top of the observatory.

"Why are there dark clouds?" Some of the gray-clad team members noticed the cloud and thought it was a bit strange. The weather they detected was sunny.

"Now! Thunder!"

Ji Zhui watched Lei Yun arrive at the right position and immediately issued an order without giving his opponent time to react.

"Mi! Porphyrin!"

Watch Sister Cat blow you to death!

The little kitten didn't play with Old Wenglong and the others in vain, and he learned 100% of Old Wenglong's speaking style from Long Aotian.

"Boom!" A thunderbolt as thick as a bowl poured down from the clouds with the roar of a dragon.

"What's going on!" Zigui rushed out from the main control room.

The energy storage of the H super cannon has just reached the critical value of 90%, and the energy is inherently unstable. This thunder in the clear sky directly detonated the energy!

An extremely dazzling firelight lit up the sky.

The observatory closest to the explosion was half destroyed in an instant, and the members of Plan D were vaporized before they could escape in time.

Those who witnessed the explosion were temporarily blinded, and the electronic cameras filming the scene were all scrapped.

"Everyone get down!" the police at the scene yelled.

But the roar was insignificant among the explosions.

Many people at the scene did not react and were thrown several meters away by the aftermath of the explosion.

Buildings within a ten-kilometer radius of Songshan Park were more or less shaken by the shock wave, and almost all the glass shattered.

"Oh my God, what the hell is this..."

The safe area fell into dead silence.

Now, everyone has only one idea in mind.


"Everyone is here, quickly evacuate tourists from the ten-kilometer radius of Songshan Park!"

Officers quickly began deploying, and the first priority now was to get everyone out.

Although there was no life-threatening danger, everyone could hardly believe what had just happened.

Is this the destructive power of two elves fighting against each other?

From a peripheral perspective, they could not see what the institute was doing, and they all thought it was a big explosion caused by a fight between two mythical beasts.

The power of this explosion is comparable to that of a mushroom bomb.

From Ji Zhui's perspective, the observatory faced the impact of the explosion and was seriously damaged.

She moved the optical brain camera in time to avoid the lens being burned out.

Fortunately, Deoxys and Rayquaza were distracted by the explosion.


Rayquaza took advantage of Deoxys's distraction and fired a destructive death ray with all his strength close to his face.

The dazzling light dimmed the surrounding environment.

Deoxys had no time to transform into a defensive form and gradually disappeared in this ray.


Rayquaza doesn't talk about martial ethics. It promised to turn around one, two, and three at the same time, but it carried out a sneak attack.

The green dragon in the sky roared in protest and circled back to its pillar in the sky.

Everyone thought that this first-ever battle between divine beasts would end with Rayquaza's victory and the destruction of the unknown creature.

But no one noticed.

Deoxys, who had been in the limelight just now, actually did not turn into ashes, but turned into a piece of purple crystal and fell to the ground.

A small white hand stretched out from nowhere in the air and quickly took back the amethyst.

Crisis two, resolved.

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