Since they were to receive new students on Monday, An Wenjun and Ji Guoping simply gave the disciples a day off, took Ding Kui and Ma Maofan to pick them up at the foot of the mountain, and waited until everyone was there before attending evening classes together.

Ji Zhui then went to play with Wu Xinyou.

Many local children went home last night after knowing that today was a holiday.

Although Wu Xinyou also said that she was a local, she was not seen returning home from her family.

Ji Zhui asked about her doubts. She had never seen Wu Xinyou much when she was staying at the martial arts school, so she was quite curious.

"I have no family anymore." Hearing Ji Zhui ask himself, Wu Xinyou replied calmly, "The martial arts gym is my home."

Ji Zhui was stunned, damn it, he actually made someone sad.

"Sorry, I…"

"It doesn't matter, gentlemen, I probably haven't told you about me, and I rarely tell others," Wu Xinyou waved her hands, and it was a relief to say it now that it was over.

"I had a family until I was 7 years old. But one day, I didn't wait for my parents to pick me up at school. Later, the teacher sent me home and found that my grandparents had been murdered, and there were my parents and others in the house. There were traces of the fight and their blood. But my parents were also missing. After reconstructing the fight scene, the police basically determined that my parents were fatally injured and may have lost their lives."

"My mother is a policeman, and my father is doing business outside. I don't have many relatives, only some distant relatives. They all said that my parents made some enemies outside and were killed. I was the one who was left out, so they didn't dare to adopt me. I’m afraid that my enemies will come back and continue killing after they find out.”

Ji Zhui was shocked as he listened to Wu Xinyou talking about the bloody past in a calm tone.

She never knew that such a tragic thing had happened to her first friend in the martial arts school, a little girl who was only thirteen years old.

No wonder Wu Xinyou is more mature than her peers, is so sensitive to other people's emotions, and has a particularly high emotional intelligence in dealing with others.

She now regrets and feels very guilty for uncovering Wu Xinyou's scars.

How painful it must have been in her heart, and what kind of will she relied on to support herself to survive.

"Later, the government helped me find an adoptive family, but no one dared to adopt me. Even the orphanage was unwilling to accept me. It was Mr. Ji and Mr. An who found me through the government after hearing about me and told me that they had very special needs. The strong spirit guards the martial arts hall and tells me not to be afraid."

Wu Xinyou's mood fluctuated, and her voice gradually turned into a crying tone.

"But I refused to let them adopt me. I didn't want to involve others. They were also willing to take me in and live in the martial arts gym, give me some cleaning work, and pay me a salary every month to support my life..."

This is why Wu Xinyou maintains the martial arts gym so much.

Ji'an Martial Arts School was kind to her and gave her a small and hesitant place to live safely.

Ji Guoping and An Wenjun gently sprinkled a feather, but it became the eaves of Xiao Wu Xinyou.

Ji'an Martial Arts School has a high reputation in the Qingcheng Mountain area, and it is all accumulated through these little things.

Ji Zhui's eyes slowly turned red as he listened to Wu Xinyou's story.

She substituted herself, and if she left home to go to school one day, she found that it was the last farewell to her family.

If you come home one day and find that all your loved ones have died...

She would probably also lose the will to live.

The motivation that supports Wu Xinyou to survive and practice martial arts assiduously may be partly due to the kindness of her grandparents. She wants to repay them when she grows up.

The other part is very likely to find the enemy and avenge one's relatives.

"I didn't have this name before. Wu Xinyou was named by the gentlemen. They hoped that I wouldn't live in sadness and worry all my life...I'm really, Xiao Zhui, I'm really, really grateful to your family. You saved me." I."

No matter in every aspect, it was you who saved me...

Wu Xinyou looked at Ji Zhui's eyes as he looked at her, his eyes sparkling, and he couldn't control his tears.

When she was alone and helpless, it was the Ji family who gave her a place to stay.

When she was frightened and worried, it was the two gentlemen who supported her and calmed her fears.

When she was confused and frustrated, it was Ji Zhui's parents who told her that she should strengthen herself in order to find justice for her family, and she embarked on the path of practicing martial arts.

How could she repay the kindness of rebuilding her life, the kindness of saving her life, and the kindness of knowing her?

Ji Zhui also continued the sincerity and kindness of the Ji family, so Wu Xinyou helped Ji Zhui a lot in places that Ji Zhui didn't notice. She will always protect Ji Zhui to repay the kindness of the Ji family.

Some feelings no longer need words to express.

Ji Zhui made his first true friend in his life.

Wu Xinyou has a heart and wisdom beyond her peers because of her own experiences. Ji Zhui is very comfortable communicating with her.

The two hit it off immediately, and Wu Xinyou took Ji Zhui and Little Cat to explore small places in the martial arts hall that Ji Zhui didn't know about. The two had a day of fun inside and outside the martial arts hall, and even changed into swimsuits and went swimming in the atrium pond where water elves live. .

The pond draws the living water from Qingcheng Mountain.

The stream is winding, flowing out from the martial arts hall and then flowing into another stream. It is a hot time in July, and it is really cool to stay in the pond.

The two's play in the pond also attracted the elves to join them.

Ji Guoping's fast-swimming frog also joined the water gun battle as he got older. The little kitten also wanted to play, but was unwilling to touch the water, so he could only meow anxiously outside.

Wu Xinyou took Ji Zhui up to the tallest tree in the martial arts hall.

"Look, little Chase, there is the ranger's sentry. Further inside, where the leaves are darker, is the secret realm. Sometimes you can see Bobo and Spearow flying over."

She pointed to the forest, introducing Ji Zhui to this forest friend she had known for six years.

She took Ji Zhui to look at the scenery and told her about the trivial things in the martial arts school during ordinary days.

The moist vapor brushed their laughing cheeks, sending their laughter into the wind.

The swimming frog stood guard under the tree, terrified that the two children would fall from the tree.

It watched Ji Zhui grow up, and he was left in the martial arts school this time because Ji Guoping asked him to watch the child more to avoid accidents.

After lunch, the two of them and the cat fell asleep soundly on Ji Zhui's bed. Ji Zhui's old face still had the blush from being exposed to the sun.

There was another round of fun in the afternoon, but this time Ji Zhui took the little cat monster and Wu Xinyou to play holographic games in the room. The sun was too bright in the afternoon to go out for a run.

As they were playing, a sudden burst of harsh sound hit their ears.

The two of them couldn't help but frown and cover their ears.

The little cat has good hearing and was particularly stimulated.

"It's Teacher Cunning Tengu's special trick of screeching. Mr. An is asking us to go out and help the freshmen carry their luggage." Wu Xinyou hugged her head and shouted loudly.

The two of them rushed to the front hall with the little kitten in their arms. Some old students who responded quickly had already arrived and were standing neatly.

Ji Zhui and Wu Xinyou joined the team in order of height.

There were about twenty children standing on the other side of the hall, ranging in age from six or seven to eleven or twelve years old. They should be the new freshmen.

The minimum age for admission to the martial arts gym is six years old, and regardless of age, students are uniformly managed according to their seniority and divided into old students and new students.

The students who have been in the martial arts hall for more than half a year are all old students, and the training content is relatively advanced practical skills. The freshmen are students who have just come to the martial arts hall, and they mainly practice some Emei martial arts routines and basic skills.

Ji Guoping took the old students to move the children's luggage to the dormitory area, while the freshmen followed An Wenjun to familiarize themselves with the martial arts environment and rules.

Ji Zhui watched the group of people go to the atrium, and looked at each other with Wu Xinyou. Fortunately, the sun was quite bright at noon, and the water sprayed out when playing with the water gun had dried up, otherwise he would probably have been scolded.

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