The end of the world: I have unlimited cheats

Chapter 78 Someone else’s girlfriend

After Lin Sha agreed to betray her, Liu Tianyi immediately asked her to take off her clothes.

This was a plot she didn't expect at all.

"Chief...I...this...take off my clothes?"

Lin Sha stammered and froze in place in disbelief. She couldn't put down her little hand that was holding the hem of her nightgown, or not put it down. Her whole person was in an incomprehensible state.

I don’t understand why Liu Tianyi asked her to take off her clothes.

Liu Tianyi seemed not to notice Lin Sha's mood, nodded and repeated: "Yes, take off all your clothes."

Emphasized again!

And that’s all!

Lin Sha couldn't help but tremble.

It feels like the purpose is becoming more and more obvious.

It's moving in a colorful direction.

But this is not a movie. The heroine is still herself, which makes people unable to calm down.

However, Lin Sha still held on to a glimmer of hope and luck. It might not be what she had in mind, but it might just be a physical check or a weapon check.

He tried to keep his tone as normal as possible and asked: "Chief, why do you want me to take off my clothes? Is there something I need to do?"

The tone is normal though.

I was actually very uneasy inside.

After all, when a man asks a woman to take off her clothes, there is no way to think of this situation as serious.

Sure enough, Liu Tianyi asked back: "It's so late at night, what else can you do if you are asked to take off your clothes? Don't ask knowingly, how can there be so many reasons between men and women?"

Lin Sha took a big step back!

His face changed drastically!

What Liu Tianyi said was obvious enough, it was actually that kind of thing!

But she never thought of doing this!

She has a boyfriend!

Why is this different from the betrayal Huang Huanggui mentioned?

Liu Tianyi actually wanted her to betray her boyfriend?

How is this possible?

Lin Sha was extremely flustered: "Chief... no... you can't do this... I... I didn't mean to betray when I said..."

"Don't you want to save your sister?" Liu Tianyi asked a question.

Lin Sha suddenly became quiet, as if her life was being strangled, and she couldn't ignore this problem no matter what.

Liu Tianyi then continued: "In my opinion, the only thing you have of any value is this body. Other than that, you have nothing interesting that I can exchange for antipyretics."

At this point, Lin Sha was forced to make a choice between innocence and her sister.

As long as you are willing to grit your teeth and give up your innocence, can you save your sister?

Lin Sha was extremely confused.

She is a woman with a relatively traditional mindset. She has never had any other boyfriends, and she has never had anything substantial with Yang Hao.

This situation is simply too difficult for her.

In fact, for her, this is not a choice between innocence and sister, but a choice between boyfriend and sister.

Deep down, I lean toward my sister, and my life is at stake.


It's really difficult...

The woman next to her with an injured shoulder suddenly said anxiously and shyly: "Chief! I...I am willing..."

This woman's name is Guan Xiaoting, one of the five women who were trapped on the roof of the bus.

At the same time, she was also the woman who was held hostage by Ding Tianlong's last younger brother and was almost killed by Liu Tianyi.

Guan Xiaoting is very lucky.

Not only did he narrowly escape death from that shot.

Finally, I had better luck and climbed onto the roof of the car.

You know, other uninjured women were knocked down and bitten to death by zombies, but she, the injured one, did not die.

Definitely good luck.

Guan Xiaoting cherishes this hard-won second life, so she has always been honest and dare not cause trouble.

Even if one hand is injured and it affects life very much, he does not complain at all and silently works hard with his remaining hand.


Good times are not long.

Guan Xiaoting wanted to persevere, but her body gradually became unable to persevere.

Penetrating injuries themselves are relatively serious injuries.

Penetrating injuries caused by bullets are even more serious and cannot be cured without drugs and medical tools.

It requires debridement, removal of necrotic tissue, suturing, disinfection, infusion, etc...

These days, if Lin Sha hadn't often helped Guan Xiaoting clean her wounds and bandage them with clean cloth, she wouldn't be able to hold on now.

But no matter how hard you persist, there is a limit. Injuries cannot be cured by willpower.

Guan Xiaoting has been feeling more and more pain in her shoulders recently, and blood is always oozing from her shoulders.

Without drugs and medical tools to deal with it, it would only be a minor matter to lose one hand, but it could lead to death in serious cases.

Fortunately, Lin Sha came to ask for medicine and took her with her.

Moreover, Liu Tianyi also said that she could exchange her body for medicine, which gave her hope.

Guan Xiaoting is not a casual person.

Except for being humiliated when he was arrested and imprisoned by Ding Tianlong.

Before the end of the world, my private life was simply clean and could be called self-love, and I didn’t play around.

Under normal circumstances, Guan Xiaoting would never think of exchanging her body for anything, and would call it hope.

But today is different from the past.

The end of the world is cruel, and countless people die every day, but Guan Xiaoting wants to live.

What's more, the object of this transaction is still Liu Tianyi, a strong and handsome man that she admires in her heart.

She would be very willing to make a deal with Liu Tianyi.

Even if she could, she would be willing to 'trade' a few more times... to help Lin Sha get antipyretics in exchange.

In my heart, I thought I was repaying a favor.

Lin Sha helped her persevere until now, and even took her with her when she asked for medicine. Whether it was on purpose or by the way, she should repay the favor.

But Guan Xiaoting's face slowly turned red when she thought of how many more 'deals' she would have to offer later.

She still felt shy, and the little expectation in her heart made her feel ashamed.

However, Liu Tianyi looked at her and asked, "Why aren't you dead yet?"

Guan Xiaoting's face went from blushing to pale in an instant.

Implied horror.

Liu Tianyi asked this question, why did he seem to want her to die?

When she thought of death, Guan Xiaoting was still in the mood to think about things that were not suitable for children. She quickly knelt on the ground: "Chief! I don't want to die! I can also use my body to replace the medicine! I really want to!"

"I don't want you to, because I have a special hobby and am only interested in other people's girlfriends." Liu Tianyi's eyes wandered over Lin Sha, making Lin Sha panic.

I feel like my nightgown has lost its covering effect and I feel completely insecure.

If Liu Tianyi really has such a perverted special hobby, wouldn't she be like a sheep in a tiger's mouth today and unable to escape?

For a moment, I had the urge to run away.

But she was afraid of Liu Tianyi and worried about her sister's condition, so Lin Sha didn't dare to run away.

He froze there in panic.

It was as if he had accepted his fate.

Guan Xiaoting, who was next to her, heard this 'further request' and responded positively: "Chief! I also have a boyfriend! Although... although I don't know where he is hiding now, I have his photos on my phone! Leave the auto repair shop When I went to the store, I brought my mobile phone with me. If you want to watch it... you can watch it after charging..."

Guan Xiaoting's voice became smaller and smaller as she spoke.

Face flushed with shame.

When she was in school, she heard from her dirty roommates that some people were very perverted.

Not only do you have to green others, but you also have to take photos of the people you love to have sex with.

She felt disgusting at the time, the green man was disgusting, and the other person who was willing to take out the photo was even more disgusting.

You have cuckolded others and cheated on others. You are not ashamed of it, but proud of it?

Things that normal people would be ashamed of and blame themselves for are instead used to add to the fun?

Invisible humiliation?

This kind of thing should only exist in those perverted island movies.

It should not exist in reality.

But Guan Xiaoting didn't expect that it really existed in reality.

It happened to her, or she took the initiative. The strong sense of shame made her want to dig a hole and get in.

It has to be said that people’s desire to survive is so strong.

Even an audience member next to me dared to say this.

Lin Sha was dumbfounded.

Is it...

Will she do the same later...

Liu Tianyi on the other side still had no intention of letting go of Guan Xiaoting's desperate self-dedication and pleasing people: "Needless to say, it doesn't matter even if your boyfriend is next to you, I won't give you medicine, because I I don’t want to save you.”

"Why... why..."

Guan Xiaoting suddenly collapsed to the ground, as if all her strength had been drained, and she was almost desperate.

What she just said, she couldn't believe she said it.

She was already so shameless that she was willing to put down her dignity and risk everything to satisfy Liu Tianyi.

Why did Liu Tianyi still refuse to save her?

"Why? You don't know it yourself?"

Liu Tianyi suddenly stood up, pulled out his Nepal scimitar, and approached Guan Xiaoting step by step: "In order to kill Ding Tianlong's men that day, I shot directly without caring about the life and death of you, the hostage."

"Although you were lucky and didn't die in the end, your shoulder was injured and you felt the breath of death. Do you dare to say that you have no hatred in your heart?"

"If the roles were reversed and I were in your shoes, I would definitely want to shoot you hundreds or thousands of times."

"But what about you? It seems like nothing happened. You come back with me obediently and help me do things obediently. You should obviously hate me. Why are you so abnormal?"

"Later I figured it out. You were pretending to be honest and obedient on purpose, in order to lurk next to me, wait for the opportunity, and one day seek revenge on me and kill me. This was your plan, right?"

"So why should I save you? Give you more time to find a way to get revenge? Wouldn't it be better if I kill you now?"

Listen to Liu Tianyi's words.

Guan Xiaoting and Lin Sha were shocked at the same time.

Is this a lot of suspicion?

You shot someone and caused them to suffer pain for so long.

Others showed no resentment, were honest and obedient, could only move one hand, and were working hard.

Isn't this right?

And analyze it to find out that others want revenge?

Do you have to kill him to feel at ease?

After the shock, Guan Xiaoting was followed by panic, extreme panic!

She really didn't know that Liu Tianyi would think of her so much, and she didn't know that her behavior would be misunderstood in this way.

Speaking of hatred, there must have been it at the beginning. It is human nature. Anyone who is so seriously injured and can not hate will subconsciously do so.

But what's more, it's the psychological breakdown and fear that have long overshadowed and offset the hatred.

To put it bluntly, I don’t dare to hate.

How could Guan Xiaoting dare to hate Liu Tianyi, a cold-blooded and ruthless demon who killed more than twenty people without blinking an eye and completely ignored the life and death of the hostages?

It can be said that after she narrowly survived that shot, Guan Xiaoting no longer had any concept of hatred for Liu Tianyi, only full of fear.

After experiencing the despair of being trapped on the roof of a car, being rescued by Liu Tianyi, and watching a fireworks show in which a zombie's head exploded, Guan Xiaoting's mentality changed even more drastically.

Not only do I no longer dare to hate, but I also feel some gratitude, admiration, awe, fear, and look up to...

Very contradictory mentality.

What is certain is that there is absolutely no hatred, and she really doesn't dare.

And compared with Ding Tianlong, Liu Tianyi is already much better.

What's wrong with following such a powerful leader in Doomsday?

Later, more things happened.

Guan Xiaoting became more and more determined to follow Liu Tianyi.

It is sincere.

But now, Liu Tianyi wants to kill her, is it because of an unfounded misunderstanding?

How could she be willing to do so?

Even if she is bitten to death by a zombie, she does not want to be killed by a misunderstanding!

The desperate desire to survive made Guan Xiaoting regain all her strength in an instant, and she finally screamed and begged loudly like a struggle: "Chief! Please believe me! I really don't dare to hate you! I don't dare!! I really don't dare. !!!"

"I don't have any plans! I didn't think about revenge! I just want to work under you honestly! Give me a chance to survive and make a living! Please believe me!!"

In a life-and-death crisis, Guan Xiaoting's words can be described as extremely sincere and sincere, without any exaggeration.

It can be seen from the word "dare not" in her words.

She didn't say anything hypocritically. She had never hated him, or didn't hate him at all, but she didn't dare to hate him!

This is absolutely true.

Even Lin Sha, a bystander, could hear it.

But Liu Tianyi seemed to still be immersed in his own world, ignoring Guan Xiaoting's true words, and continued to approach and analyze: "By the way, there are those four women, they are also involved in your revenge plan, right? ? No wonder they are so honest and obedient."

"You are so powerful. You can recruit four allies to lurk quietly with you. It seems that I left them on the roof of the car and left them alone that day, which made them hate me?"

"Fortunately, I discovered it early. Otherwise, if you had found an opportunity to retaliate, it would have been a bit troublesome with so many people."

This second analysis made Guan Xiaoting feel cold all over!

It's like being suddenly thrown into the freezer!

She was able to climb onto the roof of the car that day. Good luck was partly a factor, but the more important factor was that the person on the roof of the car pulled her up.

Otherwise, she could only use one hand and had little strength, so how could she climb up?

So Guan Xiaoting is very grateful to those four women.

In addition, they were all victims of the same incident and survived together. This common experience resonated strongly with them and inevitably developed feelings for them, thus establishing a very good relationship.

They are called sisters on weekdays.

Sometimes when a sister doesn't have enough to eat, Guan Xiaoting would rather endure more severe hunger herself or share some food with her sister.

She cherishes the friendship she gained during the last days.

I also imagined that if I became the captain of the coolie team in the future, I would take good care of these sisters and repay the life-saving grace.

But Guan Xiaoting didn't expect that she would die before she could repay her kindness.

Moreover, the sisters were also implicated!

Not only was she going to be killed by mistake, judging from Liu Tianyi's serious suspicion, the other four sisters he suspected might not escape the same fate!

Why are things like this?

Guan Xiaoting felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave, looking like she had received a huge blow, her lips were trembling and her eyes were blank.

She couldn't accept that she was killed by mistake, let alone that her sisters were also implicated in the killing by mistake.


She suddenly looked up at Liu Tianyi.

At least!

At least help the sisters clear their suspicions!

At least save the lives of the sisters!

Even if you can't repay them, at least you can't harm them!

Guan Xiaoting plans to make a last-ditch effort and struggle to clear up her relationship with her four sisters.

Liu Tianyi saw her opening her mouth and interrupted directly: "No need to say it, because I won't believe anything you say. For potential hidden dangers, I like to clean them up directly and get rid of them once and for all."

"Don't worry about your four accomplices. You just take the first step. They will go down and reunite with you soon."

As he spoke, Liu Tianyi raised his Nepal scimitar.

A sudden blow to the head.

There was really no chance for Guan Xiaoting to speak.


Guan Xiaoting's eyes were about to burst, her eyes widened, and with the last of her life, she screamed at the top of her lungs in a mad and shrill scream of extreme reluctance!

The facial expression is ferocious, as terrifying as a female ghost, and the zombies are not as scary as the dying people.

But soon.

Guan Xiaoting's screams stopped abruptly.


It became a falling sound.

Blood overflows...

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