In the villa room.

Liu Tianyi has been fishing in Wanjie.

Just as serious as when I played games before.

It took half an hour to stop.

I have to say, it’s really fun. It’s like a lottery, and most of the results are different.

The gains can still be realized in reality, and the fun is even greater.

There is no way to stop.

One reason is that the fishing bait of the imitation gun is exhausted, and the other reason is that the mental power is almost exhausted.

The feeling of mental exhaustion is like playing games all night long.

I feel very excited while playing the game. It seems that the more I play, the more energetic I get, and I don’t feel tired at all.

But once I stop, my head feels heavy, exhaustion fills my mind, and my eyelids are fighting. I can fall asleep immediately if I give him a pillow.

Liu Tianyi's situation is not that serious.

However, sleepiness is inevitable.

Ever since he survived the zombie virus and his physique was modified and strengthened, he hadn't felt so sleepy for a long time.

It seems that the body is tired from physical exertion, and the brain is tired from mental exertion.

The two energies correspond to each other.

But if you think about it carefully, when you are exhausted and tired, you will also want to sleep.

When your mental energy is exhausted, you will also be unable to go out for a run.

It should not only correspond to each other, but also be related to each other. If any aspect is exhausted, it will be difficult to function normally.

My physical strength is not bad. Sleeping is a way to recover, as is eating.

Because of the special constitution and fast digestion and transformation speed, eating can restore energy faster than sleeping.

As long as you have enough food, some time to recover, and don't consume too much, you basically don't have to worry about physical strength now.

It should only be considered unless the consumption is greater in the future.

Mental strength is not that good.

After thinking about it, it seems that the only way to recover is by sleeping?

Today is different from the past. Liu Tianyi had never thought about the problem of recovering his mental power before, because it was already several times higher than that of ordinary people and he would not be too sleepy even if he did not sleep for a day or two.

Now that there are plug-ins that require mental stimulation, this issue must be considered.

Otherwise, you can only fish for half an hour at a time, and you will feel sleepy and need to sleep to recover, which will affect your fishing efficiency.

I wonder if there is a faster way to restore mental strength?

There should be certain foods that can nourish the brain, right?

A little bit of melatonin?

Six walnuts?

These can all be tested.

As for another thing I wanted to test, after half an hour of fishing, the results came out.

There is no item from Wanjie that can be fished out.

At least Liu Tianyi didn't notice it.

In other words, in his impression, the items in Wanjie are not like this, and have nothing to do with today's harvest.

The only thing that may be related to Bankai is probably the [Universal Pistol Silencer].

Liu Tianyi didn't know much about silencers.

But we also know that many pistols have different calibers and barrels.

If you want to make a silencer, you have to combine the structure of the gun body and the caliber of the barrel and customize it. This is the same as everyone wearing different sizes of clothes.

Usually, silencers are not universal. This type of pistol can be used, but another type of pistol cannot be used.

But this universal pistol silencer produced by fishing is truly universal.

It will adjust its size according to different pistols to achieve a perfect fit.

It smells like Iron Man's nanosuit.

Even a fat guy like Thanos can wear gloves.

I wonder if this universal pistol silencer is considered a black technology?

Can the technology on earth be built?

If it cannot be made temporarily, or it cannot be mass-produced temporarily because the cost is too high and no one has studied it, then it is possible that it is not something on the earth but a product of all worlds.

The possibility is just too low to have high hopes.

If you want to see the real products of all realms, you still need to continue fishing.

Although I still didn't see the imaginary product of the Bankai this time, I only fished out an ambiguous and uncertain universal pistol silencer that was suspected to be a product of the Bankai.

But the overall harvest is still acceptable to Liu Tianyi.

He felt that it had something to do with the 'bait' he put in, and the harvest that came out was all related to the bait.

It might be better to change the bait next time.

In addition to the universal pistol silencer, ak47 is also a good harvest.

Liu Tianyi finally moved from the age of pistols to the age of rifles, and his combat effectiveness greatly increased.

Maybe before finding the warrior base, he could get a batch of powerful thermal weapons by fishing all over the world.

It would be great to have such awesome and comprehensive plug-ins.

It's equivalent to being invincible.

As long as he has enough time and energy, Liu Tianyi can get almost anything in this world, even if he wants to get something that is not available in this world.

At the same time, after half an hour of fishing in Wanjie, I gained a lot of insights and experience summaries.

This is the biggest gain this time.

Liu Tianyi knew that his initial attempt was right. There was indeed a close correlation between the type of bait he used and the type of fish he caught.

Also, the size of the harvest is related to the fishing time.

The longer the fishing time, the bigger and better the harvest will be, and the opposite is true for the short fishing time.

For example, during this fishing trip, it took the longest time to obtain the universal pistol silencer and ak47, while it took the shortest time to obtain a toy water gun.

To put it into perspective, it is actually a matter of mental energy consumption. The more mental energy consumption, the better, and it is clearer and more intuitive.

Of course, this consumption cannot be decided by yourself.

Otherwise, if you deliberately extend the time and increase consumption, fishing for half an hour at a time, wouldn't it mean that all the artifacts are out?

It doesn't mean that you can't get a magic weapon, but the premise is that the consumption of energy at this time is normal and natural. It is probably useless to deliberately do it.

Liu Tianyi guessed that this was also related to the fishing bait.

The better the bait, the better the harvest.

He tried using the crappiest toy water gun as bait, and it was over in five seconds.

A toy gun was also fished out.

Sometimes it will disappear directly.

Just like when fishing, the bait is stolen and eaten by the fish, and nothing is gained.

This situation where the bait disappears.

Liu Tianyi also made some guesses.

Maybe it’s because the bait is too junk.

It may also be an accidental situation during fishing.

Like a lottery thank you for your patronage.

The former doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if the junk bait disappears.

The latter is a bit troublesome, meaning there will be losses from time to time and more bait needs to be obtained as backup.

The above are all the fishing experiences Liu Tianyi gained.

It should be helpful for your next fishing trip.

But that's for next time, the most important thing now is sleep.

The massive loss of mental energy cannot be ignored.

Almost nothing can be done in this situation.

Drowsiness sets in.

Liu Tianyi fell asleep quickly.

I slept for several hours before getting up.

After getting up, I felt that the upper limit of mental power had increased a little. It seemed that not only the upper limit of physical strength would increase with consumption.

Even mental power will be restored with consumption, increasing the upper limit.

The feeling is clearer than last time when the upper limit of physical strength increased.

Sure enough, the greater the consumption, the greater the increase in the upper limit after recovery.

Liu Tianyi feels that his physique is a bit strong.

Not only does it recover quickly, but you can also clearly feel that it is slowly improving while recovering from consumption.

It's almost like the cultivation techniques in fantasy novels.

In those fantasy trainings, the exercises usually circulate in the body and become stronger.

Liu Tianyi's consumption recovery seems to coincide with this cycle.

It’s just that the way of cultivation is a bit unique.

Mainly relying on eating and sleeping.

Eating and sleeping?

Regardless, this is a good thing.

You can brush the upper limit later.

Especially with the plug-in of Fishing in the World, you can get all kinds of weird, mysterious and magical things from the World that are not found on the earth. It will no longer be difficult to increase the upper limit.

Physical and mental strength will definitely continue to improve.

Liu Tianyi's plan to become stronger originally did not include these two items.

But now it seems that these two items are the most important.

It is the basis of everything.

If you have the chance, give priority to improving mental and physical strength, and then try to improve other things.

And bait is the key to all things fishing.

Can create infinite possibilities.

It is the top priority.

After that, Liu Tianyi went out frequently.

Look for a variety of baits.

Keep trying.


golf course.

There is still an undercurrent surging.

Liu Tianyi pretended not to know anything and cared little about anything, which fueled Wan Qingrou's arrogance.

Wan Qingrou felt that everything was under control.

I think Liu Tianyi's frequent outings are the best opportunity.

Then he carried out the corruption plan more and more crazily.

She wanted to take advantage of the great opportunity to complete the first step of the plan at lightning speed and completely destroy Liu Tianyi's rule.

The hints became more and more blatant.

The insinuations and circumlocutions gradually become more obvious.

Roman also played an assisting role before.

After Roman tasted the sweetness, he couldn't stop eating and was always ready to eat.

But she knew that Wang Chenchen was timid, and if she encouraged Wang Chenchen to eat secretly together, she would definitely be discovered.

I simply stopped taking Wang Chenchen with me and went to find someone else without telling Wang Chenchen.

Roman's mentality is actually quite normal.

This happens to many people when they make mistakes.

Thinking that if you drag others into the water, you will feel more secure. Having a companion will definitely make you more courageous than being alone.

And there is a saying called "the law does not blame the public".

When there are too many people who make mistakes, the matter becomes difficult to deal with, and it may even be possible to directly acquit.

So Roman must hope that more people can eat together.

It's best if everyone comes and eats together.

Even if he is discovered by then, it should be fine. Liu Tianyi can't deal with everyone, right?

With this idea in mind, Roman was very active in getting people into the water.

Not much worse than Wan Qingrou.

Wan Qingrou didn't expect such an assist, so she was very happy. It seemed that she was what the people wanted.

So they cooperated secretly.

Liu Tianyi brought back so many supplies, which indeed promoted her plan. She could convey more information implicitly and 'unintentionally', which was to contrast the increased supplies with the unchanged treatment.

Yes, there are so many supplies. If expiration issues are not included, it will last for a year or two without any problem.

With so many supplies, it is obvious that as long as a small part is used to improve the treatment, everyone can live better.

But why didn't Liu Tianyi do this?

Do you just not treat low-level coolies as human beings?

Once everyone has this idea and creates a psychological imbalance, Wan Qingrou's hint will be successful.

Coupled with the other previous hints, corrosion efficiency is greatly improved.

The current corrosion progress can be said to have reached a fever pitch.

More and more people are wavering and gradually join the eating team.

Of course, Wan Qingrou is still a little smart and knows that corrosion will pick people.

Wan Qingrou did not try to corrupt the coolie team leader and technicians, because people with higher salary were not easy to be corrupted and might be exposed in advance.

There was no attempt to corrupt the five women who admired Liu Tianyi, because in their hearts they were probably willing to be Liu Tianyi's dogs. Not only could they not be corrupted, they might even file a complaint.

The newcomers who had just been brought back were not suitable for corruption. They were frightened at first sight. They didn't know Liu Tianyi's true face, so they definitely didn't dare to steal food.

Even Wan Qingrou, who was once close to Murong Shui, did not reveal anything to prevent Murong Shui from doing something stupid that would ruin the plan because his brother was still tied up.

After some elimination methods like this.

The rest is easily corroded.

Wait until more than half of the people have been corrupted, then go to those who are more difficult to corrupt, and use the number of people as persuasion, and you will definitely succeed in the end!

Wan Qingrou praises her IQ!


time flies.

Two more days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past two days, with the active efforts of Wan Qingrou and Roman, the number of people who were corrupted continued to increase.

It's almost ten.

There are still several who are wavering and hesitant, but are gradually wavering and may not be able to hold on for long.

How many people are there in total on the golf course now?

Just over thirty.

In other words, Wan Qingrou's goal of corroding more than half of the people can be accomplished in a short time!

In just a few days, almost half of the people were corrupted, which sounds exaggerated.

But actually everyone has their own reasons.

Some are really hungry, some have never suffered this kind of pain, and some are mentally unbalanced or are influenced by other people.


The number of people being corrupted is indeed growing, and will continue to increase as time goes by.

The first step of the plan is very close to success.

Wan Qingrou is also getting happier day by day.


There are no impervious walls in the world.

With so many people being corrupted and stealing food every day, even if Liu Tianyi pretends not to know and doesn't seem to notice, someone else will always find out.

Huang Jingui is the most astute, after all, he has been in business and been a boss.

The latest anomaly for these men.

He was the first to notice.

Because of this matter, I specially found Lin Sha.

Discussing with a serious face: "Technician Lin! Have you noticed that many people are not quite right recently?"

"Although after I took office, I was not as bad as Li Zhongchao in not letting people go to the toilet, but they took too long to go to the toilet, and one after another, there seemed to be some kind of tacit understanding."

"The most important thing is that when they come back after going to the toilet, they will still show a satisfied and satisfied mood, complain less, and work more energetically. They have changed from the miserable state of being hungry and thirsty in the past. This is definitely what happened to us. Things you don’t know.”

Lin Sha was checking the situation of the lucky fish at the artificial lake, and was stunned when she heard this.

To the restroom?


No more hunger and thirst?

How can it be easy for people to misunderstand these things together, and it is also easy to think of a certain legendary figure.

Lao Baoli gives it?

But Lin Sha thought quickly and came to her senses immediately, and asked tentatively: "Are you suspicious that they took advantage of the time to go to the toilet to eat?"

As soon as I asked this question, I felt something was wrong.

It tastes more like old cakes.

Lin Sha was about to change her words, change her sentence, and ask her question in a different way.

However, Huang Huanggui obviously didn't care about this and was not in the mood to joke. He nodded seriously: "Yes! I just have this suspicion!"

Lin Sha was blocked when she wanted to change her words.

Come to think of it, it’s all about eating anyway, so the meaning is pretty much the same.

After a moment of silence, he said: "You should discuss this matter with Li Zhongchao. I am just a breeding technician, and your coolie squad leader is responsible for managing the coolies."

Huang Huanggui said disdainfully: "Li Zhongchao? He is just a fool who took advantage of him! He has no ability at all. He only wants to show off his power and look at beautiful women all day long! Tell him the matter. Not only will he not be able to help, he will also alert the snake and tell him what to do. ?”

"You want to prevent others from alerting others?" Lin Sha frowned, vaguely guessing what Huang Jingui was thinking.

Huang Huanggui did not hide anything and admitted directly: "Yes, we must prevent alerting the snake, because I am going to investigate this matter secretly and collect evidence that they stole food. I hope that you, Technician Lin, will come to help me. After we succeed, we will definitely It’s a great achievement, and the leader will reward us.”

Lin Sha frowned even more: "But... have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this? If they are really eating secretly, they will be severely punished by the leader, or even executed..."

Huang Huanggui began to reason: "If they really do something like stealing food, they will be discovered sooner or later. Do you think they can hide it from the leader? So whether we investigate or not, they should bear the consequences Sooner or later, we will have to bear the consequences, so why can’t we make a contribution and get a reward?"

"They may just be punished in the end, or they may be executed, but that is the result of their own causes, not ours. We are at best whistleblowers, and we don't need to feel guilty. I hope you understand this. "

"Moreover, maybe the mistakes they have made now are not serious, and they still have a chance to correct themselves, so that they will not be executed. If we report them, we are still helping them to stop at the brink and stop as soon as possible. They should be grateful to us for doing this. The sooner the better, it’s better for everyone.”

Lin Sha struggled.

There was obviously still some hesitation.

Although she has decided to fight on the same side as Liu Tianyi, she is also willing to be Liu Tianyi's 'accomplice' at some point.

But this kind of thing that may harm many people is really difficult to overcome.

It's not that he is kind, he just doesn't want to harm others.

No matter how clearly Huang Jingui explained the truth, this matter still felt harmful.

Huang Huanggui waited for a while, and became a little impatient: "Since Technician Lin is not interested in making meritorious services with me, then forget it! But I want to remind you, don't leak the matter, otherwise I will kill you and defeat you. Report it directly to the leader before you get the evidence!”

"Perhaps I won't be rewarded because there is no evidence, but I can also accuse you! Just say that you want to stand on the opposite side of the leader and want to protect the suspected eater. Think about the consequences for yourself! "

"If you can, just stop the disaster for them and get punished!"

After saying that, Huang Jingui snorted coldly.

Turn around and leave.

Lin Sha looked at Huang Jingui's back and said in a complicated tone: "You have changed a lot..."

The price of gold has indeed changed a lot.

Before, he was a kind person to everyone and easy to talk to. He was too embarrassed to be too harsh when asked to manage others.

He even persuades others to do things with earnest words and has a good attitude without any leadership airs.

But since he took up the role of captain of the coolie squad again, he has become a completely different person.

Not only does he strictly manage his subordinates, but he will also beat those who are disobedient. Now he even wants to collect evidence of suspected eaters. It doesn't matter if others are punished or executed. He just makes meritorious service and receives rewards for himself.

Anyone who has seen Huang Huanggui before will have mixed feelings about Huang Huanggui after the change.

Huang Jingui paused and stopped.

Obviously Lin Sha's words made him feel something.

But soon, he put away these feelings and said calmly: "After being replaced by Li Zhongchao, I understood some truths. Later, when I asked the leader to give me another chance, he said that I was not ruthless enough, so I became even more If you understand this truth, you must be ruthless to survive in this world where people cannibalize others. Being gentle to others is cruel to yourself."

"Of course, these are not the most important things. The most important thing is that I can understand the implication of the leader. I know what he is hinting at me. If I want to be cruel to others, isn't it betrayal?"

"He needs us to betray others and draw a clear line with others. Only in this way will he feel at ease and not have to consider the possibility of us colluding with others. Only then will he give us real reuse. Only those who are unwilling to betray others will If you can stay in the position of a coolie forever, you will never get ahead."

"Lin Sha, you are a smart woman. This is why I asked you to cooperate. I can see that among all the people, the leader values ​​you the most because you are smart but also a little selfish. You can betray your family and yourself. Everyone else, this is what the chief needs you to do.”

"Anyway, I'm ready to betray. The leader is so powerful that normal people can't resist. I might as well just go along with him and live longer as a smart person. But what about you? Are you ready to betray? Are you ready? Your refusal to cooperate today makes me very disappointed. I hope your cleverness and selfishness can come back online, otherwise I will replace you without hesitation and become the number one person under the leader."

Huang Jingui has left.

But the words were still circulating in Lin Sha's mind.

Leave her in deep thought.


Lin Sha murmured to herself.


What Lin Sha never expected was that that very night, she would immediately have to make a decision about whether to betray or not.

The little Lolita, who was in poor physical condition, suddenly developed a high fever during this period of time when the temperature difference between day and night was large.

All the medical kits are in Liu Tianyi's room.

Lin Sha could only hurriedly find Liu Tianyi.

At the same time, she also brought along a woman with an injured shoulder who was simply bandaged and looked a little painful.

When I saw these two women in the room.

Liu Tianyi knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for had come.


It seems a little different from what was expected.

The first one to ask for help was Lin Sha, who said in a panic: "Chief! Xiaoxiao has a high fever! She is in urgent need of fever-reducing medicine! Please save her!"

Sure enough, there is a bit of a deviation.

Liu Tianyi originally expected that the woman next to him should be the one asking for help.

But it would be better to switch to Lin Sha.

Even better.

Liu Tianyi quickly made slight changes to the original plan.

Then he looked at Lin Sha: "Do you know how precious medicine will be at the end of the world?"

"Sometimes, medicine is equivalent to a life. If I want to change, I can find a place where there are many people. A piece of antipyretic medicine may be worth a truckload of supplies."

"Why should I give you such a precious thing if you need it? Do you have anything of equal value in exchange?"

Lin Sha quickly said: "I...I know how to breed! Those two pregnant fish are about to spawn, and I will create more supplies for you! Just treat it as a loan to me, and I will definitely pay it back!"

"I think you got something wrong."

Liu Tianyi shook his head: "The fact that you are alive and getting better treatment than others is the benefit of your breeding technology. From now on, all the income you earn from your labor belongs to me. You are not qualified to take it." For things that belong to me, negotiate terms with me or borrow money.”

Lin Sha was stunned for a moment.

From now on, all the income from her labor will have nothing to do with her?

Being so domineering and unreasonable is really Liu Tianyi's style.

After all, when he was first forced to join, Liu Tianyi said that even everyone's life belongs to him.

Not to mention the income from labor.

But that's not what to think about now.

The key question now is, if the income from labor does not belong to you, how can you get antipyretics?

It seems like there's really nothing left to exchange.

For the first time, Lin Sha felt like she had nothing, and she became even more anxious when thinking about her sister's condition.

At this time, Liu Tianyi was still adding fuel to the fire and began to issue eviction orders: "If you don't have anything to exchange, just go out. Don't disturb me watching the movie here. Come back when you have something to exchange."


Seeing that Liu Tianyi was not joking and had no intention of giving antipyretics to save the patient, Lin Sha knelt down in a hurry!

She didn't know how long she could last with a high fever, but even if she could last longer, she still couldn't get antipyretics!

There is no other way but to ask Liu Tianyi!

But Liu Tianyi still behaved very ruthlessly, looking at the computer without looking back, already clicking on the mouse to select a movie: "It's useless to kneel down, you know I won't pity you, get out of here, if you disturb me from watching the movie In such a mood, I might kill someone."

He said and threw the pistol on the table.


It seemed like a heavy blow to the hearts of two women!

Their faces turned pale.

The woman next to her was so scared that she wanted to leave, but Lin Sha still didn't want to leave even though she was scared.

Or unable to leave.

She left and didn't get the antipyretic medicine. What should my sister do?


Lin Sha kowtowed heavily and begged loudly: "Please give me a clear path, leader! As long as I can save my sister, I will do anything!"

Seduced for a long time.

This woman is finally on her way.

Liu Tianyi turned his chair and asked, "Are you ready for betrayal?"

Lin Sha was stunned again.

Suddenly I remembered what Huang Jingui said during the day.

It turns out that Huang Jingui was right.

Liu Tianyi really wanted them to betray.

There is nothing that can be exchanged, so betrayal and loyalty can only be exchanged.

As long as you betray others, you can get more benefits, get more reuse, and get antipyretics.

The most important thing is fever-reducing medicine!

Lin Sha secretly clenched her fists.

At this point, she had no choice but to betray others in order to save her sister.

Fortunately, she was a bit selfish to begin with, and fortunately what Huang Huanggui said during the day was like a vaccination and she was mentally prepared.

Hearing Liu Tianyi's question at this moment, Lin Sha hesitated for almost a second and immediately answered: "Chief! I'm ready! I'm willing to betray!"


Save my sister.

Plus vaccinated.

Lin Sha's tone when she said this was extremely firm.

She was even prepared to tell Huang Huanggui about someone who was suspected of stealing food, as a confession to express her sincerity of betrayal.

Maybe this is a bit sorry for Huang Huanggui, and he took the credit in advance.

At worst, she could just give all the rewards to Huang Jingui. The most important thing now is to save her sister.

After agreeing to betray.

Lin Sha looked at Liu Tianyi firmly.

Wait for next instructions.

she knows.

Betrayal is never just a matter of words.

Liu Tianyi will definitely let her keep an eye on everyone, just like she used to keep an eye on the golf course to see if anyone is causing trouble.

However, the stare after betrayal is different.

Before, I turned a blind eye and pretended not to see the problem if it wasn't a big problem.

But after the betrayal, you can't be like this. You have to be as strict as Huang Jingui and draw a clear line with everyone.

Reporting was Lin Sha’s first step.

She was prepared to report as instructed and seemed loyal.

And Liu Tianyi's next instruction did come: "Now that you are ready, let's take off our clothes."

Lin Sha was still immersed in waiting for instructions. As soon as she heard the instructions, she subconsciously wanted to execute them.

Grabbing the hem of the nightgown with both hands, she pulled it up: "Okay! I'll take off my clothes..."

But when the skirt passed her smooth knees, Lin Sha suddenly reacted and looked up at Liu Tianyi.


Like being struck by lightning!

Why do you want her to take off her clothes?

What are you doing this late at night?

Also, what kind of betrayal is Liu Tianyi talking about?

Why is it different from what Huang Jingui said?

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