Marvel, who rescued him? !

Chapter 91 The Joker Incident: The End (Additional Update 3)

"This is Harley Quinn." Looking at the crazy girl inside who looked like she had ADHD, Taylor introduced with confidence.

Harley Quinn is less than 20 years old, with heavy makeup on her face and disheveled hair in three colors of red, yellow and blue. She is wearing a striped hospital gown and stands upside down against the wall. I don’t know which hospital SHIELD arrested her from. to her.

Seemingly hearing the voices of two people, Harley Quinn turned her head and looked over, shaking her arms to greet them: "Hi~ Are you two here to play with me? It's really boring here, red-haired Sweetie, I love your hair color.”


The expressionless Natasha pressed the button, and the translucent glass in front of Harley Quinn immediately turned into a mirror.

She smiled crazily and pressed herself against the mirror, wanting to interact with the two of them.

"Fei Fei Fei, very cute red-haired lady, if you could let me out, I would be so grateful. I would even give you a kiss. This place is boring and boring. I am going crazy from torture. Or can you come in and keep me company?" Just a little girl that no one likes."

As she spoke, she made a pitiful expression in front of the glass.

But who is Natasha!

Of course she had a heart of stone, and she drew a tick on the instrument and said: "Let's go~ Taylor let us go to the next one."

"Hahaha..." Taylor smiled brightly, raised his hand (????)?? and tapped the glass next to Harley Quinn's ear with a "dang" sound, and then followed Natasha.

"Ah -" Harley Quinn glared at the mirror, then punched the mirror. "Ah~ It hurts~"


"This is the Magic Clown," Taylor introduced.

The magic clown in the cell looked like a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties. He was wearing a tuxedo, sitting on the edge of the bed with his eyes closed, meditating. Beside him, the quilt slowly bulged up, as if a bird appeared inside. ghost.

After waiting for a minute, he found that before anyone asked him questions, he quietly opened his eyes, and then found that Natasha and Taylor had left.

angry! [○?`Д′? ○]

You are blaspheming the magic show!

Going further, Taylor saw a clown who was performing. He threw items in the air and then caught them perfectly before throwing them out. When he saw someone coming, his hand shook, as if Taylor thought he was going to When he couldn't catch it, his muscle memory still helped him stabilize the thing in his hand, and then...


He suddenly threw a glass of water towards Natasha, causing flowers to explode on the glass in front of Natasha.

Looking at Natasha who was speechless, Taylor said: "This is a prank clown. What he likes most is boring pranks. The more boring a prank is, the more he likes to do it. Of course... he hates other people playing pranks on him the most. , the more boring the prank is, the angrier he will be, just like this..."

"Slightly~" Taylor stuck out his tongue and made a very perfunctory face to the prankster clown.

The prankster clown was stunned when he saw this scene.


I'm going to be so angry!

He roared and looked at the thing in his hand, then picked up the pillow and rushed over with a roar, holding the pillow high and smashing it against the glass.

Seeing this scene, Natasha was silent for two seconds and said: "It's a little too childish."

Taylor nodded expressionlessly and said, "Yes, he is too childish. He can even think of pranks like hitting people with pillows."

Regardless of the crazy clown and the expressionless Natasha, Taylor took a step forward and said: "Add the clowns in costumes, good, there are thirteen clowns."

Similarly, the stories of the 13 clowns on the system panel have all ended. Some clowns can indeed be resurrected, and some clowns will be re-released, but most of them are humorous skits in this story. .

Putting away the recording instrument, Natasha said: "Okay, there's no need to continue watching the rest. Let's go. I'm really tired these days. I'm going to take a leave of absence and have a good rest."

"Take some rest?" Taylor frowned and asked, "Didn't Nick ask you to go undercover at Tony's place? There's something wrong with Tony recently. The Joker said he might be in trouble and seems to be dying."

"Damn it!" Natasha put the instrument on her head, and finally remembered that she did still have such a small task. No matter how much she was scolding Nick in her heart, her expression did not show it at all, and she said with a stiff smile: "I If you really have this mission, being an agent really means you won’t have a free day.”

Taylor nodded sympathetically and said, "Unlike me, I really want to go home and rest."


"What's the sound?" Taylor looked around in confusion. Natasha smiled brightly and explained: "Hey~ the instrument Nick purchased is not very strong. I will talk to him about it later."

After saying that, she turned around and left, but every step seemed heavy.

It's indeed time to leave, but before leaving...

Taylor turned his head towards the prankster clown who was squatting on the ground to rest after being tired from beating him, and made a perfunctory face again.

After leaving S.H.I.E.L.D. after three hours of lunch, Taylor was ready to continue his leisurely vacation.

As an agent, he is always worried about what to eat every day. This is really painful. Unlike Natasha and others, they don't need to choose at all. The restaurant only provides energy bars, so they don't have to think about this life problem every day. What a blessing!

So what are you having for dinner tonight?

Da da da da da…

A round of bullets hit Taylor. Before Taylor could react, his stomach was full of bullets.

Then with a slow three-beat leap, he jumped back into S.H.I.E.L.D.

Tyler never imagined that he would be attacked at the door of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Under the confused look of the security guard at the entrance of SHIELD, Taylor opened his mouth and spit out a few bullets. He looked at the SHIELD suit that was beaten into pieces, and then looked up at the seven soldiers who attacked him. So angry!

This is his new suit from SHIELD! It will be 6 months before I want to get another one!

After shaking his body, Taylor didn't know how much weight he had gained now, but he still felt like he was full.

Six months have passed since the last small attack in November. I thought they gave up after knowing they had immortality, but I didn't expect these guys to be refreshed every six months just like NPCs.

Seeing Taylor raising his hand behind his back, the guard hesitated slightly, pulled out the pistol from his waist and handed it to Taylor.

Then he saw Taylor pull out a long knife from his empty back.

guard:? ? ? ? ?

How did you get past security?

Space bag? ?

Momo took back the pistol and looked at Taylor with admiration as he rushed out with a knife.

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