Marvel, who rescued him? !

Chapter 90 The big clown incident: What do you think? (Additional update 2)

Although Stark blew up the camera in time, the news that the Joker said he had a nuclear bomb was still broadcast.

The Joker is a lunatic, and everyone who watched the live broadcast has no doubt about this.

So what would a madman do if he had a nuclear bomb in his hands?

Of course he would be like holding a firecracker in his hand, unable to contain his curiosity and want to explode it.

Although the official issued an emergency declaration, saying that no nuclear warheads had been stolen, and no nuclear bombs would be detonated in the United States.

But the official has lied so many times, and now that the official statement has been released, even viewers who have not watched the live broadcast know the news:

What! Someone stole America's nuclear bomb? !

Official: Fake! Fake! Fake! This news is false!

The official said it was false, so we have to consider the authenticity of this matter.

Chaos is so sudden, and chaos is so unreasonable. It's not that they really believe that a nuclear bomb is about to explode, but they want to believe that a nuclear bomb is about to explode, to cover up their sudden and uncontrollable madness. .

Crazy is the strangest infectious disease in the world, because many people think they are not crazy, but everyone can go crazy.

The members of SHIELD are working continuously these days, and even Natasha has dark circles on her face that cannot be covered with foundation.

In the conference room, Taylor sat farthest away from Deadpool, holding a meeting minutes notebook solemnly and drawing circles on the notebook.

Nick looked around, glanced at Taylor who was taking notes seriously, and said in a deep voice:

"Now, all thirteen clowns have been captured or eliminated by us. Of course, there are still a few harmless ones who are being detained by us at SHIELD for diagnosis. Therefore, this time, the anomalies caused by the SCP-3682 clown mask have passed. Right?"

Gilder's right arm was bandaged. He looked through the action reports written by everyone and read them carefully without speaking.

Compared to the powerful and weird Resurrection Clown No. 1, Clown No. 13 has caused greater damage to the world because he gave everyone a chance, an idea, and a madness in their boring life!

And this madness that has subsided will take time to completely smooth over.

At the end of the meeting, Natasha came forward, raised her wrist, handed the folder she held on her fingertips to Taylor and said:

"Okay, Tyler, it's time for you to go see the remaining clowns who have been captured. Number them one by one. Don't tell us if there are any that haven't been caught yet."

He took the folder and flipped through a few pages. These were the clowns who appeared in this incident. It took nearly four months. The incident finally came to an end. He glanced at Natasha's red hair and saw that Taylor road:

"Of course ~ Agent Natasha, this is what I should do. By the way, did you see Wade? Why did he disappear as soon as the meeting ended?"

Sorry, as soon as Taylor saw red, she couldn't help but think of Wade.

Having been with crazy people all the time, Taylor feels that he has been a little crazy recently.

"Are you looking for him?" Natasha turned to look at Taylor and asked.

"Of! Just out of curiosity." Taylor replied immediately.

I have absolutely no interest in crazy people.

"By the way, where is the clown? I'm very interested in him. Can I visit him?" Taylor suddenly asked curiously.

"I'm afraid this won't work. He's too dangerous. We don't want to lock him up like Arkham Asylum in the comics and let him escape and make a big fuss. Currently, his whereabouts are kept secret, but we are planning to provide him with Build a prison for each person." Natasha replied solemnly.

Crazy people are not uncommon, but people as crazy as the clown are rare. If he really comes from the thirteen clown images in Taylor's mind, then he must represent the clown in DC comics.

oh? Keep it secret?

Taylor immediately opened the system panel and took a look, wow~~it turned out to be right under his feet.

Continuing forward, there is a harmless clown being held in SHIELD's cell, waiting for Taylor to identify him.

Glancing at the clown in the first cell holding a few red toy balls, Taylor shook his head and said, "Did you catch him from the circus? He is just an ordinary person."

"Of course it's not a circus." Natasha picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered:

"Send Robbery No. 1 to jail. He is just an ordinary person."

? ? ? ?

Taylor asked doubtfully: "He just took a toy ball to rob?"

Natasha introduced: "Yes, it was caught from Florida, and he has succeeded twice."

Several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents came over from behind, greeted the two, then opened Cell No. 1, and drove the clown out, one on the left and the other on the right. The clown shouted desperately:

"No! Where are you taking me? God asked me to rob banks! I didn't lie, God asked me to rob banks. I robbed everything, and God also asked me to put them at home."

Looking at Taylor with a puzzled expression, Natasha said speechlessly: "Are you thinking about the authenticity of what he said? Do you think there is really a god behind it? No - he just hid the things he couldn't sell at home. .”


The two people walked to Cell No. 2, and one of the 13 clowns was indeed imprisoned inside: the good clown.

Yes, although he is a weirdly dressed clown, he is also a good person. He likes to help others the most, but he often does bad things with good intentions.

Taylor nodded and said: "He is a good clown."

After confirming her identity, Natasha drew a checkmark on the instrument in her hand.

Then he walked towards Cell No. 3 and saw the dog with clown makeup on his face. A big question mark popped up on Taylor's head. He could understand it if this was one of the 13 clowns, but wasn't it? !

"Is this drawn by someone from SHIELD?" Taylor looked at Natasha in confusion and asked.

"Of course not, it was also caught from Florida. The agent saw it on the way to capture No. 1, so he brought it with him." Natasha finished speaking calmly and waved.

Two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents opened the prison and took out the puppies, one on the left and the other on the right.

The puppy yelled desperately: "Woof woof... woof woof... woof woof..."

Watching the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents go away, Taylor sighed helplessly and said, "If there are any crocodiles, clownfish, toads or other animals behind, don't ask me. None of the remaining clowns are animals."

"Okay." Natasha nodded, took out the walkie-talkie and said, "No. 7, 9, 13, and 14 can be taken away. They are not clowns."

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