After retiring, I became Loli’s magic mentor

Chapter 134 Breaking into the Trap

Immediately afterwards, Ryan revealed the card on the third path, One City. It was the same as Dorothy's card [Mobilizing Troops]. One was offensive and the other was defensive. The two canceled each other out and entered the discard pile.

At this point, Ryan and Dorothy's command cards have all been revealed, and the city on Ryan's second path has fallen.

Next, it's time to reveal the action card.

Nunnally and Rowling both chose to discard all their cards and move three cities. There were only two action cards played by Octavier and Yvette on the field.

Octavier first turned over the card she placed in the first city of the demon clan's third path.


This card allows you to immediately move to any of your own cities.

After uncovering this card, Octavier immediately moved her chess piece to the location of the first city on the demon clan's third path.

Opposite Octavier is a city on the third path of the human race that Ryan used two cards to save. If nothing happens, Octavier will launch an attack on this city in the next round. .

The card Yvette played was the same as Octavire's [Drive], but Yvette arrived at the second city on the fourth path of the human race. If she wanted to rush to the aid of the first city on the third path, she still needed to discard two Just move the cards.

The scene seems to have become anxious all of a sudden...

"In the second round, Tutor Ryan, you will take the lead."

Dorothy put her chin in her hands and looked at Ryan with a smile, but in Ryan's eyes, Dorothy seemed to control the entire chessboard.

This "Devil's Game" is indeed not simple.

If all the people of the Demon Clan grew up playing this kind of "puzzle game", then it's no wonder that the Demon Clan has so many commanding generals.

Of course, this also has something to do with the internal environment of the demon clan. Otherwise, if you just play this game, even if you train generals, it will be nothing more than talk on paper.

At least Ryan can be sure that if this game is thrown into the Hedley Empire, it will definitely not be able to cultivate generals.

By the way, another important point is that if you want to play this game, you also need friends.

Drawing three command cards from the deck, Ryan found that he had drawn two [Deploying Troops] and one [Burning City].

The effect of [Burning City] is very interesting. This card cannot capture a city, but it can make the city where this card is placed unable to garrison for three turns.

At the same time, if there are garrisons in the city where this card is placed, then all garrisons will be destroyed, and the general will deduct one health point each round.

Well, this card does not distinguish between friend and foe, it can be placed in any of your own cities, or it can be placed in the enemy's city adjacent to our city.

In this case……

Ryan silently raised his head and smiled strangely at Octavier.

Seeing Ryan's smile, Octavier couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

Ryan first turned over [Burning City] and placed it on the first city on the third path of the demon race, which is the city where the Octavian chess piece is located, and then placed a [Deployment of Troops] on the first city on the third path of the human race. Impede Octavier's advance, and then place the last [Deploy Troops] in the second city of the human race's second path to prevent Dorothy from continuing to attack.

At this point, all of Ryan's command cards have been used.

The second path has already been occupied by Dorothy. There are not many people in the demon camp. If she wants to cooperate with Dorothy in the blitzkrieg, then Octavier must attack Dorothy and it will not affect her. route.

Now, the third path is defended by Ryan, and the fourth path is guarded by Yvette. If Octavier chooses to be safe, she will discard three more cards and move to the first or fifth path.

If she doesn't want to discard her cards, Octavier will risk losing her life points and forcefully break through the third path, thus entering Ryan's trap.

Ryan's turn is over, and next is Dorothy's turn.

Looking at the cards laid out by Ryan, Dorothy thought for a moment, placed one card where the Octavian chess piece was, and then placed the second card on a city on the third path of the human race, which was obviously We must cooperate with Octavier to take down this city.

As for the last card, Dorothy placed it on a city on the fourth path of the demons, seemingly to prepare for Yvette's attack.

Next, is the turn for action cards.

Yvette glanced at Ryan with her light green eyes, then discarded a card and moved the chess piece to the city on the fourth path.

Nunnelli pondered for a moment, discarded three cards, and headed north, moving the chess pieces from the three cities on the fourth path of the human race to the three cities on the first path of the human race, and then motioned with her eyes to Luo Lin to follow her.

Rowling was a little confused. Octavia and Yvette were on the third and fourth paths. Shouldn't they go to support Yvette? Why run to the first path?

But Rowling still chose to discard the three cards and rushed to the first path with Nernali.

Next, it's time for Octavier to play her cards.

Looking at the defense line set up by the human camp, Octavier fell into deep thought for a long time.

Yvette is stationed on the fourth path, while Ninelli and Rowling are stationed on the first path. Even Rowling can see that the third path is a trap.

However, if Octavier does not choose to attack the third path, she will have to discard more cards to attack the fifth path, or discard one card and take a step back to wait and see what happens.

However, Dorothy's cards have fallen on the third path, and she obviously wants to cooperate with her.

After careful consideration, Octavier decided to trust Dorothy and placed two cards on a city on the third path of the human race to force a breakthrough!

Next, the flop begins!

Ryan first turned over the cards of the first city of his third path and the second city of his second path, all of which were [mobilizing troops], which Dorothy and Octavier expected.

However, when Ryan turned over the [Burning City] from the third path of the demon clan, both Dorothy and Octavier's expressions changed slightly.

After Dorothy's expression changed, she immediately clapped her hands with a smile: "As expected of Instructor Ryan, so awesome!"

As she spoke, Dorothy also began to turn over her cards.

First of all, there is the card that Dorothy placed in the first city of her third path. This is an [Ambush], but unfortunately it was annihilated by Ryan's [Burning City] and entered the discard pile.

Then, there is the card placed in the first city of the human race's third path, [Mounting Troops], and Ryan's [Dropping Troops], one for offense and one for defense, canceling each other out.

As for the card that Dorothy placed in the first city of the fourth path of the demon clan, Dorothy did not open it.

As far as Ryan knows, the only card that can not be revealed before it takes effect is [Ambush].

But according to the nature of this game, this kind of card must be more than just [Ambush].

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