After retiring, I became Loli’s magic mentor

Chapter 133: Did you demons grow up playing this?

Demon King Game...

Ryan's lips twitched slightly. Somehow, when he heard the name of this game, Ryan felt that there might be a slight problem with the balance of this game.

"First of all, this is an identity tag!"

Dorothy first took out another pile of cards, but did not distribute them to everyone: "Because this is the first time to play, the identity cards will not be distributed. I will assign identities to everyone!"

After saying that, Dorothy looked at Ryan: "Teacher Ryan, be the 'King'!"

Ryan: "?"

Am I a king?

"Teacher Rowling is the magister of the human empire, Aki is the priest, Otis is the brave, and Veer is the demon general of the demon clan. As for me, of course I am the demon king!"

While Dorothy was talking about their identities, everyone also got a chess piece. The carvings were quite beautiful, and they were carved according to each person's identity.

"The chess pieces of the king and the devil are placed in the imperial capital by default, and other people's chess pieces can be placed anywhere in their own territory!"

While Dorothy was talking, Octavier had silently placed her chess pieces in the Demon King's City, alongside Dorothy's chess pieces.

Although she has never beaten Ryan on the battlefield, Octavier is still very confident in this game. After all, Octavier also grew up playing this game.

Nunnally, Yvette and Rowling also silently placed their chess pieces in the Imperial Capital, huddled together with Ryan's chess pieces.

"And then there's the hand!"

Dorothy pointed to the two piles of cards in the territory: "Of these two piles of cards, one is command cards and the other is action cards. Only the devil and the king can draw command cards, and others can only draw action cards! And! Each person can only draw three cards per round!"

After hearing this, Rowling started to feel sleepy.

But Ryan was very interested: "How do you calculate winning or losing in this game? Is there such a thing as life value?"

"Of course there are health points! The king has five points, the priest and the magistrate have three points, the brave has five points, the demon general has five points, and the devil king has three points of life!"

Hearing this, Ryan raised his eyebrows slightly: "The Demon King only has three health points?"

"But the devil has nine lives!"

Dorothy said with a smile.

Ryan: "..."

Well, I know this game is not that simple.

But anyway, there were four of them on their side, but only two on Dorothy's side, so it didn't matter.

"As for winning or losing, as long as the king or the devil is killed, the other side can be judged as the winner!"

After that, Dorothy took out three command cards from the deck: "It may be a little complicated to say, but as long as you play it, you will get started quickly!"

Everyone also started to draw cards from the deck in confusion.

Ryan took a look at the three command cards he had drawn and found that each card had an explanation on it, and the instructions were specially written in human characters.

Seeing this, Ryan couldn't help but look up at Dorothy.

Dorothy smiled and said: "Because I am playing with you, I specifically requested that this deck be labeled with human characters instead of demon characters!"

Nodding, Ryan began to look at his three cards.

The three cards are "mobilization", "ambush" and "spy".

Troops can be mobilized to station in the city for defense, or to attack the opponent's city.

Ambushes can always be placed in a city. They can resist an enemy attack and cause damage to enemy generals.

Probe can reveal a card on the opposite side.

When he saw the descriptions of these three cards, Ryan had a general understanding of the process of this board game and couldn't help but ponder.

You demons...did you all grow up playing this?

"In the first round, the Demon King strikes first!"

With that said, Dorothy placed the three cards in her hand on the three middle cities on the periphery of the human territory, with the backs of the cards facing up: "Teacher Ryan, it's your turn!"

A big offensive start in the first round?

Looking at the three cards in his hand, Ryan chose to play "Inspection" and placed it on the first city on the third path, and then revealed the card Dorothy placed on the first city.

——Mobilize troops.

It seems that this is the basic card of the command card. Dorothy placed it here to capture the city.

In order to defend this city, Ryan placed a troop deployment card here with the back of the card facing up, and then placed an ambush troop on a city on the second path to use as a card to resist the enemy.

At this point, all three of Ryan's cards have been used.

"Next is the action card!"

Dorothy continued: "The priest's attack card can be used as a healing spell, the magister's attack card can be used at a distance, and the hero's and magic general's attack cards can both cause three points of damage! If you want to move , except for special action cards, you have to discard a card before you can act on one square!"

When Dorothy introduced it, Yvette had already placed a card on a city on the demon's third path and kept the remaining two cards.

There is no upper limit to the number of cards in this board game...

When it came to the action on the human side, Yvette placed a card on the second city on the fourth path of the human race, which was only one step away from Ryan's only undefended city.

Rowling and Nunnally silently discarded all three cards and moved the chess pieces three cities forward on the fourth path.

The card round is over, and next is the flop round.

Under Ryan's gaze, Dorothy first revealed the card of the first city on the second path of the human territory.

--incite defection.

If there is a garrison in the city, the garrison will be changed to your own garrison and the city will be occupied. If there is no garrison in the city, this card will be invalid.

Seeing this, Ryan's eyes couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Then, Dorothy revealed the card of the fourth path, the first city.


This card can be placed in any city and has no effect.

Ryan: "..."

It's a little embarrassing now.

The card in the first city of the fourth path is of no use, but Nenelli and the others are rushing to the fourth path now!

And in the city where Ryan arranged an ambush as a countermeasure, he encountered someone who was instigating rebellion...

"Teacher Ryan, it's time to turn over the cards."

Dorothy's voice came over, and Ryan raised his head and saw Dorothy holding her chin with her hands, her red eyes staring at him with blinking eyes.

Ryan sighed silently and opened the ambush card.

"Wow! It's an ambush, it's mine!"

Seeing this, Dorothy threw her rebellion card aside with a smile, and then placed a small flag on the city, deeming it to have been captured.

Then, Dorothy turned the ambush card to her side, which meant that the ambush card had become her own garrison.

[PS: I came up with such a board game inexplicably when I was thinking wildly. I don’t know if you like to watch this kind of plot. If you don’t like it, Fox will simply write it and skip it. If you like it, Fox will write it seriously. Dramatic. 】

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