Magician of HP Clow card

Chapter 34 Blushing

"However, there is something strange about Dobby's protective approach. All he wants to do is prevent Harry from coming to Hogwarts."

Dumbledore knew that house elves had very strange brain circuits.

"Dobby, I have something very important to discuss with the principal now. Please guard the door for us and don't eavesdrop." Lilith looked into Dobby's eyes.

Dobby looked at Dumbledore. He knew that Dumbledore was the greatest white wizard of our time, and he thought he could trust Dumbledore. Dobby nodded, snapped his fingers and disappeared.

Dumbledore cast a silent protective spell to block out the outside world. No one can overhear now. Then he motioned for Lilith to continue.

"I know about Horcruxes, and not just this one. Principal Dumbledore, do you remember what I said, many people will die in the end?"

Dumbledore nodded, "Yes, I am one of them."

"You died because of the Horcrux. I didn't tell you this before because I was afraid of causing your death in advance."

"There are a total of 7 Horcruxes that I know of, Tom Riddle's notebook, Slytherin's locket, Ravenclaw's diadem, Hufflepuff's golden cup, the Gaunt family's ring, and one Nagini the Snake. The last Harry."

When Dumbledore heard Harry's name, he didn't feel much surprise and seemed to have already suspected it.

"I probably know where it is. I can also tell you, but please don't go looking for the Gaunt family's ring alone. It's best to take Grindelwald with you." Lilith grabbed Dumbledore's sleeve.

"The reason why I didn't tell you this until now is because of him. I believe he can help you get through the crisis. Hogwarts needs you, and so does Harry. ...Me too." Lilith thought about it because of Dumbledore Lido's death, and Snape felt uncomfortable bearing the blame.

"So, I died because of Gaunt's ring." Dumbledore "Why?"

"There is a resurrection stone on that ring, and you will wear it uncontrollably. Then it will be eroded by the curse on the ring, and you will only have one year left."

Dumbledore thought of his dead family member, Ariana Dumbledore. If the resurrection stone tempted him to resurrect his family, he didn't know if he could really resist. "I know, I'm going to bring someone with me who can stop me."

Lilith pursed her lips. She also knew that Ariana's death was the most unacceptable thing for Dumbledore, and it was also a gap between him and Grindelwald.

But, as Grindelwald said, he could sacrifice everything for Dumbledore. She could also tear open Dumbledore's scar for Severus Snape. No matter who it is or what the reason is, nothing can stop her.

"What will you do with this notebook?" Lilith pointed to the notebook on the table and asked Dumbledore.

"I'll take care of it." Let Harry Potter take care of it. He needs to grow up, if he can't escape his fate...

It was almost curfew time when Lilith left the principal's office.

And Dumbledore might not be able to sleep tonight.

The next day, because Snape's Potions class was in the afternoon, Ron was painfully making up for the Potions homework during the holiday. A 15-inch Potions Essay.

"Oh my God, can one of you lend me a reference? This is too difficult, I doubt I will be scolded to death by Professor Snape!" Ron cried sadly.

Hermione said without mercy: "Since you knew you would be scolded to death, why didn't you finish it during the holidays? No one will have to pay for your mistakes."

"Oh, my God, do you think everyone is like you? Can they all finish their homework on the first day of summer vacation?" Ron lay on the table helplessly. "Harry can you Lilith?"

Harry shook his head: "But I will finish it before the holidays are over."

"Don't look at me like that, Ron. I'm just like Hermione." Lilith hugged Hermione's arm.

"I want to fight with you study monsters..." Ron finally finished writing before class. But the quality is hard to say.

Today's potion is a cold potion. Lilith and Hermione work together. Lilith is responsible for brewing the potion and Hermione handles the medicinal materials.

She didn't just boil the potion just because it was a simple one. Lilith made it very seriously. This potion was made at Professor Snape's house. She also studied Professor Si's notes many times.

However, the most important thing is to have your own understanding. Lilith was observing the reaction of the potion while recording possible adjustments to the ratio. This was a habit learned at Professor Snape's house.

Hermione ground the dried leeches and found that Lilith's proportions did not seem to follow the instructions in the textbook. "Lilith? The potion you made seems different from the one in the textbook?"

"Well, when the white smoke comes out, this is added to stabilize the potion, but if the third medicinal ingredient can be quickly connected, you can add about one gram less, and the quality of the potion..." Lilith was operating. While explaining to Hermione. Hermione also took out a piece of parchment and recorded two entries from time to time.

Snape saw the two people's situation, walked to Lilith's desk, and then picked up her experiment notebook. After just one glance, he put down the experiment sheet with satisfaction, and even raised his hand to rub Lilith's head.

Lilith is the most talented student he has ever seen in teaching.

Lilith's hair is soft and smooth, like fine silk, feels great, and smells faintly of roses. Snape couldn't help but rub it twice more.

This almost made Lilith stupid, and her face turned red. Snape's hand was different from his gloomy temperament, it was very warm. Lilith could smell the smell on Sijiao's sleeves, which was wormwood plus a little bit of pine needles.

The last potion was made by Lilith with a red face. Of course, the perfect potion. Although there was no extra point for Gryffindor, it still got an O grade.

Hermione sensed something was wrong between Lilith and Professor Snape. When I returned to the dormitory, I asked Lilith curiously. "What's going on between you and the professor? I've never seen Professor Snape so friendly to a Gryffindor."

"Ah, it's nothing..." Lilith's face turned red again. She thought again of the touch of Professor Snape's big hand on her head. "I studied with Professor Snape during the summer, maybe because of this."

"Lilith, why are you so red?" Hermione raised her hand and touched Lilith's forehead. "You're not sick, either?"

"Ah, it's okay. I'm just a little hot..." Lilith fanned the air with her hands. Hermione looked at the big moon outside and believed it.

Harry is about to start practicing Quidditch again. Wood is so motivated that he is preparing to win all the trophies in the future, which makes Harry a little overwhelmed.

However, it is worth mentioning that Malfoy also joined Quidditch and, like Harry, was a Seeker. His father also gave the entire Slytherin Quidditch team new brooms. Nimbus 2001.

Although the relationship between the two is quite good now, they will not show mercy on the field.

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