Original God, eternal guardian

Chapter 38 Disaster (Part ) Rice Wife

Obviously, Baal-Zhen did not tell her sister Baalzebul-Shadow about Kyria and the secret of Tianli.

So much so that when the disaster came, Ying came to find Zhen, but failed to find her. Fortunately, there was Foxzaigong. Otherwise, with Ying's fighting character, he would have just stupidly gone up to fight the monster.

Behind the shadow is the people of Dao Wife. Although she is not smart, she is not a child anymore. She has to be responsible for Dao Wife's children and cannot take care of herself alone.

Under the leadership of General Raiden, Inazuma's warriors stood together to protect their homeland.

They came from the sea. No one knows why they appeared. It doesn't matter. They just need to know what they are going to do. That's enough.

The dark sky was very oppressive and made people fear from the bottom of their hearts. Even Ying had seen such a vision for the first time. Even during the Demon God War, the sky had never turned black before.

Ying is responsible for the early battles, while Hu Zhai Palace is responsible for the rear. In addition, she has another task, which is to use the unique abilities of the Baichen Fairy Fox clan to find Zhen.

Fortunately, the people of Inazuma didn't know that he was really missing. After all, the shadow was still there. In the eyes of the vast majority of Inazuma people, they only had one Thunderbolt General.

Most of the monsters from Inazuma came from Heguan, which is southwest of Narukami Island. In addition, they also tried their best to contact the people of Haiqi Island. Although they had certain grievances, in those days, the orders of the gods were absolute. , and it is effective, General Leiden ordered Hai Qidao to become a part of Daoqi, who dares to disobey?

There is no one, then the command of the gods is absolute

Although Haiqi Island is autonomous, most people in Daozu regard it as a part of Daozu, at least for now.

From a geographical point of view, Haiqi Island is likely to be the first place to be attacked.

Ying first mobilized the power of thunder and lightning to create big waves on the sea, blocking the monster's advance as much as possible, so as to give the people of Haiqi Island enough time to move.

Above the sea, a woman in purple kimono stood on the water. Her eyes revealed heroic spirit. She looked like a warrior at first glance. Her long purple hair was constantly dancing in the sea breeze. If you ignore the large number of monsters in front of you, you would be surprised. It can be said to be quite a beautiful scenery.

Looking at the densely packed monsters, Ying also frowned. It wasn't that she couldn't defeat them. She had killed many enemies more powerful than these guys, but this number...

Inazuma will definitely have to go through a bloody battle. She doesn't have the ability to stop all these things. Her Isshin Pure Land, which is beginning to take shape, cannot trap so many at once.

"Divine Transformation·Evil Eyes Open!" Several thunder and lightning fell behind Ying, which looked very frightening. However, the enemies in front of him did not have the emotion of fear. They only had the desire to destroy, nothing more.

The huge thunder element broke through the space and exploded directly among the monsters. The speed was so fast that it even caused waves on the sea water, and the huge thunder blade slashed across the middle of the monsters.


The surrounding space split open instantly, and the surrounding space began to change. After some estimation, this was probably the limit that Yishin Pure Land could accommodate.

The remaining part must be solved by Ina Wife. Damn it, it would be great if my sister was here. In this way, Ina Wife's pressure would be much less.

It's a pity that the current shadow doesn't know that the pressure she is really facing is greater than her. The monsters that appear here to give her a headache are just monsters on the battlefield of Kyria that escaped from the attacks of the gods.

Now we turn our attention to Inazuma's direction.

After Narukami's series of attacks and checking the battlefield divisions of these monsters, the pressure they faced was not that great.

Although she is really gone, Ina Wife still has a shadow, a real top-level demon who has shared most of Ina Wife's pressure.

The warriors who followed Tianling just stared at the sea, here they come! A densely packed piece.

"Generals of the shogunate! The time has come to shed blood!"

"Let the General see our strength!"

“Protect our home and country!!”

"Soldiers! The road is always majestic and the gods are eternal!"

"The Changdao is magnificent!! Narukami is eternal!!"


The sound of the collision of blades continues to play. This is music that completely represents death. Listen carefully. If the sound suddenly intersects with a tearing sound, it means that a life has lost its life in this symphony.

Inazuma Narukami Grand Shrine

Hu Zhai Palace has a huge picture in front of her, which is the battlefield of Kyria. Of course, she can only divine one location. If she goes deeper, she may die soon. The more people involved, the more detailed it will be. , the higher the level, the faster you die.

"It's really... thank you for your hard work. Don't worry. The Shadow Society and I will protect Dao's wife. Don't worry..." Huzhai Palace murmured.

Under the call of Huzhai Palace, all the fox tribes began to move out. Although they were not that powerful, they were demons and still had some innate advantages over humans.

Corresponding to Liyue, Dao Wife still has many monsters, but they are not as powerful as immortals.

Inazuma blocked this wave of attacks with the cooperation of all parties, and Kage returned to Narukami Taisha Shrine and asked about the results of the divination at Kosai Palace.

This result is still a bit surprising: "In my impression, isn't Kyria a purely human country? How could it happen that Tianli summoned the seven gods?"

Huzhai Palace pondered for a while: "I don't know much about this. With my ability, I can only divine these things. If you do more...you will have to pay a heavy price."

Ying shook his head: "It's okay. I don't mean to blame you. I just want to know where my sister has gone. I plan to find her. Ina Wife has stabilized for the time being. This is an opportunity."

Hu Zhai Palace nodded: "Well, in comparison, you are more suitable for fighting. I hope you can bring Zhen Zhen back safely."

The divine ring appeared behind the figure: "Then I'll go. Please take care of the next Dao Wife."

"Why are you saying so politely? This is what I should do. Leave early and come back early." Hu Zhai Palace replied.

The shadow immediately flew in the direction of Kyria

"Oh, are you finally gone..." There is one more thing that Hu Zhai Palace did not say, that is, when she was doing the divination, she saw that she was surrounded by many monsters, and she probably wouldn't survive.

She initially thought about whether to leave Ying behind, but no, the situation might be worse. If she and Ying were separated and reenacted the divination scene, they might both die...

The divination screen cannot be wrong. If there is an external force to break it, it means a very powerful variable has been added. Even if you survive, you will no longer be able to use the power of divination.

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