Original God, eternal guardian

Chapter 37 Disaster (Part ) Liyue

When this war started, other countries were caught off guard, but Liyue was different, they had immortals.

The entrance to the monsters in Liyue is a vast abyss. Fortunately, not many people live there and there is a huge buffer zone. When the monsters surged up, the Immortal Liyue responded immediately.

With the immortal's advance notice, Liyue's reaction speed was quite fast compared to other countries.

The ultimate creation, the Final Machine, was originally thought to be useless after the Demon God War, but now it has indeed played a huge role and has become the main means of attack.

The sky full of arrows makes it difficult for monsters to approach Liyue Port. After all, most of the population of Liyue is gathered there. The immortals and Liyue combatants have stretched the battle line very long. It is no exaggeration to say that among the seven kingdoms, only Only Liyue can do it.

In later generations, Zhidong was the most powerful, but most of that came from the executive officers. In today's Zhidong, even the Fools have not yet established themselves.

There are still many immortals in Liyue now. The most intuitive manifestation is that the five immortals and yakshas are still alive. Although they are not in good condition, they are at least still alive. This is all thanks to Hengyu. His power is stronger than Mo's. Lux is better at suppressing karma. Originally, they all planned not to be born again, but now that they have a powerful enemy, they have to go to war.

"Nowadays, these monsters are probably unable to make big waves, but we can't sit still and wait for death. The monsters are coming up from the vast abyss. We will send people over to have a look." A fairy deer said in a solemn tone.

"In addition, there is the seal of Ruotuo Dragon King. Some of these monsters also went to the Nantianmen. A section of the Nantianmen's seal has been unlocked. The Emperor is not here now. Even if we gather all our strength, we may not be able to win. Passing Dragon King Ruotuo, so this is a top priority." Another fairy deer also pointed out an important point.

Immortals, look at me and I look at you. I don’t know who is more suitable for these two tasks. It’s not about shrinking and being afraid. The frontal battlefield is not an easy task either.

"I'll go. Anyway, I don't know how long I can live. It's better to die neatly on the battlefield." The purple four-armed Yaksha stood up.

The other yakshas were not happy: "Brother Fushe! No, with your situation, how can you go by yourself? If you want to go, we will go with you!"

Fushe shook his head: "In terms of whether the situation is good or bad, how much better are you than me? I'll lead the Qianyan Group there, so it won't be a big problem."


"Stop talking, it's settled."

Fushe turned around and left. Even if Hengyu suppressed him, his karma would not disappear out of thin air. The situation of several immortals and yakshas was also in danger.

Yixiao Guide Tianzhenjun looked at the remaining immortals: "Liuyun, Gechen, Lishui and several other great saints, you go to the Nantianmen and watch. You don't want to kill the enemy, but Dragon King Ruotuo's seal must be Protect."

"Okay, Yixiao, I'll be there soon!" Several immortals flew in the direction of Nantianmen.

Yixiao Daotian supported his head: "It's really tiring. I don't know when the emperor will come back."

Fushe led the Thousand Rock Group to the Great Abyss. Don't think of them as a burden. These Thousand Rock Group are Liyue's most advanced combat power. They are an army of a thousand men personally blessed by Morax's divine power.

"Thousands of rocks are strong, heavy mountains cannot be moved, the city is strong and the armor is strong, and the demons are peaceful." In the past, there were existences that could fight the devil. Although they couldn't defeat them, they could deal with them.

The closer you get, the more monsters there are, but the overall strength is not too strong, and the ones that are stronger are immortal-level combat capabilities.

Soon, Fu She and others arrived at the entrance of the vast abyss, where monsters were still appearing continuously.

Thunder and lightning continued to condense on Fushe's four arms, and then they merged into one and were thrown downwards. After a huge roar, the appearance of the monsters was significantly reduced. This was their chance to enter.


There are still some monsters coming, not all of them are attacking Liyue blankly, some are wandering unconsciously. In order to prevent them from accidentally destroying the seal of Ruotuo Dragon King, the immortals still have to clear this place. Although it's not much, it's a steady stream, and it's not an easy job.

It is no exaggeration to say that apart from the unprecedented blackness of the sky, ordinary people in Liyue have little idea of ​​this disaster. They only know that Liyue is at war and cannot feel the oppression here. This also reflects Liyue's attitude toward disasters. The handling and response measures are complete;

As the saying goes, there are no quiet years, but there are people who carry the burden for you.

Fu She and others in the abyss are still going down. It is still quite deep here. They must not only guard against the attacks of monsters, but also find the source of the monsters from the direction where the monsters come from and close it.

In order to preserve their strength, Fushe and the others tried their best to avoid those monsters. After all, even if the monsters went up, there were still so many immortals blocking them. If Fushe and the others died, or found the entrance but did not have the ability to close it, that would be Another story for another time.

With the continuous efforts of Fushe and others, they found this so-called entrance. No one dared to act rashly. Although there are no monsters in this entrance now, who dares to say that a bunch of them won't come out in the next second?

Just as they said, a lot of monsters suddenly poured out of the entrance. Needless to say, they were all in place. There was no need to go around them to preserve their strength. The Qianyan group immediately formed a formation and faced them. The monsters launched a fierce attack.

Tianjun Yixiao, who was far away on the front line in Liyue, noticed that there were very few monsters pouring out of the abyss, and he finally let go of his worries.

Although Fushe didn't see the monsters, he could feel the presence of monsters around him.

At this time, a giant immortal-level mechanical snake emerged from the ground, with a group of monsters behind it.

"I see, isn't there just one entrance? It's just that this is the only way to the top, so they will meet here, or did they come out before?" Fushe murmured.

But now is not the time to dwell on these things. They must block this wave of attacks, otherwise all their efforts will be wasted. They finally got here, but there can be no problems.

So they divided into two groups, and one half attacked the original entrance to see if they could close the entrance with a powerful attack.

The other half moves in the direction of the giant snake in the ruins, intercepts the giant snake, and finds the second entrance.

In fact, there is indeed more than one entrance here, but the big entrance is the one in front of you. The giant snake came from other entrances. Because he was able to get through the underground, he shuttled through the underground and felt Fushe and the others before he appeared. .

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