Mortals cultivate immortality, I have a Chaos Tower

Chapter 253 Walking through the desert, everyone arrived at the grove

In the end, Lin Fan made the final decision and decided that no matter what kind of dangers there were among those hiding in the desert, it was necessary to go on an adventure.

Lin Fan stood at the front of the team, his eyes were firm, and every step he took was heavy and powerful.

The wolf king is at the back, and its keen senses are particularly important in this dead silence. It can sense the danger hidden under the sand in time.

Ximen Zhi, Jiang Shuiling, Jin Bu Ke, and Zhong Ling'er were distributed at predetermined intervals, each one thirty feet apart, and connected to each other by ropes.

This rope is not only a connection between them, but also a lifeline.

As the group of people moved forward steadily, the sand suddenly became soft. Every time they took a step, the sand made a "puff, plop" sound, as if something was quietly moving under the sand.

Lin Fan's heart tightened, and he immediately responded: "Stop!"

As soon as his voice fell, the sand in front suddenly collapsed, and a huge quicksand pit appeared in front of everyone. The sand was rapidly spinning and sinking as if it was being sucked into a black hole.

The team immediately stopped, and everyone's hearts were filled with fear.

Faced with this sudden crisis, even Lin Fan, who had always been calm, couldn't help but become nervous.

Quicksand, this silent killer, once swallowed by it, it is almost impossible to extricate yourself.

Lin Fan made a quick decision and ordered Ximen Zhi to activate the teleportation array immediately to prepare to teleport everyone to a safe place.

However, at this critical moment, Ximen Zhi's face became extremely pale: "The energy of the teleportation array has not been fully restored, it will take time!"

This sudden news was like a bolt from the blue, making everyone's hearts sink to the bottom.

Jiang Shuiling held the rope tightly, determination written on her face, while Jin Buke and Zhong Ling'er were also ready to sacrifice at any time.

On the edge of life and death, everyone's heart is full of reluctance and fear.

Lin Fan took a deep breath, knowing that now was not the time to give up.

He asked Jin Buke and Jiang Shuiling to protect Ximen Zhi, while he, who was at the front, could only let the ruthless quicksand slowly swallow him up.

The Wolf King stood at the end of the team, holding the rope tightly, hoping to slowly drag Lin Fan out of the quicksand.

Just when the quicksand was about to submerge Lin Fan's waist, good news finally came from Ximen Zhi: "The teleportation array is ready!"

A dazzling light flashed, and Lin Fan and others had returned to the previous teleportation point arranged by Ximen Zhi.

In the endless yellow sand, the figures of Lin Fan and others seemed extremely small.

During the two-day and two-night trip, they seemed to have stepped into a boundless world, and every step was accompanied by the threat of quicksand and the test of nature.

The sky is filled with yellow sand, and the wind is blowing sand. There is nothing else in sight except the desert.

Jiang Shuiling's voice seemed particularly fragile in the sandy wind. Her worry was like a thin needle, piercing the uneasiness in everyone's hearts: "This desert is too big, when can we get through it!"

At this moment, like Zhong Ling'er, she had chapped lips and a face covered in yellow dirt. Her originally beautiful face had been covered in sand and dust, making her almost unrecognizable.

The harsh environment of the desert is an unprecedented test for them.

Lin Fan's heart was filled with self-blame, and he felt that his decision might be wrong.

Taking two women on such a dangerous journey, he felt extremely stressed every time he escaped from the edge of quicksand.

However, as the leader of the team, he cannot let this emotion affect everyone. He must remain strong and guide everyone in the right direction.

"Following the treasure map's route, we should be there soon!"

Jin Buke's voice suddenly sounded in the sandy wind, and his words revealed a calmness and determination.

Although there was no fluctuation in his expression, these words undoubtedly gave everyone a glimmer of hope.

However, they don't know whether this hope is true or false. After all, in this boundless desert, any prediction seems so insignificant.

Time seems to have lost its meaning in this desert. The sun moves slowly in the sky, then sinks and sets again and again.

The sand under everyone's feet was getting hotter and hotter, and every step felt like they were moving forward in purgatory.

They constantly encountered the threat of quicksand, and each time it was thrilling. Fortunately, Ximenzhi's teleportation array came into play at critical moments, and they were able to escape from the edge of death again and again.

Just when everyone was almost desperate, a huge sand dune appeared in their sight.

This dune is unique in that it is much darker than the surrounding sand, as if it hides some secret.

After endless hardships, the team led by Lin Fan finally had a glimmer of hope.

They quickly climbed up the dune, hoping to find a way out from above.

When they stood on the top of the sand dunes and looked far away, a green patch of green came into view, like a miracle in the desert, which caused a burst of exclamation.

The green forest in the distance is in sharp contrast with the surrounding yellow sand, as if it is an oasis in the desert, or the beginning of the desert edge. Jin Buke's voice was full of certainty: "The woods ahead should be the final location of the treasure map!"

His words were like a key, opening the door of hope in everyone's hearts.

Ximen Zhi joined the discussion excitedly: "The Phoenix essence and blood are ours!"

His voice was filled with the joy of victory, and the desire for unknown treasures made him forget the difficulties of moving forward.

However, Lin Fan did not lose his vigilance because of this sudden hope.

He knows that in the desert, the closer to the target, the greater the danger.

"There may be more dangerous things ahead, we can't take it lightly!"

Lin Fan's voice was steady and firm, reminding everyone not to be too optimistic.

His words were like a basin of cold water, making everyone return to a state of vigilance.

After the team reorganized, Lin Fan took the lead and slowly advanced towards the woods.

As they approached the woods, the desert temperature gradually dropped and the sand beneath their feet began to harden.

After walking for a long time, they finally came to the edge of the woods, and the sight there amazed them.

This forest is different from ordinary oasis. Its trees are tall and lush, and each tree exudes the brilliance of life, as if it has experienced the baptism of thousands of years.

The air is filled with freshness and moisture, which is completely different from the dryness in the desert, making people feel like they are in another world.

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