Mortals cultivate immortality, I have a Chaos Tower

Chapter 252 Teleportation array, new hope across the desert

Moving forward, there is an endless expanse of yellow sand, like a sleeping giant that may swallow everything at any time.

To retreat means that all previous efforts will be in vain, which is an unacceptable failure.

In this dilemma, Lin Fan, Jiang Shuiling, Jin Buke, Ximen Zhi, Zhong Ling'er and the Wolf King stood at the junction of the forest and the desert, facing the vast yellow sand, their brows furrowed. Lock, my heart is full of helplessness.

As the leader of the team, Lin Fan first broke the silence.

"We can't just give up. There will always be a way to cross this desert. We need to find a way, or a kind of power, to deal with this seemingly endless yellow sand."

Jiang Shuiling nodded gently, her eyes shining with determination,

"I agree with Lin Fan. We have come so far and we cannot give up so easily. Maybe we can explore the edge of this desert to see if there are any clues to be found."

Jin Buke frowned and said in a deep voice,

"I'm wondering if the reason why this desert is so difficult to cross is related to some ancient power? Perhaps there is some secret hidden here, waiting for us to uncover it."

Ximen Zhi and Zhong Ling'er began to look for possible campsites around them, preparing to rest temporarily.

The Wolf King, on the other hand, would explore the depths of the desert from time to time, seemingly looking for some kind of clue.

Three days and three nights passed, and Lin Fan and others were still trapped on the edge of the desert, unable to find a safe path across the long yellow sand.

The sun was scorching the earth, and even the wind was carrying sand and dust, stinging everyone's face.

Everyone's mood is like this desert, dry and desperate.

Everyone gathered together again, sitting in the center of the camp, looking at each other, waiting for a flash of inspiration that could guide them out of the predicament.

However, the discussions always seemed to end in vain, with exhaustion and helplessness written on everyone's faces.

At this moment, Lin Fan's eyes suddenly fixed on Ximen Zhi, those eyes staring straight at him, as if they could see through his soul.

This deep and focused gaze made Ximen Zhi feel an unprecedented chill. He trembled unconsciously and couldn't help but speak to break the sudden silence.

"Brother, please don't look at me so directly!"

There was a hint of joking in Ximen Zhi's voice, but he couldn't hide the slight discomfort.

Lin Fan didn't seem to realize how much pressure his gaze put on Ximen Zhi, and his eyes were still locked on Ximen Zhi.

"Lin Fan, have you found a way to cross the desert?"

Jiang Shuiling was keenly aware of Lin Fan's strangeness. She knew that once Lin Fan fell into this state, he must be thinking about something extremely important.

"Maybe I've found a way to survive the desert!"

Although Lin Fan's voice was not loud, it caused a sensation at the edge of the desert.

His words seemed like a warm current, dispelling the coldness in everyone's hearts.

"any solution?"

Almost as soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, others asked questions almost in unison.

The spark of hope rekindled in their eyes, which was curiosity about the unknown and the desire to survive in desperate situations.

Lin Fan was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and then slowly spit out three words: "Ximen Zhi!"

These three words were like a bomb that exploded in the silent night sky.

Ximenzhi's heart skipped a beat, and he felt an unprecedented tension and fear.

Why did Lin Fan suddenly mention him at this time?

Does he have any unknown secrets that can help them survive the desert?

Ximen Zhi's words were full of frustration that was almost self-denial: "My cultivation level is not as good as that of an ordinary shadow wolf, I can't do it!"

Lin Fan didn't seem to be affected by this negative emotion. His eyes shone with determination, as if he had seen the hope of crossing the desert.

He suddenly came up with a bold idea: "Teleportation array!"

This proposal was like a ray of light piercing the long night, directly lighting up everyone's hearts.

Ximen Zhi's teleportation array, an ability that they had once ignored, suddenly became their life-saving straw.

This ability to teleport people over long distances may really be the key to them getting through the desert.

However, Ximen Zhi himself was full of doubts about this. His cultivation level was indeed not high, and he had no idea whether this kind of application in extreme environments was feasible.

But Lin Fan had already started planning, his brain working rapidly, trying to find a perfect solution.

"There are five of us, plus the Wolf King. We are 30 feet apart and connected to each other with ropes. Every time we walk, a teleportation array is set up at the west gate. If we encounter quicksand, we will teleport back to the previous step or a few steps!"

Lin Fan's voice was full of determination, and every word seemed to stab an anchor firmly in the desert, giving everyone the courage to move forward.

After hearing this, everyone still felt uneasy in their hearts, but compared to the previous hesitation and helplessness, this plan undoubtedly gave them a glimmer of hope.

Ximen Zhi's worry was like a sharp knife, cutting a deep mark in everyone's emotions.

His voice trembled slightly, full of uneasiness and fear: "But, is this method possible to safely cross the desert?"

Lin Fan turned around, his eyes were deep and firm, like eyes that could see into people's hearts, and fell on Ximen Zhi.

On the edge of this desert, the conversation between them is not only a discussion about life and death, but also a test of courage and determination to face unknown challenges.

"This may be our only chance."

Lin Fan's voice was low and powerful, and every word seemed to echo in the night wind, giving everyone a glimmer of hope.

Jin Buke stood aside, his eyes firm and full of desire for the unknown.

"How will you know this method if you don't try it?"

He looked at Ximen Zhi and said, his tone revealing endless curiosity about the Phoenix essence and blood. It was a kind of courage to find out even in the face of life and death.

However, Ximenzhi's worries did not dissipate, but became more serious: "But if we fail, our entire army will be annihilated!"

His words were full of uncertainty and fear about the future, and this concern was particularly prominent under the silent night sky.

Lin Fan couldn't help but nodded secretly after hearing Ximen Zhi's words.

He knew the dangers of this desert and every step was filled with uncertainty.

If successful, they can try countless times to find breakthrough opportunities.

But there is only one failure, and that is the end of the entire army being annihilated.

This is a gamble, and everyone's life is at stake.

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