The combat power of this group of incoming monsters was not worth mentioning in front of the melee mages. The young guys who had finally had their fill of fun almost wanted to rush away, but they were stopped by Uncle Hamil.

In order to prevent being suddenly pulled into the other world by Silent Hill, the personnel staying in Kama Taj have been notified. If the "reconnaissance team" does not send back contact information within today, they will report it directly to the Ancient One Master.

But no one, including Watson, wanted to lure her out.

Because it means things are out of control.

After everyone settled the battle, the thick fog in front of them suddenly became so thick that it was almost impossible to see their fingers clearly. This vision lasted for about 1 minute. When the thick fog gradually faded, the woods in front of me were still in good condition...

It became a cliff.

The entire land split into an abyss like a basin collapsed. Looking around, a long and wide rift suddenly appeared, surrounding the entire town of Silent Hill.

This place is using practical actions to express its rejection to Watson and his group.

The monsters that had been beaten to the ground by the mages before were gradually reduced to ashes with this action of Silent Hill. But the chatty yellow-haired boy didn't know what magic he used, and he miraculously preserved a corpse. When they took a ride back to the outskirts of the town, a group of mages couldn't wait to say goodbye to Watson, and went back to study with the trophies.


It's 7 o'clock in the evening.

Watson and Michela have been sitting in the corner of this restaurant for a long time.

This is a small restaurant with an ordinary appearance, just like what appears in many modern American dramas, with fans, floor-to-ceiling windows, cheap sofas, and a jukebox that continuously plays country folk albums. Being used to seeing endless zombies in Raccoon City, the people around him who were talking normally still made Watson feel a little unreal.

What's more, he just came back from Silent Hill in the afternoon.

"So you're saying, Silent Hill is calling me?"

Watson in front of him ate another large piece of steak, and Michela shook the half glass of beer in her hand. The girl's meal round had long ended, and more than half an hour had passed since she watched Watson eat.


Watson's mouth was bulging. He still liked the feeling of chewing food. After the digestive juices came out for a few seconds, there would be no taste left, so it was better to let them stay in the stomach.

"As long as you get there, it will be beneficial to you whether you live or die."

"Then what should I do?"

Watson put down his fork and looked into Michela's eyes: "Theoretically, you could be pulled in by it at any time now. Especially when you have strong negative emotional fluctuations, such as..."

"Such as having nightmares." The girl took over Watson's words.

Watson nodded, but the chewing action in his mouth did not stop. Now there are seven or eight empty plates piled in front of him. After finishing this plate of steak, he will probably have to ask the waiter to clear the table again.

"By the way, you have been to this town before, right? Have you ever had such a nightmare at that time?"

"I've been here a few times, but I've never done it."

Michela shook her head gently.

Then there was silence at the table.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that a passing waiter asked if he wanted to clear the dishes. Michela, who was looking out the window in a trance, woke up as if from a dream. However, when Watson took out the money to pay, he noticed that the waiter in front of him was glancing at the girl's face from time to time.

That look was like a normal person looking at a weird scene. There was some nausea and discomfort, but after a while, I couldn't help but be curious and take another look.

While the waiter was giving the order, Watson turned to observe Michela again. The girl's expression was very dull, as if she had long been accustomed to other people's eyes. Her eyes wandered to the right on the table, as if there was something special about that blank space.

This look is very pitiful.

The reason why Watson asked Michelle out was to make the girl feel better and avoid having nightmares at night. But after thinking about ice cream, movie theaters and clothing stores, he felt that these did not seem to be the entertainment activities that mercenaries liked.

Perhaps you should start with their career field.

Such as shooting and fighting.

"Do you know if there is any exercise place here? For example, target shooting or boxing fighting." Watson observed the expression on Michela's face: "Maybe we can do some after-dinner exercise?"

The girl raised her head, her expression a bit baffling.

Watson guessed that it might be because his question was not expected by the other party. Did my emotional intelligence go offline just now? Watson asked himself in his mind, and I suddenly felt that the question I just asked was so stupid.

Is this how you ask a girl out?


"Are you sure it's okay to do this?"

"no problem."

In the boxing ring, Watson looked at Michela, who was wearing a full-coverage tights, and twitched the corner of his mouth. He couldn't figure out why the girl took him directly to the mercenary training ground when he agreed to exercise.

This is a personal training room.

In fact, this is also part of the logistics supplier's services, but the mercenaries basically use this place as a storage place for equipment, and they are busy drinking and having fun. As for whether there is a risk of losing the chain here, of course there is. Therefore, the top mercenary teams in the industry basically have a series of semi-private cooperative service teams.

And Michela, who was lifeless at the dinner table...

Now I am inexplicably excited.

The girl's already curvy body curves look even more pleasing to the eye when wrapped in tight clothes. Especially her entire face was covered under the mask, and a golden ponytail stuck out from the back of her head, making her look a bit like a black version of the female Deadpool.

"Like it?"

Michela noticed the way Watson looked at her, and not only did she not feel disgusted, she even deliberately twisted for a while. Watson became more and more certain of his previous speculation, which was that when the girl completely covered her face, she seemed to show another personality that was somewhat different from the normal state.

This is actually nothing surprising.

Because the same thing happens when Watson becomes Miss Watson.

"If I say great..." Watson glanced at the knife holder behind the girl: "Can you not use the longest knife? I'm afraid that the hook teeth...maybe, Will pull something out."

"How could I do this to you?"

Michela turned around: "This thing is not romantic at all."

Then you just touched it!

Watson's mouth twitched again.

It was his initiative to change the clothes.

Normal human skin can block most bacteria and viruses, including the black light virus in Watson's blood. If Watson's blood is directly sprayed on someone else, it is usually not easy for the black light virus to quickly invade the other person's body.

Excluding digestive juices, that thing can dissolve even bones. However, it is usually secreted temporarily by the tentacles when eating, and Watson has not yet mastered the skill of filling the blood with digestive juices and then spilling them out.

Even so, human skin is still too fragile.

In previous battles, Watson could always rely on sharp blades or tentacles to easily tear open the enemy's skin and transport the black light virus into the opponent's body to have its effect. Once the black light virus is exposed to areas without skin protection such as the mouth and wounds, it will be a dead end.

And some enemies don't even have skins.

Nowadays, Michela's body skin is damaged in large areas, so it is safer to wear tighter clothes. Although the girl usually sprays a layer of dissolvable protective colloid on her to prevent bacteria, Watson still insisted on putting on some clothes.

"Are you ready?"

Michela stood a few meters in front of Watson, her eyes already a little cold. At this time, she was holding a slightly slender Damascus hunting knife in her hand, which seemed to be the same one used to stab Watson.

This reminded Watson of that somewhat creepy memory.

"I have to remind you." Watson raised the T-shaped baton in both hands: "I am no longer the same person as I was in 1990."

"Neither do I."

Before he finished speaking, the hunting knife was already piercing Watson's face with cold light. But this swift attack was blocked by Watson. The baton held the blade firmly, and no matter how hard Michela tried, it could not move at all.

The girl didn't hesitate and hit Watson's ribs with her free left hand.

Then he hit Watson in the right arm.

"You know if I had tilted the baton just now, your fist might be broken, right?" Watson pushed Michelle back several meters with a force.

"Do you know?"

The girl tilted her head and attacked again.

"I originally wanted to say I wouldn't." Watson held Michela's wrist again: "But this answer seems to make me a bit masochistic, which is not good."

"You do."

A whip kick hit the baton in Watson's hand, but Michela had protective gear on her legs, which would not cause any harm to both parties.

"You deliberately pester people like me and don't fight back when you get beaten. What are you not a masochist?"

Watson heard it.

Michela's emotions were actually a little out of control at this time, and the mask seemed to give the girl a strong psychological suggestion. Seeing the opponent charging forward again, Watson made a decision in his mind.

He wanted to stimulate Michela thoroughly.

If he doesn't do this, Michela may gradually lose his psychological defense for a long time in the future. If a person's thoughts are suppressed for too long, it will eventually drive him completely crazy. To solve this problem, either let the other person vent it out slowly, or...

To have a complete and total catharsis.

Watson wanted to hear Michela say it herself, saying the darkest and most unpleasant words in her heart. That was the crux of the girl's condition today. To do this, he must test and provoke in the sensitive areas of the other person's heart.

But it's not easy, and if you don't take it too far, you can start to develop a grudge.

"I just want to get to know you again. After all, we haven't seen each other for a few years." Watson bent down and avoided the slash.

"How many years?"

The girl punched Watson on the chest: "It sounds nice now, but where were you a few years ago?"

"Didn't you say you didn't care last night?"

"Do you believe what the woman says?"

Michela stabbed out the knife, pointing it directly at Watson's chest. Although Watson still held the blade, the girl's body exploded with unimaginable power at this moment, pushing Watson to the corner pillar.

She was more emotional than I imagined.

The two people's faces were very close, and Watson saw the eyes under the mask. One pupil was blue, and the other turned blood red. What was revealed in Michela's eyes was faint madness, mixed with pain.

This is Michela’s heart.

But she is still holding back...

Watson deliberately exposed his flaws and let the opponent throw him to the ground. The blade of the Damascus hunting knife then stabbed again, breaking the skin on his chest. At this time, Michela was kneeling on Watson, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, trying to pierce the heart of the man beneath him.

You clearly know that you can't kill me like this.

Watson's two batons had long been knocked away. He raised his hands to hold the girl's wrists: "I think you have completely changed as a person since you put on the mask."

"I haven't changed, Mr. Watson..."

Michela raised her left palm and slammed it on the handle of the knife again: "This is Bertha! Michela has been dead for a long time. What you have in front of you is just...just a lump. , just a piece of rotten meat!"


"Shut up!!!"

Before Watson could finish saying the girl's name, the other party interrupted him with a sharp shout: "I'm fed up with your frivolous look! You keep this face in front of my eyes all day long! Every second All the time is reminding me that I am an ugly person!!"

"I'm very sorry......"

"You're so sorry! Are you going to be disfigured! You won't die even if your fucking heart is punctured!" The girl finally lost her mind. She pressed her entire upper body up, trying to use her weight to push down the hunting knife in her hand:

"If you want to apologize, let go! Why are you still resisting? Aren't you going to die? Let me stab you! Let me stab you! Just once!"

This last sentence was already a heart-rending roar.


The restraints that were still holding his wrists were suddenly released, and the blade sank into Watson's chest with great force.

The whole room suddenly became quiet.

Michela's movements froze, her body seemed to lose its response for a moment, her chest rose and fell rapidly, and she kept pressing the handle of the knife.

"Is it enough?"

"Hehehehe..." After hearing Watson's words, the girl let out a hoarse laugh: "Enough? This is far from enough! Do you think this is the end of the knife? I'm going to take your... ....”

Watson did not wait for the other party to finish speaking, but directly used his freed hands to suddenly tear open the girl's entire mask.

He saw a pair of tearful eyes.

This sudden scene reminded Watson of the scene when the two met in Raccoon City. Was Michela also weeping while brandishing a knife at herself at that time?

Because all her hair was tied into a ponytail, the girl's entire face was completely uncovered. The ugly burns on the left side of her face, the dazzling scar on her right face, and the disgusting rotten areas at the base of her ears were all exposed.

Those eyes were widened to the extreme, as if they had not yet reacted to this fact. It wasn't until her pupils shrank violently that the girl's expression began to change, and the ferocious smile at the corner of her mouth disappeared little by little.

The mask was removed, as if a non-existent switch had been triggered in her.


With a shrill cry, Michela covered her face and crawled away from Watson, shrinking to the other corner of the ring. Watson slowly got up and walked towards the other party.

"do not come!"

The girl desperately grabbed the strong rubber band at the base of the ponytail, trying to let her hair down again, but her frantic movements only broke many hair strands. She kept crying, looking completely different from the one a minute ago: "Go away! Don't look at me! Don't look at me!"

Stretching out his hand and touching the edge of the ring, Michela trembled and pulled her body, trying to crawl out from the gap in the elastic side rope. But the next second she felt the nylon belt of the scabbard on her waist was grabbed, and the entire scene on the edge of the ring quickly retreated from her eyes.

"no, do not want!!!"

Michela pressed her face tightly. It was clear that her face had been seen by Watson this morning, but the words the girl just said made her just want to escape from this man completely.

Watson's voice remained silent.

Two legs kicked and kicked the man in front of her, but every kick made Michela feel more guilty.


The syllables that had not completely flowed out of her throat were interrupted. She felt her upper body being lifted up, and then a pair of warm arms wrapped around her back. After a few seconds, the girl realized it was a hug.

The tightly covering fingers loosened a little. She opened her eyes and saw only the back of Watson's head and his not-so-strong shoulders. A hot burning sensation surged into her eyes, causing the girl's vision to become blurry again.

In Watson's ears, there was only hoarse crying.

He felt his back tighten, and Michelle in his arms stretched out his arms and hugged him. The girl's hair was messy, but her hands became harder and harder as her crying grew louder, as if she wanted to press her entire body against Watson's chest.

This pained Watson a little.

After all, he still had that Damascus hunting knife stuck in his chest.

Michela's cry echoed in the room, and after an unknown amount of time, three words in a crying voice floated into Watson's ears:


"It's ok."

Words like "I don't care, I don't mind, none of this is your fault, we will definitely find a way to cure you" ran through Watson's mind. But his emotional intelligence told him that he only needed to say these three words at this time.

Maybe my emotional intelligence is like this.


Michela cried harder, her whole body trembling, as if she wanted to vent all her emotions in her voice, repeating the words "I'm sorry" over and over again.

"It's ok."

Accompanied by cries, two repeaters echoed in the quiet private training room.

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