The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 74 Silent Hill doesn’t welcome me

The kiss was very brief.

There were so many bruises on the girl that Watson didn't even dare to reach out and push hard. He could only hold on to the back of the sofa to prevent himself from being pulled into Michela's arms. However, the girl's head fell back at this moment, seemingly falling into sleep again.

Gently helping the other person's upper body back, Watson couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He almost wanted to force the other person away just now. This action of the girl was really very dangerous.

Because the black light virus has no respect for humanity.

Watson's spit itself is harmless; it doesn't contain the blacklight virus or the digestive juices used to dissolve food.

Howard had specifically tested Watson's saliva and proved that it was just a puddle of meaningless liquid that was cleaner than ultrapure water. Later, as Watson's control over his body increased, he was able to temporarily suppress the secretion of digestive juices in his body, preventing him from immediately digesting the meat he just put in his mouth.

If not, Watson would have to worry that when talking at close range, he might accidentally spit out a drop of saliva and kill the person.

Michela made this move completely unconscious and lacked complete control over it. If Watson's mouth injury was really caused unconsciously, he would probably have to melt his head in his arms... ....

Fortunately nothing happened.

This time the girl's breathing was much calmer, and she no longer frowned or twitched the corners of her mouth, and her whole face exuded an aura of peace. Watson walked slowly to the window and opened the curtain a little, and saw that the thick fog outside was indeed much lighter to the naked eye.

Sure enough.

After thinking for a while, Watson decided to wait here for the other party to wake up.

Michela may have just had a normal nightmare, which in itself is not enough to cause any impact. Who hasn't had a nightmare? But under the influence of Silent Hill, this dream is likely to have a stronger effect, so that people are completely trapped.

I have to watch her, the nightmare could come back at any time.

Watson gave himself half an excuse.

He knew very well that he chose to stay in the room for another reason. The girl's unconscious kiss officially changed the relationship between the two. When was the last time you kissed a girl? Watson sat on the chair, his eyes blank and lost in memories...

By the way, it's college time.

Then I received a breakup text message at the end of the semester.

At that time, I felt sad for 2 hours, then I took a nap and continued playing games. Nothing happened at night. Thinking about it this way, I am indeed a very indifferent person. I was ready to accept the breakup day from the beginning of the relationship.

What kind of girl can accept a boyfriend like me?

Shaking his head, Watson noticed that the movement in Luper's room next door had not ended yet, and was even getting more intense. Even the sound of some object hitting the wall could be heard... Of course, the intensity of this sound was not suitable for For ordinary people, there is no such thing. It's just that Watson's ears are too good.

Are they always like this?

Watson thought again of the ghosts, Victor and Beltway who were thrown into the three-person room on the second floor last night. The movement of these three guys going crazy should be bigger, right? Adults all have physiological needs, and Watson doesn't think there's anything difficult about it.

Moreover, war dogs like mercenaries may die on the battlefield one day, and no one will clean up their corpses until they stink. That's why they don't care about these things. To use the Dongguo saying, that is, if you have wine today, you will be drunk tomorrow.

In such a comparison, Michela looks very unique.

Just as she was thinking this, the girl suddenly woke up.

After squinting her eyes for a while, Michela slowly sat up, and then looked up and saw Watson. He could clearly see the process of his eyes changing from confusion to vigilance, then surprise, and finally looking away directly.

"You didn't respond to my call."

Watson thought about his words and saw that there was nothing wrong with the girl's expression, so he continued to speak: "When you taught me how to make traps last night, you said that mercenaries should not let down their guard, so I thought you might need some help, so I came in. .I’m sorry about that. Since you’re fine, I’ll go out first.”

"and many more......"

Michela made a dry voice: "Don't leave yet."


Watson took his feet back and saw that the girl still had her head lowered, so she simply didn't continue talking.

Finally noticing Watson's gaze resting on her face, Michelle subconsciously raised her hand to cover the large burn mark on her left face, but she then realized that the other person might have seen it before. , so he hesitated for a while and finally put his hand down again.

"When did you...come in?"

"Probably before your nightmare is over."

The girl glanced at the respirator mask that fell on the ground, raised her head slightly to glance at Watson, and then lowered her eyes again. After being silent for a while, she stroked the tears on her face and her voice finally returned to normal:

"I don't know's so real."

His ugly body, ugly face, and his most embarrassing side were completely seen by the other party. Michela, who had been tormented by nightmares all night, had an empty mind at the moment and just subconsciously continued to follow Watson's topic.

"It was, because it almost came true."

Watson's words made Michela raise her head, and there was some doubt in the girl's still beautiful blue eyes. Seeing her expression, Watson leaned back in his chair and began to tell a somewhat long story:

"Have you ever heard of Silent Hill?"



After some explanations, the girl did not raise any objections to the story Watson told. She even accepted his outrageous statements about "a monster mirrored from the dark side" and "you can passively travel through the past by taking an elevator."

"Since Silent Hill is no longer inhabited, would blowing it up solve the problem?"

Michela's logic is mercenary.

"Your ideas are very novel."

Watson was dumbfounded.

The reason why Silent Hill is so weird is that it can open a mini parallel world at any time. Assuming that ordinary people and the "chosen people" stand somewhere in Silent Hill at the same time, they are completely unable to see each other.

Because the two are not in the same world and dimension at all.

What's even more outrageous is that if you meet someone with a strong enough dark side, Silent Hill can even temporarily include nearby towns and regions into its own little world. This can also be seen from the protagonists of the Silent Hill series, who are basically either mentally ill or mad, and there are even serial murderers who have lost their memory.

So even if we bomb Silent Hill in reality, it may not be effective. To confirm this, Watson had to take the magicians of Karma Taj to investigate in person.

Yes, Kamal Taj.

Silent Hill is not part of the Marvel world and is also an ‘external factor’. So from Master Gu Yi's point of view, if this deserted town really causes any adverse consequences, it must be dealt with.

By then this job will definitely be assigned to Watson.

"Let's talk about this later."

Watson stood up, and he could see that Michela's conversational interest was getting lower and lower: "Apologise again for my previous actions. If you want, we can go out to have something to eat together in the evening. I won't disturb you now. ”

"it is good."

Watching Watson close the door and leave, Michela picked up the respirator mask on the ground again and watched it in silence. After a while, the girl reluctantly reached out and touched her lips.

Is he dating me?


"So, are you sure you want to retire?"

In the room on the second floor, Watson took the phone given to him by Mrs. Carter and made a small joke at the other party: "I also wanted to call you for bombing reinforcements in the future."

"The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't have that power."

The old lady on the other end of the phone said such a meaningful thing, but Watson understood it. Calling bombers belongs to the old lady's personal network resources and has nothing to do with SHIELD. You can call them anytime you want.

The phone call lasted half an hour.

Carter seemed to have put down a heavy burden in his heart, and there was no vague temptation in his words. Instead, he treated Watson as a normal good friend, talking about interests, pets, and music.

Putting down the phone, Watson immediately dialed Master Wang.


Ten minutes later, Watson waited for several magicians from Kama Taj in a remote forest outside the town. The leader, Uncle Hamil, was still wearing shining plate armor. Those who didn't know it thought he was coming to kill this time.

So Watson once again emphasized that this was a reconnaissance mission.

The mages carrying daggers, hammers and shields couldn't help but sigh loudly.

During the operation in Raccoon City, only Uncle Hamill found the opportunity to play, while the other mages could only wait to pick up the people sent by Watson, and promised to fight against the zombies...

As a result, I didn't even get through the door the whole time.

"Can we really just watch from the outside?"

A pickup truck was driving on a road covered with thick fog. Uncle Hamil, the plate-armored mage, could only sit in the open-air cargo compartment at the back because he was too big. At this time, sitting next to Watson was a yellow-haired young man with an obvious Eastern European appearance, but he spoke standard Mandarin.

"We'd better stay together."

Watson held the steering wheel and pressed the accelerator of the pickup truck to the bottom: "Silent Hill usually doesn't pull several people in at the same time. The premise is that they don't really walk in and run around."

"But didn't you say that only the chosen ones can enter?"

"Yes, but it doesn't matter if you rush in and kill a few monsters."

Hearing Watson's words, the yellow-haired boy pursed his lips. But this talkative guy obviously didn't want to stop talking. When he saw Watson blasting his horn wildly to scare away a few deer, he couldn't help but open his mouth again:

"You will get caught by the police when you drive like this, right? Aren't you afraid of losing points on your driver's license?"

"Don't worry, I don't have a driver's license."

Watson blocked the yellow-haired boy's mouth with one sentence.

An hour and a half later, the wheels rolled onto the dilapidated road that lacked maintenance. A road sign with the words Silent Hill was left far behind at the fork in the road. The pickup truck controlled by Watson still didn't slow down much, and its destination was already very close.

After a while, he hit the brakes.

Several mages jumped out of the car and walked towards Silent Hill not far away. At this time, the surroundings of everyone were completely quiet. Not to mention the wild deer passing by, not even a bird could be seen.

The fog is getting thicker.

"It stinks a little."

The yellow-haired boy was the first to cover his mask tightly. The chemical gases produced when coal mines are burned are poisonous, but this does not matter to Watson's body.

After walking a little further, Watson took out his mobile phone. Sure enough, close to Silent Hill, even this specially made private military satellite phone could not be used normally, and all the instruments were interfered with by unknown forces.

Except for something as simple as a flashlight.

"How about it?"

Watson watched several mages on the hillside busy at work for a long time, and a magic circle with strange patterns finally lit up with a faint blue light. The talkative Huang Mao from before stood in the center of the circle, his eyes completely dyed as blazing white as light bulbs.

This state lasted for nearly an hour before he returned to his normal appearance and nodded towards Watson: "It is indeed what you said. Apart from the group of cultists, there is no human activity in Silent Hill."

I was right, Watson thought.

Since the 16th century, Silent Hill has been used by different civilizations as a religious shrine, a penal colony, a battlefield, a prison and even a massacre burial place. There were so many buried creatures that it developed supernatural powers.

The fallen angel Samael has set his sights on this power. It lured a group of people to form a cult hundreds of years ago and tried to use this power to come to the world. In order to achieve this goal, it drove cultists to commit countless kidnappings, murders, human sacrifices, etc., and even sent children under the age of 10 to the stake.

The smoke from burning underground coal mines in Silent Hill has been rising for so many years. If there are any people who will live there, maybe it will be this group of lunatics who should have gone to hell long ago. Watson was a little curious about those cultists. Do they rely on 'faith' to survive?

"Look! What is that?"

Several people turned their heads and looked over, only to see a group of low creatures slowly approaching them in the thick fog, as well as several vague humanoid shadows.


Old Uncle Hamil shouted softly and took the lead in pulling out the hammer on his body. For a moment, Watson's ears were filled with the sound of swords being unsheathed, and the whole scene inexplicably took on the style of a medieval movie.

Watson had his gun out, but he was going to fish.

I haven’t bought any spare clothes yet. What if I get covered in blood and cause a riot when I return to town? Is it possible that I have to go back to Kamal Taj to change clothes?

As the distance gets closer, these unidentified "people" finally reveal their true colors. It was a group of animals that looked similar to zombie dogs, followed by more than a dozen strange-looking humanoid monsters. Among these guys, there are those whose upper body is covered with a layer of flesh, and even their hands cannot be seen; there are those whose heads are covered with sacks and their hands turn into claws; there are also those who are holding a steel pipe in their hands... In short, none of them show their faces.

"The one without hands can spray venom from its body, please be careful."

As soon as Watson finished reminding him, several Kama Taj mages screamed, raised their magic shields and rushed forward.

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