"Do you believe this Mr. Zero?"

The conversation between Brucey and Watson had ended for a while. The butler Afu on the other end of the headset saw that his lady remained silent, so he took the initiative to raise his concerns: "Miss Wayne, I think he has an ulterior motive."

"We have no other clues for the time being, Afu."

Brucey glanced at Zero who was wiping the sword blade, and her red lips under the mask slightly opened: "And I did see the unidentified helicopter before, but I was busy rescuing people at that time, so I didn't go there. If it was Umbrella company soldiers would make sense.”

When she first arrived, Raccoon City at dusk was filled with sounds, including gunshots. When she first saw soldiers-looking people shooting zombies, Brucy really thought they were rescuers sent by some department.

Since her identity was difficult to explain, she stayed away from those people.

After a pause, Brucey continued: "I think Zero has something to do with the Umbrella Company, but at least this time his position should not be with the Umbrella Company. This person must have other motives. The so-called Zero probably It’s also a fake name, I’ll check it out.”


Butler Ah Fu's British accent is still the same standard: "But do you really want to go to the underground headquarters of the umbrella company? With all due respect, it may still be a trap."

"If I still get nothing, then I'm going to do it."

Brucey took out a spare headset from her pocket and walked towards Watson, ending the communication with the last sentence: "When the Bat fighter goes back, it will be replaced with the No. 2 equipment plan. I need heavy fire cover, and at the same time, let the X test machine be ready for departure. Prepare."


There was a strong smell of burning in the burning streets, but this did not affect the groups of corpses that had gradually formed and were wandering around. There are no more panicked survivors on the streets. At this point in time, they have either found a hiding place or have become part of the zombies.

Well, even if it enters the stomach, it is considered a part of it.

After leaving the roof that had been nearly collapsed by the cannon, Watson and Brucie were clearing the corpses on the street. The few rockets fired in the battle against the tyrant just now were too loud, and many groups of zombies had already been attracted.

So on a certain street in Raccoon City, two guys with unparalleled abilities against zombies appeared.

One holds a sword and the other holds a gun.

"Are you sure that helicopter can come within an hour? I don't think this is going to go well."

Watson skillfully pierced the head of the zombie in front of him with his sword. He looked left and right to see that there were no more enemies, and then pressed the headset given by Brucey in the hood:

"This city is full of people from the Umbrella Company. They will shoot down any aircraft that is not our own. Your fighter jet can accelerate, but the heavy transport helicopter that hovers here will be a living target."

Brucey didn't answer, just walked forward silently.

"Okay, forget it if you don't believe it." Watson shook off the blood on the sword blade: "I also hope it's me, but don't regret it if the helicopter is hit by a rocket... .”

Although a preliminary cooperation intention was reluctantly reached, Batwoman Bruce Wayne obviously would not let go of her trust in someone she had just met for a few minutes.


A 5.56mm bullet was fired from the barrel of the M4A1 gun in Brucey's hand, accurately hitting a zombie in the forehead. The shot zombie twitched and fell to the ground, but in the gradually quieting night environment, the harsh gunshots were attracting nearby biochemically infected people.

"9 o'clock direction, 6 targets."

Batwoman, who had been silent for a while, finally spoke up, but did not directly answer Watson's words. She just reported the situation on the battlefield and continued to attract zombies with the assault rifle.

"Okay, just as you said, 1 hour."

After estimating the attack route, Watson held two swords and walked towards the group of corpses rushing towards him.

He actually understood Brucey's thoughts very well, and his appearance was indeed full of mystery. If you think about it in another person's shoes, you would be suspicious if you were Batwoman. You can't pretend that a stranger comes out and says, "I know the truth, please come with me," and then you really believe it.

No novel would dare to be written like this.

Therefore, Batwoman may not believe all the information she told about the umbrella company. Watson plans to take Brucey to follow the U.S.S. combat team next. It is best to lay an ambush and catch a few alive to torture for information. Facts are more effective than words.

But Batwoman is indeed quite defensive.

Ten minutes passed, but not only did she not reveal where the survivors she had collected were, she also bumped into the corpses, euphemistically saying that she was eliminating the threat. Although the horde of corpses would not cause big trouble to the two of them, Watson also guessed that Bruce had other intentions.

For example, observe and evaluate your own combat effectiveness.

With this in mind, Watson and Brucey eliminated another group of wandering corpses. At this time, the sound of helicopter propellers came from the dark sky, from far to near, and it seemed that the destination might be in their area.

"The plane you ordered has arrived?"

Watson raised his finger and pointed to the sky.

Brucey shook her head in silence, her eyebrows frowning behind the mask: It was still nearly 10 minutes before the promised arrival time of the transport helicopter, so it was unlikely to be from her side.

Rule out this answer…

It could only be someone else.

"Zero, follow me."

Taking off the rope gun from her waist, Brucy jumped onto the roof and ran towards the direction of the sound of the helicopter.

The sound got closer and closer, and she popped her head out of the half wall of the top of the building and saw a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter being rappelled. The aircraft was equipped with machine guns and there were no markings on the deck, but the searchlight under the nose illuminated the personnel descending to the ground.

Military standard combat equipment......

After a quick glance, she estimated the strength level of the soldiers in front of her. After thinking for a moment, Bruce turned on the headset: "Is that the U.S.S. team you are talking about?"


Watson on the other end also climbed up to the roof of the building next to him: "They may be here for the tyrant just now. I know you don't quite believe what I said before, so do you want to go down and say hello? I bet they will definitely use Bullets greet you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Watson saw the side door of a garage not far away opening, and a dozen civilians running out one after another. These people were dressed in different costumes, but they all shouted for help.

Brucey's eyes narrowed, she recognized the garage, and the people who ran out of it were all the survivors who had been gathered up by herself.

The U.S.S. soldiers on the ground did not make any hostile moves. Instead, they talked to the survivors after accepting them, and from time to time they patted their backs and held their shoulders to express comfort.

This behavior is quite confusing.

"I gotta say these poor guys are going to die soon."

Watching the soldiers starting to walk toward the garage under the guidance of the survivors, Watson warned Bruce: "I have seen exactly the same operation before. These soldiers will try to get the survivors to tell the location of their companions, and then take them away." Deceive them together and kill them together."

Batwoman said nothing, she hesitated.

This Zero may be lying. Those soldiers are not the eagle dogs of the evil Umbrella Company at all. They will rescue the survivors they gathered; but if what Zero said is true, then these unsuspecting survivors will die tragically at gunpoint. Down.

The soldiers were getting closer to the garage.

On the roof of the building, Bruce held the handle of the gun tightly in her right hand. She originally planned to find the unidentified soldiers in the city and quietly observe their actions to confirm the information Zero said.

But now the situation has been pushed to the edge of the cliff. If these soldiers really shoot later, it will be too late to rush down to rescue them. The survivors will definitely suffer casualties, and they will also endure long-term inner torture.

Batwoman had no time to hesitate.

Believe it or not, she had to make a choice immediately.

"Zero, go and stop the three U.S.S. soldiers who are following the survivors. Don't kill them. Leave the rest to me." Hearing Brucey's voice ringing in the headset, Watson breathed a sigh of relief.

He originally wanted to wait for these U.S.S. soldiers to take action, but when the gunfire rang out, Batwoman couldn't believe it. As for how many casualties there will be among the survivors, that is all the result of Brucey's choice not to believe Watson.

It's none of my business.

But the relieved and ignorant smiles of the survivors made Watson hesitate. These people just want to survive. After all, they know nothing about the entire situation. From their standpoint, accepting the "protection" of these soldiers is a natural choice.

They didn't do anything wrong, it was the umbrella that was wrong.

Therefore, Watson even planned to do something simple and fire a few shots at the U.S.S. soldiers to disrupt the matter.

Fortunately, Brucey finally believed Watson's words.

One helicopter, 6 ground targets... In an instant, the attack plan had taken shape in Brucey's mind.

"Ten seconds, wait for my signal."

After speaking, Brucey took out a strange-looking transmitter from her waist. This is a device used to paralyze vehicles. If the current increase is adjusted to the maximum, it can also be used to deal with small aerial vehicles.

However, it is limited to technical bottlenecks, so it has a considerable disadvantage, that is, wired operation is required.

There was a soft "pop" sound. Under the perfect cover of the dark night sky and the roar of the propeller motor, none of the soldiers present noticed it.

Three small claw heads flew towards the belly cabin of the Black Hawk helicopter more than ten meters in the air. The ejection spike probe on the head directly broke through the protective layer on the surface of the cabin. On the other end of the several-meter-long thin line, Connected to the trigger on Brucey's hand.

"Do it!"

A strong electric current was released, raging among the circuits in the Black Hawk helicopter cabin, disrupting the operation of the aircraft within seconds. The helicopter in mid-air suddenly lost control and slowly fell to the ground below.

"Control is out of control! Welcome to impact!"

The pilot who was holding the control stick tightly only had time to shout out such a sentence before the Black Hawk helicopter hit the ground heavily. The out-of-control rotors raised large amounts of smoke and dust, covering up the soldiers on the ground who were busy dodging and Brucey who was rushing in quickly.

Everyone was disrupted by this incident.

The three U.S.S. soldiers heading toward the garage ignored the panicked survivors and quickly turned around and pointed their guns at the crash site. This just gave Watson, who was in mid-air, the opportunity to pounce on the U.S.S. soldier closest to him from the side. After landing with his feet on the ground, he quickly used the momentum to exert force.

With a scream, the soldier's body was thrown by Watson and hit his teammate. The two of them were stacked on top of each other and fell several meters away.

The attack happened in an instant. The last U.S.S. soldier standing in front of him had just turned his gun, and Watson had already rushed in front of him. A mediocre straight punch hit the opponent's abdomen. The poor guy fell to the ground with blood spurting from the filter of his mask.

I should have used less force.

Watson reflected on himself. Now when he fights, he always thinks about improving efficiency and saving unnecessary consumption. Looking at the two U.S.S. soldiers tremblingly getting up a few meters away, he moved his fists and continued to attack.

The survivors were stunned.

No one expected that one moment they would be rescued, and the next moment their hope of escape would be dashed before their eyes. Many people stood there with their mouths open in a daze, expressions of disbelief on their faces.

After more than half a minute, the battle of Black Hawk Down was completely over.

Brucy, covered in ashes, walked out of the smoke. Although she was a little embarrassed, she was not injured. Watson looked at this woman's figure and felt a little emotional. The poor really rely on mutation, and the rich rely on technology.

But even without that high-tech equipment, Bruce Wayne's mortal fighting IQ and skills are still unique.

In the original setting of the DC Dark Universe, Batwoman Bruce Wayne went astray because of the loss of her beloved, falling into endless hatred. She did not hesitate to transform herself in order to gain strength, and finally brought the whole world to her death. Into the deep sea.

The current Brucy is obviously still in the line of adhering to the no-kill principle, maybe she has not even met her significant other yet. If possible, Watson still doesn't want this somewhat paranoid Dark Knight to turn into a murderous madman.

She has had too little warmth in her life.


A thrown water bottle interrupted Watson's thoughts.

Perhaps recognizing the culprit that caused their hopes to be shattered, several survivors began to curse Brucey loudly. Watson's English word reserve is extremely poor, but he certainly remembers the few curse words in English.

"They are not here to rescue you. Return to the garage quickly. The helicopter still has a few minutes..."

As soon as Brucy shouted a few words, she had to turn her head to avoid a flying wrench. An aunt with an afro grabbed the stone at her feet bitterly: "Who wants your helicopter! We all saw you attack the police! Don't believe her!"


The stone hit the armor on Brucey's shoulder, leaving a small white mark. Seeing that the other party did not fight back, the woman with the afro raised her hands and encouraged the crowd around her. The traditional talent of holding signs and shouting slogans during the riots in the Lighthouse Country was instantly activated.

"That's right! We would have been saved if it weren't for you!"

"You executioner! What is your purpose?"

"She must want to kidnap us! She is not a good person!"

Some people started, others echoed, and the rest began to be mobilized, turning their fear, anxiety, and resentment into anger and slamming it on Brucey in front of them. If they weren't afraid that she had a gun in her hand, maybe now they wouldn't just throw things and spit on them.

Brucey didn't make any moves, obviously still thinking about countermeasures urgently.

A minute ago I thought they were pitiful.

Now I think they are hateful.

This dramatic transformation came alive before Watson's eyes, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of absurdity. Although it is not unexpected for survivors who do not know the truth to have misunderstandings, Watson feels that he should solve the problem.

After all, it is rare for Batwoman to trust others, and she is in this situation because she believed her own words. Watson would be unhappy if she was left here to be scolded.

At this time, someone noticed Watson, a man wearing camouflage uniforms. Perhaps seeing that he was not strong and easy to bully, they threw a stone at him.

Watson ducked.

Then he drew his gun backhand.


A 9mm bullet passed by the ear of the bald man who was throwing the stone, scaring him into a cold sweat and frightening others around him. No one expected that the man in camouflage uniform would suddenly fire, and the whole scene fell silent for a moment.

"How dare you (How dare you)..."

The aunt with the afro didn't know whether it was because she had a headache, or she had often done similar things before, so she said it reflexively. But before she could finish her words, Watson slapped her hard on the face.

"(German) Tell these fools to behave."

Watson put the smoking hot muzzle to the aunt's forehead, turned his head and said something to Brucey who had been silent.

Zero's sudden series of actions were unexpected, but the gun went off and Brucey gave up her intention to explain. After a moment of silence, she opened her mouth and shouted: "Go back to the garage now, hurry up!"

The survivors didn't dare to say anything anymore and walked back obediently.

A few clever ones wanted to escape outside, but the sharp-eyed Watson chased them and kicked them down. Suddenly no one dared to make any more mistakes.


The side door of the garage was closed. Brucey held the door handle and was stunned for a while, then turned to Watson and said: "These are the survivors I gathered. In fact, the helicopter will arrive in a few minutes. After this, I’ll go with you to Umbrella headquarters.”

"I think you forgot something."

"what's up?"

"None of those U.S.S. soldiers are dead yet. Shouldn't you torture them?" Watson shrugged and pointed at the crash site: "It's best to pull them in and beat them up in front of those idiots in the garage. , just let him admit that he is not a police officer."

After saying this, Watson added: "I think torture should not be difficult for you. Of course, you don't expect those survivors to apologize. After all, the only way for some people to admit their mistakes is to remain silent." , this kind of person will dare to commit the crime next time."


Brucey didn't reply, she just turned her head and stared at Watson's face. Batwoman wanted to know whether Watson's reminder was sincere, but Watson couldn't figure out why the woman opposite him suddenly looked at her and stopped talking.

Both of them wore masks on their heads, so they looked at each other for a long time, and neither one could figure out what the other meant.


Squeezing out a word from her throat, Brucy turned and walked towards the U.S.S. soldier lying on the ground: "Come over here and help me lift one more person."

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