The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 46 Batwoman in the Late Stage of Hypochondria

call out!

Pulling the trigger to fire the last rocket, Brucy threw away the four-link rocket launcher in her hand, pulled out the rope gun from her waist and jumped onto the roof on the right without hesitation.

But the rocket was directly grabbed by the monster's claws and hit the eaves on its left side. There was only a loud bang, and the streets that had just settled a little smoke were once again covered in fire and dust.

Watson, who was on the roof of the building and wanted to come over, curled his lips: As expected of Miss Bat, all rockets use 4 barrels. It seems that she must have other back-ups, that tyrant is too miserable.

The tall man who was blasted with rockets by Bruce was the "Tyrant", the proud product of the Umbrella Group.

This thing is strong, sturdy, resistant to beatings, and has great maneuverability. However, it has no long-range attack capabilities, and it can easily undergo irreversible mutations if it is severely damaged.

The tight windbreaker was actually specially made to restrain the Tyrant's body. After being released from the restraints and entering the mutation stage, the Tyrant's mobility and attack power increased greatly, but at the cost of a greatly reduced combat lifespan.

Of course, some exceptions cannot be ruled out.


There was another angry roar, and the tyrant's figure jumped up on his knees in the smoke of the rockets, and hit the roof of the building where Brucey was sitting, shaking the whole building to start to tremble slightly.

"Enable remote control! Ah Fu!"

Before the monster, whose skin was bursting from the rocket bomb, could take a step, Brucey had already jumped from the edge of the roof, and then ran to another building with a rope gun to deal with the monster.

She's going to use the Batfighter to deal with it.

However, although the Bat fighter has been significantly modified, its prototype is still an old Harrier fighter, so it still inherits some of its shortcomings: such as vertical take-off.

Rather than flying, it is better to say floating.

It takes at least a minute to "float" from the same place with a starting speed as slow as a tractor to reach a sufficient height and speed to switch back to normal jet fighter flight.

Therefore, Brucy needed to buy some time for Afu's remote control, at least to make her Bat fighter a little higher than the ground, to avoid unstable airflow and crashing when turning in place, or to be noticed by the monster with abnormally developed motor nerves.

Due to operational needs, the missiles on the fighter planes have been removed and replaced with various electronic instruments and supplies. But the 30mm cannon inside the belly is still intact, which is enough to give this monster a surprise.

"Ready, Miss Wayne."

After walking the monster for a few laps, Ah Fu's voice finally came through the earphones. Brucy was hanging in the air, looking at the monster whose feet were about to land, and issued an attack command:


chug chug!

The unique dull sound of the cannon sounded. The moment Ah Fu pulled the trigger, the cannon with a rate of fire of up to 600 rounds per second fired a torrent of steel symbolizing death, covering the roof of the building where the monster was.

The artillery shells shot out bunches of smoke and dust mixed with debris on the concrete floor. If you want to describe this scene visually, it would be like neat fireworks spraying on the floor of a large concert stage.

The monster's body was completely torn apart.

After the attack of the Bat Fighter, there was no sign of the Tyrant on the roof, which was riddled with holes and even had several holes cut out. Only a small piece of tissue was left on the ground to prove its former existence.

Seeing the famous Tyrant being beaten to pieces by a machine cannon within 2 minutes of his appearance, Watson felt that his plan to appear was ruined. It's just that Batwoman's physics plug-in is so powerful that she doesn't need her own help at all.

Don't want to waste any more time.

Watson didn't know that Batwoman had a garage full of survivors ready to be transported away. He just thought he would continue to follow her and wait until she was in trouble before helping her.

And after seeing Batwoman's luxurious equipment with his own eyes, he also realized that he had underestimated the opponent's abilities before.

With Wayne Enterprises' information channels, Bruce should be able to directly find out some government movements, such as whether and when the army will come. There may even be a nuclear bomb, ah no, missile bombardment. You can also try to reveal it.

Watson knew that gaining Batwoman's trust would be nearly impossible. To put it bluntly, Batwoman Brucey doesn't believe anyone (Afu may not be included), not even herself.

Therefore, of course Brucey will not trust the government. After all, if the government can be relied on...

Why does she need to be Batwoman?

Seeing Batwoman squatting on the ground and extracting biological samples, she loaded the things onto the Batfighter. The fighter jet flew into the night sky with tail flames. Watson put on the black gangster mask he bought a few days ago and began to take action.

Loosening the tentacles fixed to the railing, he spread his hands and feet in the night sky. The black light virus filled the body in an extremely strange way, changing the direction of the air flow.


Landing lightly on the roof, Watson has gradually begun to skillfully reduce the noise of his landing during long-distance sliding jumps. But Brucey still noticed it. She turned around quickly and found a long stick in her hand.

The scene was a little quiet for a while.

"(German) Well... do you speak German?"

If Watson takes the initiative to speak and expects the other party to take the initiative to speak in this situation, then you may be waiting for a stick.

"You don't look like a survivor..." Brucey was silent for a while before replying in German. Her eyes behind the mask scanned the whole body of the man in front of her, paying special attention to the weapons and equipment of the other person: "You Who is he?"

Who am I? Strictly speaking, I am not a human being.

"I'm a kind of, um, more professional survivor." Watson organized his words and gently spread his hands: "You don't need to be so nervous. Look, my hands are empty. I don't mean any harm... .”

There was no movement on Brucey's face behind the mask.

"...Also, if you want to know what happened to that monster just now, I will be happy to answer it for you."

Brucey's eyes narrowed behind her mask.

"You stop."

She held the stick behind her with one hand and walked cautiously towards Watson. The other hand on the waist opened the buckle and took out a virus detector that looked like a pistol but had a small light bulb on the surface.

This thing sounds a bit high-end, but its principle is very simple. A short needle that can be quickly replaced at the front end is used to extract blood, and a jar of specially prepared reagents is installed at the rear end. The instrument will extract a small amount of reagent to react with the blood during each test.

Because it was produced on a temporary basis, there was no time to install an electronic screen, so we could only embed a small color-changing light bulb on the top of the instrument to indicate the test results. A red light means infection, and the opposite is a green light.

"Are you infected? Hands out."

After just one afternoon, Brucey had already formed a habit. For any human being she encounters, she must first test for the virus before speaking. Although those infected have not completely mutated, they are already infectious and do not allow for any carelessness.

I was careless.

I should have studied hard at Karma Taj. Maybe I could learn the portal, so that I could go back to the alleys of New York and make a public phone call before running back. Seeing the device with the needle in Batwoman's hand, Watson secretly regretted it.

He hadn't thought about asking Master Hamil to do this before, but the old man said that a mage's daily mana is limited. If you give him a few more spells, it might be useless to take care of Howard.

What's even more unfortunate is that not many of the mages on the other side of the arena can open portals, and even if they do, they have exhausted their own mana by dispersing the magic circle.

I have to say that Miss Wayne's black technology is indeed unreasonable, and she has actually made a virus detection instrument.

For a few seconds, Watson wanted to turn around and walk away. His body tissue no longer belonged to the human category, so there was a high probability that he would not be able to pass the test. The second most important thing is to detect abnormality. The most fearful thing is for Batwoman to extract a sample of the black light virus.

But it seems that the virus I left outside my body will commit suicide?

What Howard said in 1944 came to Watson's mind again. At that time, he was also trying to extract cell samples from his body. However, the cells that left the body died completely in just a few minutes and dissolved into cells that were worthless for research. of liquid.

Howard's original words at the time were: They seem to have self-awareness.

Want to try it?

Watson actually also wants to know whether the black light virus will be detected by this rapid detection method. If it is indeed possible, then he will have one more thing to be wary of in the future.


The test gun touched the skin on the back of the man's hand and Bruce took two steps back, waiting to see the test results. But after waiting for a long time, the virus detector, which should have been moving for a long time, never turned on.

Brucey looked down at the instrument, then up at Watson.

Then he lowered his head and raised his head again, repeating it several times like an assembly line robot.

"Um...does this count as yes or no?"

Watson didn't know what Batwoman's action meant, but he had been guarding against the woman opposite him, who was in the advanced stage of paranoia. Sure enough, Batwoman slowly took back the virus detector and launched the attack.


The long stick carried behind his back was lifted out from the side of his leg and hit Watson's lower body directly, but he was immediately supported by the opponent's left palm. Before the blow was finished, Brucey's other hand had already grabbed the black gangster mask that Watson was wearing.

Watson's reaction was not slow either. He turned his head to avoid it and thrust his right hand towards the opponent's neck like lightning. This time he used strength, not that he increased his strength, but that he wanted to control Brucey at a speed beyond ordinary people.

But Watson miscalculated.

The graceful body burst out with agility that was far beyond ordinary people. Not only did Brucey sideways avoid Watson's right hand, she also raised her slender left leg and kicked him twice on the right side of the body.

Immediately afterwards, Brucey retracted her left hand and pressed hard on the right wrist holding the stick, and a powerful electric current that was visible to the naked eye burst out and rushed into Watson's body through the long stick.


With a heart-wrenching sound of electricity, Brucey kicked Watson's left hand hard with one foot. After taking off the long stick, he hooked his armpit with his backhand, followed by a burst of force from his waist. The opponent's body was knocked off balance by the force of the long stick and fell to the ground.

"You are such a difficult woman..."

Watson rolled his body to avoid it, and two electric darts hit him where he was just now.

"Can you please slow down first? Maybe there is something wrong with your instrument?"

Brucey didn't say anything. She knew very well how powerful those few blows she had just had. This man can still continue to move flexibly to this day, which shows that his ability to withstand blows is far beyond that of ordinary people.

The two sides distanced themselves and fell into a brief confrontation.

I originally wanted to show my sincerity, but unexpectedly, I fell into the hands of the virus detector, and the conversation was interrupted before it started. Watching Batwoman on the opposite side split the long stick into two pieces and prepared another set, Watson quickly continued to speak:

"Do you want to fight with me for another half hour, or do you want to know what's going on here?"

"......tell me the story."

After squeezing out a few words, Batwoman still looked like she was fighting.

"Otherwise." Watson took two steps back and sat down on the railing: "You can hold the assault rifle on your body. Maybe you will feel a little safer that way."

Seeing that Batwoman didn't rush forward again, Watson continued: "Let's talk about the monster just now. Its name is Tyrant..."

"Wait!" Brucey interrupted Watson: "Who named it this?"

"...Umbrella Group, they developed a virus..."

"Are you saying that the Umbrella Group created this monster?" Brucey continued to ask. If Watson had the ability to read minds, he would have discovered that the Batwoman in front of him was building a character profile in his mind, and had just added the line 'not a strong character'.


"How do you know this?" Bruce's tone was still aggressive.

"You are really annoying!" Watson jumped down from the railing: "I don't know if you behave like this on purpose or if you have some other purpose. How about we continue to fight? The fight is over. Do this Q&A interview again.”

"Oh, my bad, please continue."

Keen observation skills.

Brucey silently added a description.


A few minutes later.

"Were you listening just now? Ah Fu?"

"Of course, Miss Wayne. I have checked that Umbrella Group does employ a large number of citizens in Raccoon City." Butler Afu's voice came from the headset: "In addition, our news channels show that the army has been dispatched. "

After a moment of silence, Ah Fu spoke again: "Miss Wayne, although we currently have no news about the bombing, but as the man said, the possibility exists, and you should probably return now... "

"I know what's going on, Ah Fu, let's do this for now."

Brucey disconnected the communication and quietly looked at the street downstairs, lost in thought. There are pros and cons to the military's entry. The good thing is that the survivors can be rescued, but the bad thing is that in case of heavy losses, they may indeed bomb the city.

Raccoon City is not New York City.

Located on the edge of the inaccessible Colorado Plateau Desert, it is not an important economic, scientific, cultural or industrial center. Even if Raccoon City is directly bombed, there are ten thousand ways for the officials to suppress what happened in this ordinary town.

Brucey also later found out that the military was conducting secret experiments using the materials obtained from the last Reaper attack. Therefore, even if they come to rescue people this time, it is most likely incidental, and "catching people" is the main thing.

For example, the "person" who was shattered by the machine gun just now is of great research value. If a tyrannical body that can continue to pursue even after being hit by three rockets appears in batches on the battlefield...

Before she could ponder for long, the street lights on the entire street dimmed. Looking around, various lights in distant blocks and buildings were also extinguished one after another.

In just over ten seconds, only the light of flames remained in Raccoon City under the night sky.

"They blew up the power station."

Watson, who had been sitting on the railing for a few minutes, walked up, but when he saw Batwoman's wary gaze as she turned her head, she stopped: "So... how's it going?"

"Military satellites and troops have been dispatched. Before confirming the situation, at least they will not use missiles to bomb their own people." Bruce said calmly: "I have a group of survivors that need to be sent away immediately. After that, I will You go to the Umbrella Company headquarters together."

"Then you'd better hurry up. You just killed the Umbrella Company's flagship product. Maybe they will send someone to take a look." Watson nodded. Things will be much easier with Batwoman involved. For example, if Howard is strapped onto a plane, they will have a way to intercept it.

And as long as Brucy gets conclusive physical evidence at the Umbrella Company headquarters, Mrs. Viper will never want to sell her virus baby again.

However, if she didn’t know the information she was telling her, how much did Batwoman believe it?

"When you say 'send people', what are you sending..."


Watson raised a palm to interrupt Brucie: "I don't want to answer your questions at all."

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