The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 29 In fact, I was a reporter in my previous life

After decades of hard training, Nisha reacted almost instinctively. The moment the guard at the door fell, she pulled her father El and hid towards the bookshelf aside.


With a flash of light and a deafening bang, Watson rushed behind the sofa closest to him in the room and raised an 8-inch Colt Python revolver. It was quiet in the field of vision, not a single figure. But this was not a problem for Watson. He concentrated and put his eyes into a state of observation.

This is the first time he has used this ability in actual combat since he learned it in 1990. The microorganisms stirred up by the movement of the human body tumbled violently in the airflow, and the trajectory of change spread very honestly to a tall bookshelf in the front right. At this moment, a gentle "click" sound suddenly came from behind the bookshelf. The sound was extremely small, but clear enough for Watson's sensitive ears.

That was the sound of a pistol being cocked.

Behind the bookshelf, Nissa held a pistol and made a silencing gesture to her father, El. After experiencing the subconscious stress reaction, her brain resumed thinking. Nissa wanted to force herself to calm down and prepare to face the enemy just like she had done in countless battles in the past.

But she can't.

After everything that had just happened, she had developed a strong dislike for her family, her father, and even herself. Deep down in her heart, Nisha even began to hesitate whether to leave her father to the intruding enemies and then shoot herself.

Vampires are supposed to be cursed creatures.

Father El's ugly, twisted, heartless, heart-rending ambitions and sins in trying to get rid of the curse, he let death end it all and free his tortured heart.

Her reason was completely destroyed by the grief, anger and despair in her chest, and Nissa completely lost her will to fight. She desperately opened her eyes that were still full of tears, gritted her teeth tightly, and tried her best not to cry out. The hand holding the gun trembled violently, as if he was about to turn the gun towards himself in the next second.

Watson put an end to Nyssa's hesitation.

The bookshelf behind him was hit by a huge force, shattered and collapsed. Watson held two Colt Pythons and aimed them at the two people who fell to the ground. He originally wanted to shoot, but when he saw Nissa who was in tears and gave up resistance, and when he saw the vampire Grand Duke El who was old and frail and struggling for a long time and couldn't get up, he realized that he seemed to be close to 'clearing the level'.

You have to wait, otherwise the Archduke will kill him early, and Chad Norma might turn around and run away when he comes up to take a look.

"It's you......"

With tears in her eyes, Nessa recognized Watson's red ponytail and the familiar shape of a gas mask. She climbed up and sat down against the wall, ignoring Archduke El who was lying on the ground beside her, and she didn't even ask Watson why he attacked them. Nessa threw the pistol away and looked at Watson with a helpless expression, as if to say: Go ahead, I won't resist.

"Wait! We can talk..." Archduke El finally turned over and stood up with difficulty holding on to the wall. Although his aging body could no longer fight or even run, he still wanted to struggle.

"He doesn't understand English..." Nisha said lightly: "You can speak German."

As a biological scientist who has lived for hundreds of years, it is certainly not difficult to learn to speak German. Grand Duke El quickly switched the language: "No matter who sends you to kill me, I guarantee that your rewards for sparing my life will always be more than those for killing me!"

Watson silently raised his gun and said nothing.

"You're not doing it for such a ridiculous reason as justice, are you?"

"Looking at your power just now, you are not an ordinary human being." Archduke El obviously has a lot of life experience: "Human beings will never truly accept superhuman beings like us. They covet our power, but they regard us in their hearts. Treated as alien..."

Watson put away the Colt Python in his left hand, activated the switch on his waist, and the hidden camera device at the collar began to work. He moved his vocal cords and made a hoarse voice: "Who do you mean by 'them' you just said?"

"Do you really don't know or are you pretending not to know?" Grand Duke El laughed out loud: "Of course it's the rich and powerful people...the more they have, the less they want to lose it. Everything." He hunched his thin body, and even though he was facing the muzzle of the gun, his mouth was full of mockery: "Whenever new candidates appear in those positions, we will be there when he needs it most... ..”

"Make this an offer they can't refuse."

Raising his head slightly and spreading his hands, Archduke El now had a trace of the majesty of a vampire king: "We have been operating like this for hundreds of years, although there are times when we fail. But there will always be people who cannot refuse the temptation of immortality. , isn’t it?”

Watson is already starting to get into character. That's right, he actually studied journalism in college in his last life, and he also worked as a reporter for a period of time after graduation. Although he is not a very professional type, he still knows the six basic elements of news: time, place, person, cause, process and result.

I just don't know how much the Grand Duke El in front of me is willing to say. Watson is really not very confident in his language probing ability, especially since the other person is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years. It is true that I can kill him easily, but if I want to have a verbal confrontation with him, that is another matter.

This is one of the reasons why Watson basically doesn't speak when facing enemies.

"Let me still have to pay them a lot of money every year, right?" Watson slowly turned the revolver in his hand: "Tell me who you paid to? I can consider letting you go. .”

"Ha ha ha ha!!!!"

Grand Duke El laughed as if he had heard a joke: "What can you do even if I really tell you? You are facing a community of interests, and you are just one person! Over the past few hundred years, what can you do? There are always people who want to expose all this and eliminate it all, but they all fail in the end! There will always be people who want more, and this is the flaw of human nature..."

I understand the truth, please hurry up and tell me, I'm recording the video.

Watson's face behind the mask became bored.

Although Archduke El looked very calm on the surface, he was already getting angry inside. He knew that Chad Norma was rushing upstairs downstairs at the moment, and if he continued to delay, he would definitely die. Although it would be impossible for him to stay in the United States if he mentioned those names, it was still better than dying here.

And Archduke El really didn't think that the man opposite him could do anything after getting the list.

Kill him? Even if he had this fighting ability, who would allow him to come and kill one by one?

To get exposure? A scandal of this magnitude could never have been released.

Even if it is released by chance, it will be covered up by the alliance and held accountable. There are many excuses. And this is not the first time that those powerful people have done this kind of thing. Only fools and those pathetic idealists will believe that the press in this country is free.


After the interview lasted for more than a minute, there was finally movement outside the door.


A loud roar came from outside the door, and Chad Norma, who was covered in blood, rushed into the room. But then he was stunned. His sister Nisha was slumped on the sofa in a daze; and his father, Grand Duke El, was sitting face to face with a red-haired masked man. The whole scene was like a symposium. All it takes is a cup of tea in front of each person.

It was the shattered bookshelf next to it that ruined the atmosphere.

"It's you......"

The angry-looking Chad Norma also recognized the red-haired man who cut off one of his hands last night. He stopped and held his fist that had grown back, and his eyes turned back and forth between Archduke El and Watson. Seeing this, Watson simply ended the "interview", stood up and walked to the side, making a gesture to Chad Norma.

Your turn, please.

After hesitating for a while, the eager desire for revenge finally took over, and Chad Norma strode towards his father, Archduke El. Grand Duke El stood up hastily and opened his mouth to say something, but before he could make a sound, Chad Norma grabbed him by the collar.

"Did you think that today would happen when you experimented on me? My beloved father?"

"I'm sorry for everything that happened before, Norma. But now that you're back, we still have a chance. The helicopter from the helipad outside will be here soon. As long as we leave here, we can work out a solution together... " Grand Duke El stretched out his hands and wanted to touch his son's face. At this time, he began to play the family card instead, and he was completely different from the cold and enthusiastic person before.

Nesa, who was lying on the sofa watching, silently smiled mockingly.

Chad Norma looked at Archduke El whose voice was trembling, and without hesitation opened his mouth and bit off his carotid artery.

Archduke El, who was chatting with Watson a minute ago, fell to the ground bleeding dark green blood and could no longer say a word. He climbed a few steps in the direction of his daughter Nisha in vain. His whole body quickly turned pale, and finally broke into several pieces like weathered rocks.

Chad Norma raised his head and opened his arms, feeling the joy of successful revenge. Then he turned his head and looked at Watson, who was walking over carrying two silver-plated dog-leg knives.

Then he turned around and ran towards the door.

Then he was stopped by the belatedly arriving Blade.

The main entrance exit and the side balcony were both blocked. Chad Norma had no choice but to rush to the sofa next to him, trying to pick up his sister Nisha and use him as a hostage. Watson rushed forward with a sharp blade, but Chad Norma had already lifted Nissa up, and the sharp nails of his left hand pressed against her white neck.

In the next second, Watson threw away a knife and grabbed the palm of Chad Norma's left hand. A huge force was heard along with the sound of the metacarpal bone shattering, and Chad Norma's strength was simply unable to resist. In desperation, he endured the pain, grinned his jaw and bit the back of Watson's hand.

For a moment the whole scene stopped.

Nisha was stunned.

Blade was stunned.

But Watson didn't freeze. He grabbed Chad Norma's left hand, pulled him away from Nissa, and slammed him to the ground. Chad Norma stepped back and used a claw with his backhand, but it only scratched off the gas mask on Watson's face. At this moment, Blade, who was striding forward, threw the silver sword in his hand and pierced Chad Norma's chest diagonally.


Chad Norma groaned in pain, but still looked at Watson laughing crazily: "You have been infected by me, you are finished, hahaha...cough!" Smiling , Chad Norma suddenly coughed violently, and he felt a foreign substance spreading rapidly on the tip of his tongue, invading his body!

Does this man also have a virus in his body?

Chad Norma's eyes widened, but he was speechless. These viruses originating from Watson's body penetrated downward through his vocal cords and invaded upward into his brain. Along with the severe pain, he even felt that his thinking was starting to go crazy.


The sword flashed across Watson's hand, and Chad Norma's body and head were separated.

Watching the lifeless body ignite blue flames and burn to ashes, Watson turned off the camera and felt the wounds on the back of his hands. The wound has healed, and the skin on the back of the hand is still delicate and white, and it doesn't look like it was bitten by that disgusting tongue just now. As for the Reaper virus that invaded the body?

Sorry, they are cold.

Forgetting the strange feeling just now, Watson turned to look at Blade and Nissa.

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