"The President's authorization has arrived. Please give the order, Commander."

At a U.S. military base in New Jersey, a signal soldier strode to the command podium and handed over a document that was still hot from the printer. The commander took the document and looked out the window silently. In the wide square, heavily armed soldiers lined up next to helicopters. The air transportation force of the entire base can be said to be in full force today. In addition to the UH-60 Black Hawk, MH-6 Little Bird and CH-47 Chinook helicopters currently in service, there are even several UH-s retired from the Vietnam War. 1 "Huey" helicopter.

Due to the sudden incident, all spare and obsolete large-caliber weapons in the warehouse were mobilized. But after struggling for a long time, the entire base only managed to gather about 30 additional heavy firepower teams. Most of the remaining conventional combat teams can only carry small-caliber M16 rifles.

"Take action."

The commander gave the order. At this moment, he was very upset because the battlefield was in his own important city, not in some small town in the Middle East. If he followed his past combat habits, he would definitely first attract aerial bombardment, then mobilize artillery units for long-range support, and finally the ground armored clusters would cooperate with air cover forces to push forward.

Not like now, all high-altitude bombing and long-range heavy firepower plans had to be abandoned due to the large number of civilians and important buildings in the city. He can only send infantry, helicopters and lightly armored units to engage in the most efficient and dangerous close combat with the enemy.


What was shown on the surveillance screen were panicked civilians running around in the streets, as well as fighting teams from all sides struggling to march and identify targets among the crowds. The only good thing is that the sun is still hanging overhead, otherwise the police and soldiers would have to be on guard against the reapers hidden under manhole covers and among the crowd.

"The target has been found."

The agent came over with a laptop computer and showed Carter and Watson a photo from a surveillance camera at the entrance of a subway construction tunnel in Queens. The picture was densely packed with bald reapers on all fours, and the prominent figure standing among them was none other than Chad Norma, who was hung and beaten by Watson last night.

Half an hour ago, the temporarily deployed military satellite was already in place. Once Chad Noma appears on the surface, it will be difficult to escape the satellite's field of vision. In addition to him, the Blade and his gang were also captured by the agents. It's just that their situation is very bad. A picture taken by the railway surveillance system last night showed that the Blades and others were being escorted into a car by a group of armed men in black.

They eventually disappeared into the Makinos Biotech Building in Queens.

That's vampire business.

"So if I go in, will there be some random people coming out to interfere?" In the equipment room, Watson, wearing a full-coverage dark tight-fitting combat uniform, loaded weapons on his body and spoke to Carter in an imitating tone: " Like, are some people going to jump out and say, 'Stop it! Do you know how much these vampires are paying us in tribute a year?'"

Chad Norma would eventually seek revenge on his father, so Watson decided to just sit back and wait.

"No." Carter said calmly: "If it is true that vampires caused this Reaper incident as you said, then as long as there is evidence in hand, the industries left by the vampires in New York will be justified by those people. Divide it up." After speaking, Carter paused and continued.

"They didn't do this before because they didn't want to kill the goose that laid the goose to lay the egg. But the consequences of this Reaper attack are so serious that they have to find a force to take the blame."

But Mrs. Peggy then thought about it and said, "Even if there is no evidence, it doesn't matter if you kill all the vampires. These vampires have branches abroad. If they want to get back the family's property in New York, they will be killed." Force them to promise a higher price to those people. Once you get to the negotiating table, that’s what those people do best.”

"But without evidence, the vampires can't take the blame, even though I'm sure it was them." Watson frowned.

"You can always find a scapegoat." Carter's answer was meaningful.

"I understand, but I still have a question." Watson hung two temporarily silver-plated dogleg knives on his back, and picked up a long barbed stick also plated with silver. He found that he still preferred this slightly heavier weapon to various short daggers and long knives: "Of the 'those people' you mentioned, how many of them became vampires?"

There was a brief silence in the empty equipment room.

"Not everyone is like me and is willing to die in peace." Carter broke the silence: "I have been fighting against them for the rest of my life, but in the end I found that I was still in the whirlpool, and they were still strong. "

"There are even many people who fought side by side with me, but in the end they took the initiative to become one of them..."

"I'm tired."

When Carter said these words, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes drooped, and his whole person seemed to have aged several years in an instant.

The corners of Watson's mouth twitched. At this moment, he was hesitating whether to persuade Carter about the serum. But the old lady seemed to have seen through Watson's intention. She said, "It's time for you to go" and turned to walk out the door.

A few minutes later.

The heavily armed Black Hawk helicopter carried Watson into the sky in the golden sunset. Peggy Carter stood on the tarmac without saying a word, watching the silhouette of the helicopter disappearing. The afterglow of the scorching sun shone on her face, slowly dimming like a fire symbolizing life.


The helicopter shuttled between high-rise buildings, and Watson, with his feet hanging outside the cabin, looked at the scene below him. He jumped from a lot of tall buildings last night, and his symptoms of "acrophobia" have been significantly reduced.

The last ray of light on the western horizon faded away, as if the hunting moment had arrived, and ferocious-looking reapers continued to pour out of buildings, alleys, and sewer wells. The streets that had been evacuated began to be crowded with "people" again. Many police, soldiers and civilians who had no time to evacuate were thrown to the ground by the reapers.

The whole city seemed to be screaming.

And just like a standard American military movie, helicopters appeared in the sky from the northwest. Under the belly of the CH-47 transport helicopter flying behind, a Humvee military vehicle loaded with heavy machine guns was hung. The noses of several helicopters were raised high, and they came to an emergency stop at low altitude under the operation of the pilot; then the American soldiers landed with their feet on the ground under the roar of machine guns and cannons, and fierce flames broke out all over the street in an instant. .

The battle between the two sides has only officially begun now.

"We're almost there! Mr. Watson!" the German interpreter shouted in his ear. From a high altitude, Watson saw a building surrounded by reapers from afar.

That's the Makinos Biotech Building.

"You don't have to get close! Fly higher and put me on top of the taller building next to me!"

After a moment, Watson stood on the edge of the roof, watching the helicopter disappearing, and then turned his attention back to the target not far away. Take a few steps back, take a deep breath, and start sprinting forward!

Then he stopped.

"You can do it, Watson, don't be a coward like last night. You really have the black light virus, it can glide, you have to believe in yourself." Watson stepped back and took deep breaths, saying to himself: "What are you still hesitating about? Can't you just jump down? Anyway, you shouldn't fall to death. The black light virus can't fall to death... right..."

After a run-up, Watson fell into the air just like Rino did when he first learned to fly in the virtual world in "The Matrix 1". But unlike Neo, he succeeded the first time.

Flying across the night sky like a wingsuit, he was as free as the wind at this moment.

Then he went too fast, smashed the glass window on the upper floor of the building, and rolled in.

Everything in the game is fake! When you hit a wall, you can push off the wall at a 90° angle and run away! Watson stood up and patted the broken glass on his body, not forgetting to complain that the production team of "Prototype" had no money to make a model of the interior space of the building. He originally wanted to land on the roof of the building, but because of his lack of skill, he ended up in a place that looked like an executive's office.

Watson imitated the sneaky agents in the movies and gently opened the door.

Then I saw a row of armed guards standing ready.

Stealth failed.

It’s also fake in the movie. Watson rushed to the half-wall bunker in front of the door with the bullet in his hand, threw out a flash bomb, then picked up the M240 general-purpose machine gun and set it up on the wall to start pouring firepower. In just ten seconds, the armed guard in front of him was lying on the ground. Watson stepped forward and slashed several of them with a silver-plated dogleg knife, but found that the wounds showed no reaction.

These guards are human.

Not seeing the scene in the movie where a vampire would burn when it encounters silver, Watson put away the knife and ran towards the roof of the building. Even after systematic training, ordinary people's skills are still unable to compete with Watson. After eliminating several groups of guards, Watson gradually approached the top floor of the building.


In the room on the top floor of the building, the vampire Nissa was having a stalemate with her father El. Just now, Archduke El personally admitted that Chad Norma was Nissa's biological brother, and that he became that terrifying appearance precisely because of his experiments. What makes Nisha even more chilling is that this behavior, according to her father, has become the sacrifice required for a prosperous race.

And he is the price he can sacrifice for.

"All my companions died last night! Even if I die there, is that acceptable to you? Father?" Nisha suppressed her roar, and two lines of tears fell from her eyes. She couldn't believe that her father would do such a thing and say such words.

"I don't need you to sacrifice now!"

El, who is several hundred years old, wears a black robe with gold threads. The surface of his bald head is light blue skin and black blood vessels. He looks almost the same as Chad Norma except that his chin doesn't crack. What he said was very outrageous, but his expression was so natural.

"I need you to live now! My daughter, we have to put aside the relationship with this Reaper attack. You have to leave with me with the research materials and results..." Archduke El said, holding his daughter in his arms. Nissa's shoulders: "The blade we caught last night will also be taken away. The half-vampire who is immune to sunlight has the secret we need. As long as we crack it, we will soon be able to conquer the world again!"

Is this the only thing in your mind?

Does everything I hold dear mean nothing to you?

Nissa wanted to ask this question, but looking at Archduke El’s passionate and cold eyes, she finally said nothing. Although the vampire's body had no warmth, the bone-chilling coldness spreading from the depths of her heart was frantically devouring her will. Nisha only felt that her previous ideals, battles, and missions were all so absurd and ridiculous.

At this time, a guard hurriedly opened the door and ran in: "King! We can't stop you, you need to evacuate!"

Bang bang bang!

After several gunshots, the guard's body went limp.

But there was no one behind him, but there was a "ding" sound, and a flash bomb was thrown in immediately.

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