The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 275 It’s great to have you here

There are currently only a few female images that the black light body can mimic. Miss Watson herself is definitely not good enough. Excluding Miranda and Madam Viper, there is only Spider-Woman Jessica Drew. As for the male image, the appearance is quite average, that is, the man in sunglasses, Albert Wesker, is a handsome uncle. Regarding the matter of debuting as a star, Watson is still reluctant to use a male image. He only uses it to confuse the enemy during combat or infiltration missions.

Although Hydra has forces distributed all over the world, in terms of scale, it is of course concentrated in North America and Europe. The former was due to the successful infiltration of the Federation and SHIELD back then, while the latter was more influenced by history - after all, Europe was the place where two world wars broke out. The conflicts were long-term and complex, and many people who rose to the top of Hydra's power were born. leader.

...Or would it be more appropriate to call it "Snake Head"?

For example, Baron Wolfgang von Strucker was born into a German aristocracy.

At this stage, Watson cannot directly kill Baron Strucker and seize power as Lady Viper. First, the latter has many bases and their whereabouts are unpredictable, and rash actions can easily run into heavy defenses; second, although Ophelia Sarkistan is a mercenary, except for the ability to use poison, her own combat effectiveness is still average. human category. Killing Baron Strucker alone like this is completely inconsistent with the basic vicious image of Lady Viper, and will definitely arouse the suspicion of other leaders.

But if you really want to go in alone...

It's still the same concern, not exposing too much of the black light body's ability to the outside world.

On the other hand, the ending of Mrs. Viper has already proved that in an organization like Hydra, seizing power is definitely not successful by simply killing people. Although the other Hydra leaders acknowledge the competition, there is a high probability that they will also participate in the competition when the time comes, and Watson alone cannot hold much. Baron Strucker is an ordinary human being. Even if he is swallowed, the black light body is obviously unable to mimic at present, and his plan to disguise himself is also blocked.

Lazy, so annoying.

Still have to do it step by step.

Fortunately, Spider-Woman's old Hydra boss Otto Wilmitz's hometown is also in Europe. Unfortunately, Ms. Drew has been brainwashed for a long time, and Watson did not find Otto's specific location in the memory fragments. After losing "Arachne" Jessica Drew, Otto, whose strength has been greatly damaged, can only temporarily withdraw from the top circle, but he will certainly not give in easily. Who can get to the top in Hydra, who is not interested in power? What about some cravings?

In this case, Spider-Woman's public appearance is undoubtedly a deadly bait.

It just depends on when the guy takes the bait.

As for how to start... Compared to North America, Watson doesn't have a deep understanding of European pop songs. The foreign songs he listened to most in his previous life were in English. Maybe he should consider choosing England as his starting point, which happens to be the destination of his trip. He will go to Le Havre to help Michela transport the equipment. In less than a week, he will have to go to London to attend Mrs. Carter's birthday party.


While Watson was staring at the ceiling and thinking, there was a confused murmur from the side.

Turning around to look, Miss Butterfly Knife turned over her body with half of her bare shoulders, and put her face into the pillow again. Watson gently covered her with the quilt, got up and went to the bathroom. A moment later, Spider-Woman's pretty face appeared in the makeup mirror. Under the dim warm light, the long black hair was slowly tied back, revealing the delicate mandible line.

I rarely look closely at this face.

As a comic book character, Jessica Miriam Drew has been around for nearly half a century. The origin story has been restarted many times, and there are different versions in different parallel universes. In this world, Spider-Woman did not regain normal consciousness at all before her death, and could not remember many of her past experiences. Most of them were the impression of being with Otto. In fact, according to the actual progress, Jessica has not yet become Spider-Woman. This nickname is just something Watson is used to calling.

However, compared to the Winter Soldier who was often forcibly brainwashed after returning from missions, Jessica's life was calmer. Otto always took her with him, euphemistically calling her Chun Chun's guidance, but in fact he often engaged in sexual harassment. If it weren't for Jessica's subconscious discharge of electricity to kill, this unlucky girl would have been eaten up long ago. Recalling the scene in the memory fragment, Watson felt a chill and wanted to tear Otto into pieces immediately.

Don't think about this, you are about to change state.

The woman in the mirror slowly smiled.


After spending a few days with Michela in Paris, Watson finally met the wolf mother Karena Lesproux in the Luxembourg Gardens in the 6th arrondissement of Paris. The French wife still wears the classic attire of jeans and a jacket. A pair of mid-calf boots make her long legs very graceful, and her chestnut hair is tied into a braid and placed on one side, which shows the charm of a mature woman. Judging from the overall look ...Madam, your hairstyle is very dangerous. It is exactly the same as the lonely wives who are often "savaged" in Japanese cheating stories.

But Watson quickly stopped his thoughts and shifted his gaze to a small face. It was a little girl, about three or four years old, who was being led by a wolf mother. She was looking at him curiously.

This should be her daughter, right?

"Hey! Pretty boy!"

The French wife stepped forward and put her free right hand around Watson's shoulder. Before he could speak, she gently kissed both sides of Watson's mouth. The wolf mother then hugged Michela again and kissed her twice on the face: "Hi, Bertha, I haven't seen you for half a month, and your skin has improved a lot."

"You've never been family before."

Michela was a little strange.

"I am starting to adapt to my identity as a French woman. French people do this when meeting friends, not to mention that we are not just friends." The wolf mother smiled happily. The solemnity, worry and contemplation between her eyebrows in the past have disappeared. After most of it fell, she leaned over and picked up the little girl: "Let me introduce, this is my daughter Elisa. She is 5 years old. She is shy and not very talkative. Come on! Baby, say hello!"

Elisa didn't speak, her expression was a little timid, but her eyes were still staring at Watson. Watson brought his face close to him, and the little girl stretched out her hand to touch his face. This scene made the wolf mother laugh out loud: "Hahahaha, I knew Elisa would like you. This child will like something when he sees it." He would keep staring and then not speak."

Miss Butterfly Knife took two steps forward, and Elisa burst into tears.


Michelle twitched the corner of her mouth and stepped aside.

"Come on, there is a cafe in the park, let's go there." The wolf mother took Elisa and walked ahead. The little girl kicked her legs and tried to keep up with her mother's pace. She shook her little arms and it was really hard. is very cute. Although she occasionally turned to look at Watson, after walking more than ten meters, Elisa quickly turned her attention elsewhere, trotting and stepping on the fallen leaves on the ground. The wolf mother originally wanted to chat while walking, but now she could only speed up her pace to chase her child. Viewed from the rear, the figure of the mother and daughter looked extremely warm.

The face that was turned sideways seemed to be filled with happiness.

Watson glanced at Michela, who also cast her gaze forward. Her calm face had no expression, but her blue eyes showed a little sadness, as if they were hidden under the water, with only a hint of it visible. He didn't speak, but slowly grasped the hands that were holding each other. Michela quickly turned her eyes around, and with just a flicker, there was no longer any strange color in her eyes.

"Would you like to go back to Heidelberg to visit when you have time?"

Michela was stunned when she heard such words from her boyfriend. After a moment, the surprise in the woman's eyes quickly faded away, and she leaned her head on Watson's shoulder and hugged his arm tightly. Elisa's crisp laughter became faint, covered up by the fragrance of her hair, and Watson stopped opening his mouth and slowed down slightly.

"......Nice to have you."

"You don't just have me." Watson rubbed his chin against his girlfriend's forehead: "You also have a girlfriend."

Miss Butterfly Knife couldn't help laughing: "Yes, I also have Miss Watson."

"If I tell her now that you admit this relationship, she will definitely go crazy with joy." Watson pretended to close his eyes, causing Michelle to reach out to touch his face: "Don't tell that cow, She is so noisy and talks so much, it’s like she’s on stimulants, and she annoys me to death every time she comes out.”

"Hey! You two!"

The voice of the wolf mother broke into the atmosphere: "We are here! Can you help me take care of the child first? I will call the receptionist. You know, Parisians like to sleep in in the afternoon."

Before she finished speaking, the French wife gently pushed Elisa over. The little girl was very obedient. She gently grabbed Watson's calf and raised her little face, but she didn't say a word. As soon as Watson saw Michelle's expression, he knew that she didn't want to get involved, so he had to find a remote location, lift Elisa onto the chair, and start playing big eyes and small eyes.

Look, just look hard.

After more than a minute passed, the wolf mother came back and was immediately amused: "What are you two doing?"

"This kid is very patient."

Watson made a tactical retreat: "She will definitely become something big in the future."

"Oh, I don't want her to do anything big. I just want Elisa to live in peace and not marry a bad guy like her mother, and end up having to go to the battlefield and risk her life to make money." Wolf Mother pulled out the chair , sat down next to his daughter: "However, I really can't stand staying in the city for a long time. A peaceful environment is not suitable for me. I still prefer the front line."

"So what happens to your daughter when you go out?"

"I have friends too."

Kalena raised the coffee cup towards Watson and Michela: "Speaking of which, I have to thank each of you. Now we are all back alive and have earned enough money. Special thanks to you, Watson, although You have been in the team for the shortest time, but if it weren’t for you, my retirement plan would have been postponed for many years... maybe it would have been shelved forever."

Watson and Michela looked at each other. Fortunately, both of them had been mentally prepared before: "So you really want to retire?"

"I already make enough money."

"But didn't you say that you can't adapt to a peaceful environment?"

"Yes, but anything can happen on the battlefield. Good luck will run out one day, and Elisa still needs me. I had considered renting a venue to hold a training camp before. This job is not dangerous. Besides, You should also have experienced that I am very good at cultivating a tacit understanding of battles among my team members, but..." Wolf Mother was silent for a while: "I'm not sure that Lannister International has given up. They are probably still tracking the wolves. Team, if this is the case, I can only choose to hide it, but fortunately I have enough money to raise my daughter."

Elisa was lying in her mother's arms, looking very quiet.

But those eyes were still looking at Watson.

"No matter what, I will arrange for everyone to get together and talk clearly about retirement." Kalena rubbed her daughter's face: "If any of you plan to continue working, I have no objection. As for you, where are you going to go next?" Play?"

"We're going to Le Havre." Watson took a sip of coffee.

"You're going to Le Havre? Oh, I forgot about it. Four Eyes is there."


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