The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 273 If it weren’t for Miss Watson, would you be where you are today?

The afternoon sun shines into the window sill, warming the skin. The woman on the bed slowly wakes up, with a pair of light purple eyes in front of her. Compared to Miss Watson's cherry pink color, Michela still likes the current pair best, which is deep, charming and sad. But whether he is happy or sad, his boyfriend never seems to show too much excitement and is always calm, even when he is fighting.

Only at some point...

"Did you sleep well?"

"If there really is an angel in this world, then he must look similar to you." Miss Butterfly Knife narrowed her eyes and buried her face in Watson's chest: "I had a beautiful dream, a very wonderful dream... ...Paris is indeed very romantic, I feel relaxed, and the scars used to be slightly painful.”

"Isn't it? Let's not see who took the initiative last night..." Before Watson could finish speaking, Michela bit his shoulder and hesitated: "It wasn't me anyway. .”

"Okay, okay, it's not you."

For the black light body, human bites are no longer a threat, and Watson is free to bite Miss Butterfly Knife at will. But if the roles were reversed, he himself would not be able to do this. Not only that, operations such as "planting strawberries" were also taboo, and it could be said that they were restricted everywhere. But it's obvious that Michela enjoys her boyfriend's state very much, and this suppressed passion makes her extremely fascinated.

A perverted woman belongs.

But what can be done? The girlfriend you found.

"So, you plan to stay in Paris until Luper comes back? I don't care anyway, it's up to you." Watson gently stroked his girlfriend's blond hair: "But I have made an agreement with Fatty Wang that this time we can use teleportation We move goods through the door, so if we take half a day to go to Le Havre, the matter can be solved quickly."

"You have so many magical friends."

"Asking someone for help always comes with a price. This time he helped me, and I have to help him next time. It's an equal exchange." Watson kissed Michela's forehead: "So? We still need it. Don’t you want to take time to go to Le Havre?”

"Let's talk tomorrow."

Michelle stretched one thigh across: "Now I'm going to eat you."

"Do you think you can do it again? Just hold on to me first." Watson twisted his waist and slipped out of the bed. The woman laughed playfully and reached out to grab her, but her weak and limp body did not obey the orders very well and could only barely keep her arms stretched out. attitude. By the time Watson got dressed, Dr. Heinzwafen fell into a drowsy state again.

"The cloak will be here to protect you."

Watson loaded the pistol and touched his girlfriend's hair: "I'm going to get some lunch. I'll be back soon."

This is a hotel located in the northwest of the 15th arrondissement of Paris. The straight-line distance from the Eiffel Tower is only a few kilometers. Unfortunately, the terrain is not very high and it is surrounded by rooftops. When Watson walked downstairs, the entire side of the street was covered with sunlight, exuding a drowsy comfort, especially the cats, lying lazily on the mailbox, only their tails occasionally wagging. one time.

Michela didn't reveal what exactly happened while having dinner with Nessa that night. It's probably that Miss Butterfly Knife didn't take too much advantage in the end. In fact, from the nickname "Little Wildcat", we can see the attitude of the vampire princess. This woman did not regard Dr. Heinzwafen as a pure love rival at all.

So what does she mean?

Before deciding to come to Paris, Watson also hesitated whether to secretly ask Nisha out to talk alone, but in the end he still didn't make a decision. When it comes to this matter, Watson no longer dares to act rashly. He is afraid of being discovered if he moves anything, just like a thief. For example, there were only a few text messages between him and Nisha, and they didn’t talk much at all, let alone make phone calls. And if the target is changed to the wolf mother Kalena, Watson will never flirt with her even if the two parties have more contact due to work reasons.

There is no doubt that his sense of morality is driving him to play the good boyfriend.

Actively avoid other women's advances.

However, yesterday's phone call with Kalena stirred up the sinful desires in his heart. Watson's feelings about this were also very clear. He knows very well that if he really wants to be a good boyfriend, the easiest way is to make his position clear. Say no to Nisha and say no to Kalena, and things will be simple, and they probably won't get into any more entanglements.

But did I say it?

I did not say.

I just choose to avoid it.

I'm still looking forward to riding on a few boats, and I'm still trying to find a way to get the best of everything. I just haven't found it yet, and I just haven't figured it out yet. But this is like walking on a single-plank bridge. If I am not careful, I will fall into the abyss, lose everything, and even not be able to keep any of them, so I must be extremely careful.

So I avoid it.

When you are so intimate with Michela and take the initiative to cater to her preferences and tendencies, don't you want her to feel more at ease? Want her to be more obsessed with me? I'm always afraid of the bad ending, even though I deserve it. I don't know what to do. Will spending a lot of money on them really work? The experience of a previous life cannot help me. Therefore, I can only take my luck and live one day at a time.

But it’s just like Nissa said.

‘No kind of love is unlimited, you’d better not let me wait until the day I don’t want to wait. Maybe when will I lose interest in you? ’

Will that day really happen? could it not be?

The anxiety in his chest could not be calmed down, so Watson had to speed up his pace and pass through the leisurely walking pedestrians. He didn't care where he was going, he just wanted to go faster, and faster. Nisha’s words were like a noose, slowly tightening; they were also like a balloon that was gradually inflating and could burst at any time, but there was no way to escape. Watson realized that if he continued to hesitate like this, something bad would happen sooner or later.

It’s all because Miss Watson always likes to come out and take up time!

Although but maybe... In this matter, Miss Watson seems to be more useful than Mr. Watson. She didn't care about her own face at all. Whenever she saw a beautiful woman, her mind would be filled with depraved and shameful evil thoughts. However, when it comes to attitudes towards members of the same sex, especially beautiful members of the same sex, the vast majority of women do not resist contact. Anyway, Michela now... said no with her mouth, but her body was very honest.

Does it count as a successful strategy?

Admit it, if it weren't for Miss Watson, would you be where you are today?

Watson's pace gradually slowed down, and he found himself near the Eiffel Tower again. The tall spire separated the bright sun, showing the unique beauty of the industrial era. A gust of cool wind blew from the side, lifting the long bangs on his forehead and gently pressing his face. The anxiety in his chest finally began to slowly lessen.

But soon, he realized that someone was watching him.

He is a middle-aged man in a suit.

And he was walking towards him quickly.

"Hello! I am Elva! Elva Vandrick, I am a talent scout, you are so beautiful! Are you interested in developing a career in the film industry?" Elva, a middle-aged man, has a story He has a slightly larger hooked nose and wears a pair of brown glasses. He speaks very fast, and his French sounds like a Gulu string: "The modeling industry is also possible. I know a few friends and they are all experienced. Would you mind getting to know each other?" For a moment? What’s your name?”

"...(French) Sorry, I'm not interested." Watson shook his head, and the long bangs fell back. He was a little annoyed. He had been immersed in thinking just now and had not bothered to control his hair. Talent scouts are somewhat similar to reporters. Once they lock in a target, they will never give up without a few brushes. This is especially true for senior talent scouts.

"Oh, I thought you were..."

Elva was stunned for a moment, his eyebrows raised higher, and his tone also rose: "I'm sorry, sir, you may not know how perfect your face is! My vision is not wrong, absolutely not You will be wrong! You are very suitable for the big screen. I know that my interruption may make you unhappy. So, please accept my business card first! If you don’t mind..."

"I'm really not interested, thank you."

Watson took the business card, turned around and left.


Without any hesitation, Elva strode forward and continued to launch his verbal offensive. He was scolding himself crazily in his mind. The most important rule for scouts is not to cause resentment, and they should use appropriate methods to express their intentions. I had always done this before, but I didn't expect that I lost my sense today. In just a few seconds when I saw that face, I subconsciously rushed over.

But I can never let this boy go!

God knows what that face is... God, I must be blessed by luck today!

"I apologize to you. I was so rude just now!" Elva's tongue was trembling. He knew that he was pressed for time. If he could not restore his image in the other party's heart, he would most likely miss the opportunity: "Your picture is perfect. Your face makes me forget about etiquette, I swear to God, I wish I could take a few minutes of your time, or maybe we find a coffee shop to sit down and chat? I promise you won’t be disappointed!”

"If you can catch me."

The beautiful boy in front of him suddenly turned around and shook the business card in his hand: "Then I can talk to you, right now!"

After saying that, he ran away.


Elva was stunned for half a second, then moved his legs as fast as he could in his life, running forward without any regard for his image. Every passerby along the way cast a surprised look, but he didn't care about anything. He filled his lungs with air and squeezed it out with all his strength to drive his body faster. But after running for almost a minute, the target still didn't close the distance with him. Then a bus passed by, and the beautiful boy in front of him disappeared.

The man gasped, staggered a few steps, and stopped on the street.

"Where are you chasing the thief? Did you lose something?"

A kind-hearted aunt came over.

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